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Holly Throsby – Some Nights Are Long Lyrics 16 years ago
I think that this song is about a failed relationship, you can get by without thinking about the other person while you are busy through the day, but as soon as you slow down, usually at night, you start to think about them. the best line from it is
Nights are long
They creep up upon us
Like a storm when nothing’s in order.
To me this means that you get by through the day completely fine, not thinking about the other person, but when it gets dark the thoughts creep into your mind and you cant sleep so the night becomes a "long night" and nothing you think about makes sense because you werent intending to be thinking about it in the first place.

Holly Throsby – Waiting All Night For You To Come Home Lyrics 16 years ago
Wonderful song... very self explanatory.... but i still felt I should comment on it. Sums up the experience that it is trying to describe incredibly well, so well you think that she is describing something that you have done one upon a time yourself.

Snow Patrol – Hands Open Lyrics 17 years ago
Ok this seems to be about a troubled relationship/break up to me. I only intently listened to the song the other day so I could be way off. To me the key lines are:

"It's hard to argue when you won't stop making sense,But my tongue still misbehaves, and keeps digging my own grave". - To me this signifies he knows she is right, but keeps arguing with her anyway because he doesnt want to acknowledge what shes saying.

"Why would I sabotage the best thing that i have,
Well it makes it easier, exactly what i want". - He knows that what he is doing is sabotaging the relationship with her, this makes it easier for him because to work on fixing it would just be too hard, suggesting not an impossible problem but one that is hard to solve.

"It's not as easy as willing it all to be right. Gotta be more than hope that it's right.
I wanna hear you laugh like you really mean it
Collapse into me tired with joy" - As the relationship has been strained for some time the narrator issues a refrain, saying that to make it right it requires work, not just willing or hoping it is the case. He wants to hear her laugh like she really means it as she hasnt been happy for some time and seeing it would make him happy, as would her collapsing into his arms, out of joy not sadness.

"Put Sufjan Stevens on, and we'll play your favorite song, Chicago bursts to life AND your sweet smile remembers you, My hands open and my eyes open, I just keep hoping that your heart opens - closely linked to the above line, narrator is hoping that the song rekindles her happyness leading her "sweet smile" to "remember" her in the sense that it will come across her face after not being there for so long and that she will once again embrace him.

Thats my rather long take on it anyway :P

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