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Now, Now Every Children – Sleep Through Summer Lyrics 13 years ago
This song makes me cry sometimes.

Tegan and Sara – I Hear Noises Lyrics 13 years ago
I think this song could be about that stuff, however, I find that it may just be about her and a close friend. But, they are kind of stuck in that stage of wanting to be more than that. When she just spends the night as "friends" it can be disappointing and the whole "I hear noises in the darkness" and "I hear sadness in your voice" is symbolic of that frustration and obviously refers to hearing someone crying during the night/in their sleep. I think it is possible it could be about that. And the whole pull in, push away, i.e. confusion of where you want a relationship to be or just plain fear. This is seen with the whole "my sick guilt is so unwelcome, you're so unwelcome". Someone is caring too much, then the other person has to feel "bad" about it cause they don't want to care as much." But, then that person "drinks themselves alone". Yet, the other person, is still going to come over. Because they love them..

I don't know, maybe I'm just applying it to me. But. It could be something along those lines. That's at least what I take from it.

Paramore – 7 Years in the Making Lyrics 14 years ago
as a extremely devoted paramore fan from the beginning around '05, i find this song the most inspirational and raw. and i know/own every song they have ever made, from demos to intros. i just think this is hayley's most honest song and it is obviously about the journey the band has made and about their personal relationships with one another and the difficulty of "making it" but how that comes with losing what the real reason for the band was.

i find myself constantly nostalgic about growing up and going over what has happened in my life thus far. and hayley gets that. she feels that way too. she is writing about how the band had formed to share music and do what they loved, but along the way things changed and people got "brand new eyes". (even in BBBB where she critiques how she changed with fame and wants to go back her true self, have brand new eyes about the situation). also she knows she can't live but anyone but herself, nevertheless is saddened. the end is talking about how all the bad stuff they had to go through but how it was necessary for the band. cause in all honesty the songs are written about all the painful things in their lives, and not to comment on something i have no business commenting on. i think it is a lot of about her and josh because they are a key bond of the formation of the band. and i think they leave stuff left unsaid, cause it'd be like "digging up the dead". i know just because i've had a break up like this with my old best friend. and i just empathize completely with this song. and i know she doesn't regret anything cause it made her who she is and i feel the same way.

that's why hayley is my inspiration and i love paramore and always will.

Gossip – Standing In The Way Of Control Lyrics 14 years ago
i never knew this song was about gay rights? i always took it as about when you are under the influence of drugs/alchohol, and you are "losing who you are", "can't stop crying"... i thought it was illustrating how we are hindering the control we have over our own selves when we get f*cked up and how we live our lives anyway and continue to do drugs and have no control.
And it's hard to face the truth
When you think you're dying
It's part not giving in
And part trusting your friends

^ i thought those lines kind of talk about how people get messed up on drugs so they don't have to deal with problems and you still don't stop doing drugs and you just trust your friends who tell you to do them.

but i think i probably just associate it this too much with Skins, you know?
cause now that i analyze it again, it definitely makes sense about the gays fighting for rights.

i'm just going to say it can have a double meaning!!!!

The Graduate – Sit and Sink Lyrics 17 years ago
Although I agree with urowndisaster, the song could easily be about the opposite, it could be about regretting living life in a wreckless way. "We don't want you to get older And tell them what you would have done
If you were us" that could be interpreted as someone who got older and feels like they shouldn't have wasted as much time as they did drinking, or living on edge. "I don't think you've got the guts
I don't think you've got it in you" could be saying you don't have the will to not give in and drink or be drawn by peer pressure, so ultimately the writer is saying you have so much talent and character don't let it go to waste, with the lines "You've got so much to lose, but I don't". So the person writing is actually giving advice, even though they think as themself as someone who doesn't have much, and just deserves to drink, sit and sink, when really nobody really deserves to feel like that. Idk. Haha, but that is just my take from my own personal experience.

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