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Kids in the Way – Sad And Guilty Ways Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is so beautiful.

"Time and time I find that my words will never reach you if I can't seem to meet you"

Its SO hard to devote your life to Christ once you have experienced the world.

I cant meet you, how can I follow something I cant see and touch. Its very hard to follow on faith alone, ESPECIALLY through any hard times in your life. But by falling back on this song you can find your way back again, as hard as it may seem you will ALWAYS have a place in Christ.

My Chemical Romance – Welcome To The Black Parade Lyrics 16 years ago
I dont really buy the general opinion of the song being about someone dying of cancer, it seems on a much grander scale than that? but what do i know!!....

For me its all about 9-11, it should be America's new national anthem, its crazy how much it fits.

"Sometimes i get the feeling, shes watching over me"
To me this is Lady Liberty watching over us, constantly.

"and through it all the rise and fall the bodies in the streets, we want you all to know, we'll carry on"
After everything with 9-11, Did we as a country sit around and sulk? No, we bounced back with 1000000x more pride than ever before. I think of the picture that circulated the

internet showing around 10 doorsteps lined with american flags days after the attacks.

"Take a look at me cuz i cannot care at all"
All the times he mentions how he cannot care at all, thats our way of saying NO, we will NOT sit back and let this happen, we are proud to be what we are
and we wont let it affect us negatively. Which also ties in the first few verses, how we are fighting back for all the broken, beaten and the damned.

"do or die, youll never make me, because the world will never take my heart"
"we want it all, we want to play this part"
"im not ashamed, im going to show my scar"
"give a cheer, for all the broken, listen here, because its who we are"
Again showing our attitude against it, instead of closing in as a country we fought back and brought more pride than we've had in centuries.

"And though you're broken and defeated Your weary widow marches on"
To America in general, even if you dont have a personal loved one who perished or was injured in the attack, ALL of us are the "weary widows" in this. We ALL march on.

Pretty much to any nay-sayers, this is our FU song! Proud to be what we are, and sticking by it till the end.

Even if the song was written before all of this, its all about what you personally make of it right? :) I almost cry every time i hear it.

My Chemical Romance – Welcome To The Black Parade Lyrics 17 years ago
At the end of this song, i think its "Listen here, because its who we are" instead of "
listen here, because it's only.."

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