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Gnarls Barkley – Necromancer Lyrics 17 years ago
I interpreted this song as Gnarls expressing his views on woman today. Many obsessed about image and ego are effectively 'braindead' and when he takes a young girl home, he feels as if he is having sex with a dead person.

From what I have observed in Gnarls' music is that he is always singing about deeper issues, and there are many different perceptions of his songs, but there is also a level of truth to his music.

In another song, "Its deep that you can be so shallow" -Who Cares.

These songs are linked in a way.

Gnarls Barkley – The Boogie Monster Lyrics 17 years ago
This song isnt about his penis, this song is about his Racial spiritual agony that haunts him at night.

A fabricated monster that is "already dead." He cannot kill it. This monster is his own fears of life, it's his Ego repulsed by itself.

At night is when Gnarls experienced his fears the most. "It waits till the midnight hour to come, to torture me for the wrong I done". - This may suggest that Gnarls effectively feels guilty and fear for his history.

This fear has fabricated into an "Evil Spirit" in Gnarl's mind.

But soon he realizes that there is no "evil spirit" and the whole time he has been torturing himself for the wrong he'd done.

"I used to wonder why it looked familiar until I realized it was a mirror"

"Good, good head, ha ha ha ha" refers to his comfort in his woman at night.

Comfort from ladys is a theme brought up many times in Gnarls various songs.

Gnarls Barkley – Storm Coming Lyrics 17 years ago
This song describes the spiritual depth that Humanity is going to face. This "Storm" is a literal term, meaning - Humanity is going to face various obsticles in the near future.

Gnarls Barkley refers to himself as the "Sun that shines shortly after".
This 'sun' is a realization, a message that Gnarls is trying to put forward to his audience.

The "Stormy weather... if i werent we'd never huddle together" This is lifes pain that brings people together. Duality of life, and both sides are to be loved.

This song is a struggle of Gnarls trying to express a deep message in his music, a realization about Humanity and how we live our lives.

"All that is left is to try my love" refers to Jesus Christ and the message he tried to spread.

"Don't ask why... Just live, and... Die."

It is an observational piece that isnt exactly the most positively composed artwork. But this is Gnarls Barkley , and in my opinion one of his best written songs.

Infact the entire album is based on spiritual observations, nearly all the songs refer to me in a spiritual context in one way or another.

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