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Sufjan Stevens – The Henney Buggy Band Lyrics 17 years ago
I think it's about how when we grow up we give ourselves more rules about how we should live and enjoy ourselves, where kids just do what makes them feel good. Father John represents any authority figure trying to reign in a child's carefree attitude, but the kids are having none of it . The fact that he's a priest makes him more stern and shows that until you teach them, kids don't even answer to "god." The title could allude to the fact that the Henney Buggy Co. was known for casket-carrying vehicles. Yet, they created a marching band. So they were working on cars for the dead, but still having a good time. Then again, I could be over analyzing.

I think fursoftasfur is right. Sometimes Sufjan seems more interested in making you feel how he wants the song to make you feel instead of filling it with lyrics that literally get you there (that's not the case in "Casimir Pulaski Day").

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