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MGMT – Time to Pretend Lyrics 16 years ago
Same article:
"Goldwasser says the song's humour has been lost on some."

But I suppose those people who identify with the "This is our decision to live fast and die young/ We've got the vision, now let's have some fun" aspect of the song only kind of prove it's point. =)

MGMT – Time to Pretend Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is SATIRE. And I think many of you are missing a very important dynamic to the lyrics.

The song's writer writes from the prospective of somebody that wants to "make it" in the music business, expressing the often-perceived, glamorous lifestyle that would go along with that success: beautiful women, elegant cars, less responsibility, etc.

Still, the song does not glamorize this lifestyle. The objects are meaningless. The relationships are meaningless and easily replaced. The speaker will inevitably die young because of his fast-paced life.

In the third stanza the speaker counters this by describing all the simple, happy things about his former life which he will miss. Still, the speaker feels that there's "nothing he can do." He has been culturally conditioned by popular culture to admire this fast-paced, posh lifestyle. And he is fated to pretend that it ACTUALLY makes him happy.

This song thus mock this lifestyle and all of the people who wish for similar lives. The majority of these people are only pretending that such things (material objects, shallow relationships, drugs, etc) can make them happy. In stead they should realize how blessed they already are.

TV on the Radio – Wolf Like Me Lyrics 16 years ago
About sex? Certainly. To me it's about corruption, also, though. As if (they think) there's a romantic edge to the activity, but instead it's simply just sex--simple and animalistic.

The speaker is the wolf. He, too, might feel there's a romance to the sex. But he's still the dominant party. He's the corrupter.

Thematically it reminds me of Bloc Party's "Banquet"

This is a great song, though.

Modest Mouse – Doin' the Cockroach Lyrics 16 years ago
In Franz Kafka's The Metamorphisis, the main character wakes up in his bed to find that he has become a giant roach, thus visually reflecting the meaninglessness of his life by being a meaningless animal. The man had previously led a stupid existence which centered almost entirely on his work. In fact, his first concern as a roach is that he is going to miss his morning train.

Arcade Fire – No Cars Go Lyrics 17 years ago
Very cool. Much thanks.

Bright Eyes – At the Bottom of Everything Lyrics 17 years ago
I love the story.

Basically: life is full of trials. Running. Plunging. Denying that "we have a soul"--etc. etc.

And the real beauty comes with death.
Simple enough?

Strange that this was the first song I listened to after watching "The Fountain"

Arcade Fire – No Cars Go Lyrics 17 years ago
by the way:

the "I don't want any pushing, and I don't want any shoving. We're gonna do this in an orderly manner" part, is that actually in any recorded version?

It's certainly nowhere to be found on my Neon Bible copy (or the booklet). . .

Arcade Fire – No Cars Go Lyrics 17 years ago
I was going to post at length about this song, but ee33ee hit the nail on the head.

This song is so incredible.

Modest Mouse – Parting of the Sensory Lyrics 17 years ago
Jotun, this song does indeed seem nihilistic, dramatizing some sort of beef with God (reminiscent of Bukowski?)

And i'd likewise imagine that it's god that "Who the hell made you the boss?" is directed to. And, if not that, perhaps just a personification of luck/fate/whatever, and how cruel it can be.

We can try and try to create life as we want it, but we still often just succumb to shit luck ("We placed our chips in all the right spots but still lost"), and there's nothing we can do about that ("aw fuck it, i guess i lost").

Then, Issac pokes fun at the people who try to find comfort in this unfair world. Many would say that when they die, their atoms are recycled back into the planet, allowing for new things to live. And this song says that THAT'S bullshit, as the carbon BELONGS to you, and something is instead stealing it.

This album reminds me of I Heart Huckabees, for some reason.

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