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Ani DiFranco – Way Tight Lyrics 16 years ago
whoop! got this song in manchester (THE singular most amazing gig EVER - im not sure when or if i'll recover lol!)

she's gone happy on us, and there's a real sense of happiness and contentment in this, a feeling of things being how you wanted them to be.

gorgeous :)

Ani DiFranco – Way Tight Lyrics 16 years ago
whoop! got this song in manchester (THE singular most amazing gig EVER - im not sure when or if i'll recover lol!)

she's gone happy on us, and there's a real sense of happiness and contentment in this, a feeling of things being how you wanted them to be.

gorgeous :)

Ani DiFranco – Welcome To: Lyrics 17 years ago
Christmas alone in student halls..... to a tea.

But hey, at least that way you don't have to play along with all that visiting-family-no-personal-space, lighten-up-it's-Christmas, goodwill CRAP.

It's lonely, but at least you're not stifled. (Yes, I am actually Ebenezer Scrooge haha)

Ani DiFranco – Superhero Lyrics 17 years ago
Again - live through it, and suddenly it makes sense in a whole new way.

To me, this is about the fact that by locking away your ability to be emotionally attatched to somebody - ANYBODY - or more you care, but in a detatched, they-can't-hurt-me kind of way... you're untouchable, nobody can hurt you - how can they, when there's not enough grip for them to do anything to you... it's a sort of addictive sense of invincibility... And then, out of the blue, someone comes along and somehow gets through all your walls and your defences, and you're stripped down, defenceless, and no matter how much you love this person, no matter how much you care, you can't help but rail against it and almost hate them for doing this to you and leaving you so vulnerable - "Tell me what did you like about me? And don't say my strength and daring..."

This song completely blew me away when I first heard it, it was the first DiFranco song I'd ever heard.... it's just 4 minutes of raw, untempered emotion... WOW!!

Ani DiFranco – Outta Me, Onto You Lyrics 17 years ago
I understand this song way too well lol! It's about locking away your emotions - being "easy" is just that, an EASY way... the other person is never anything more than a physical accommodation, and you can be physically close while protecting yourself emotionally.... and then SOMEBODY comes along and starts - completely by accident - pushing all those emotional buttons you thought you'd hidden away, and before you know it, you've fallen for them at the same time as reaching breaking point because they make you feel so vulnerable...

"i'm gonna miss you when you're gone
i'm gonna be torn
just remember that i love you
just remember you were warned"

Story of my life *sigh*

Ani DiFranco – Grey Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is so incredibly hard for me to listen to.... like most Ani tracks, it's great.... then you live through it, and BAM, suddenly it makes all waaaay too much sense... To me, it's about having what could be, and honestly is, an amazing r/ship, and yet questioning whether you actually care about the other person involved... you just feel, well, *grey*.... you know deep down that you love them.... you think..... but you don't KNOW for sure, and so you end up questioning and doubting and stopping yourself from just being able to accept it and enjoy it, instead of analysing all the time, womdering what kind of paradise you're really looking for... Just like Ani - beautiful, painful, and truthful in every word.

Ani DiFranco – As Is Lyrics 17 years ago
Unfortunately, I think I could be put on the receiving end of this song :(......

It's about somebody who is a friend, or a lover, but they don't really KNOW how they feel... more likely a lover, in uncharted waters maybe.... The one giving the message knew they had issues, knew they were fickle and flighty, but accepted them as they are, and kind of wishes they could accept themselves and what they are feeling instead of always either questioning it or lying to make up for what they feel is an inadequacy, to the point where they're no longer the person they were.... it's all about taking life as it hits you, the good and the bad, and just enjoying the ride, that r/ship included........ or at least, that's what I think - feel free to disagree lol

Ani DiFranco – Half-Assed Lyrics 17 years ago
Just one question - HOW are there only 2 comments on this song???

Definitely a track for anyone who's ever felt stifled by expectations and the social boxes that everyone (loved ones included) put you in, so that you can never really be yourself, and in the end you just want out, want to "weld myself a mental shield... put down all the pressures and feel how I really feel"


Ani DiFranco – Glass House Lyrics 17 years ago
I'm not sure if I'm wrong here, but could the glass-house be a sort of metaphor for the mind? It just seems like Ani's hiding inside her head, which, when people start pounding on your emotional barriers, can be like chucking stones at a pane of glass... She could be protecting herself from what's going on in her life at that time, and the "ghost" is somebody involved at the time - friend/ lover/ parent/ public opinion even? For now she's staying in the relative safety of her mental walls, even though it is "glass" - implying people know she's holding back... i dunno, just a thought.

Ani DiFranco – Face Up and Sing Lyrics 17 years ago
All I could think of when I heard this song the first time was "HELL YES!" From verse 1, the proverbial white-van types that give a nice place like this in a nasty girl like me (sorry :P) hell every time we go anywhere without a guy, and for whom we are just a piece of ass.... verse 2 and the people that REALLY bug me - the ones that complain til the cows come home about something but never DO anything (God only knows I've got experience of that one).... right through to verse 3 & 4, where it seems like she's fed up of constantly being the (only) one fighting for what should be, and doing the right thing, and just wants some fun, without having it brought up.....

That's what I think anyway... great to turn up when you're peeved with the passive masses :)

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