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Thrice – Music Box Lyrics 16 years ago
we are sons and heirs of grace. We would not even be here and have a chance for enternal life if it was not for the sufficient grace of Jesus Christ. So we matter more To God obvoiusly for Him to send His one and only son to save all those who simply accept HIm. We matter so much to God that even if YOU (one person) were the only person on this earth God still would have sent his one and only son and Jesus would have still died for just your sins. WE MATTER MORE to HIm

Relient K – Be My Escape Lyrics 16 years ago
hmmm.. God or Girl can be both right? Wrong, the lyrics capatalize "You" everytime. When would you capatize the proonoun "you" in the middle of a sentence, only when you are talking of God. So I definately think this song is talking about a guy struggling with being real to his relationship with Christ. the fist line says it all... "I’ve given up on giving up slowly, I’m blending in so
You won’t even know me.." He is tired of a rollocoaster spiritual journey and being fake which results in a slow departure from God. He would rather blend in with the world then continue to fight this uphill battle of always loosing.

Matthew Thiessen and the Earthquakes – Faking My Own Suicide Lyrics 16 years ago
haha you guys make me laugh.. but all opinions are real good, but in simplest terms, this song is about a guy loving this girl but she does not love him back. She knows of these feelings for her but is too scared to love him. The guy knows simply that if she were to realize what she truly had through this relationship with him, and he were to die, she would finally know what she was missing. Unfortunaly girls suck at knowing what they have until its gone. And guys want exactly what they cannot have, ironic huh?

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