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AJJ – People II: The Reckoning Lyrics 16 years ago
I mean...shit. Mrs. *Robinson*

My bad. :X

AJJ – People II: The Reckoning Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is absolutely amazing. It (and the Mrs. Robertson part in particular) really struck me as a general statement about the world, and the people living in it.

AJJ – Cigarettes Lyrics 16 years ago
C'mon - the meaning of this song is so obvious.

(Though whether smoking makes you cool or not depends on who you ask.)

Marilyn Manson – The Red Carpet Grave Lyrics 16 years ago
And sorry for the second post, but this is such a great song. One of my favorites off of Eat Me, Drink Me.

Definitely about an ex of some sort. In Manson's case, it's probably Dita.

Marilyn Manson – The Red Carpet Grave Lyrics 16 years ago
To come unglued means to get all emotionally unstable and crazy, so I'm guessing the line is referring to people that make you lose control of yourself.

Ozzy Osbourne – Not Going Away Lyrics 17 years ago
Only one comment? Meh. I'd like to point out that it's not "run over death," - it's "roll over dead."

To me, "Not Going Away" is sung from the point of view of somebody who's saying that he's just...not going away. The whole 'point' of the song is pretty clear, methinks. Despite the best attempts of everyone around him, he's not giving up and he's not letting them win or break him down. It can be interpreted as Ozzy's message to all his critics, but it can also be interpreted as any generic person's message to their own critics.

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