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LCD Soundsystem – Someone Great Lyrics 17 years ago
I agree with TheSoundOfCarpet that this song is about a previous love. For me, it describes a situation where he is currently married, with a busy, successful life, but that still on some days he thinks of a previous love with sadness, and wishes that he could talk with her again, but, of course, that's just not possible. Even though years have passed, he still remembers the moment of the breakup as if it just happened. He's probably talked with his wife about this previous relationship, so much so that she thinks this person is larger than life, but she's just a person after all. "And it keeps coming till the day it stops," to me means that even though you've moved on in your life, you can still be brought low by thoughts of a previous love. And maybe you never truly get over some things... What an incredible look at an inner life that I'm sure many of us have experienced.

The National – Guest Room Lyrics 17 years ago
Seems like a story as old as time of two old lovers getting in touch and feeling a spark again while they are currently married to (or in a significant relationship with) other people. It's not clear to me whether they are actually having an affair or if it's just something that they fantasize about. As you get older, it's hard sometimes not to think about past loves, and want to get back with them just to feel young again.

The National – Green Gloves Lyrics 17 years ago
A wonderful song. I see the green gloves as those latex gloves that a CSI would wear while investigating a crime scene or that a forensic pathologist would wear while doing an autopsy. They symbolize wanting to really really get to know a person on a deep level.

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