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Metric – Black Sheep Lyrics 14 years ago
her vocals are such a change of pace- i found myself liking it a lot more than the original version haha awkward...

scott pilgrim ftw.

Metric – Black Sheep Lyrics 14 years ago
I'm pretty sure the line is:

"You crack the whip, shape-shift, and trick the past again"

Arctic Monkeys – Balaclava Lyrics 16 years ago
i have to agree its about a whole fantasy thing... he could either be the hero or the villian... and i think it might be a rape fantasy too... cause she knows its "wrong, wrong, wrong" but she still wants it really bad cause it gets her going... and the last verse is kinda upbeat cause the whole rape thing is over and she wants to know who he is but he is going to stick the rape fantasy thing out until the end when he leaves

Better Than Ezra – Desperately Wanting Lyrics 16 years ago
i think i am going to have to support the frat interpretation... how about "turning out your lights" as in reference to the line about getting kicked in the face? like physically knocking the pledges around...

and in specific reference to one poster who said "and thats just sick and overly sadistic to put a pledgling through perminant physical dammage like that, (mental damage i can deal with.) So i cant really buy the frat story." well.... just cause you cant wrap your mind around it doesn't mean it isnt happening... come live in the real world for a change

Third Eye Blind – Losing a Whole Year Lyrics 16 years ago
ok I just HAD to reference this one line that everyone keeps misinterpreting and it is driving me crazy...

for the few lines that go "now were stuck with the tube, a sink full of dishes and some aqua lube", it does NOT have anything to do with some sort of sex lube that everyone keeps referencing... im 99.99% sure that they are saying that the angry couple is left with just watching tv as all they do together "stuck with the tube" and not a dildo as someone said earlier... and as for the next line referring to "a sink full of dishes and some aqua lube" 3EB is referring simply to the chores of washing dishes (the relationship is just a bunch of petty details and fights)((possibly over who should do the dishes)) and aqua lube is not meant to have anything to do with sex... its simply a detergent (possibly actually real?) that is used to WASH THE DISHES, NOT SOMETHING TO USE IN SEX... man i just had to get that out

but overall the song has sex as a primary issue in the song but its not ALL that its about, its just describing one of those typical not-openly problematic couple that might look fine on the surface but is totally falling apart beneath and the guy in the relationship is saying "well this drama is a bore" (of being with you and pretending its alright despite our petty fights) "and i dont want to play no more" (he doesnt want to continue play acting like everything is fine so he is done with the girl) ((and probably for the better))

Primitive Radio Gods – Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand Lyrics 16 years ago
only a few people have touched on the aspect of the lion v zebra at the end of the song... these few lines, I believe, are sorely overlooked... The relationship between swimming like a lion through the crest is the key factor to understanding the song. I think the song has got to be saying that we dont have much control, and we just take everything in stride even though we think we have control. So when we crest we feel like a lion and take the powerful role of being on top. Then the song says bathe yourself in zebra flesh meaning as you get to the bottom of the wave, before raising back up to drop once more, you hide yourself... much like how zebras blend in with one another to survive... although we like to be that predator as the lion, at the same time when we reach out low we take on the camoflauge of the majority... all in all i think the song is trying to make this point about the human condition

Arctic Monkeys – Brianstorm Lyrics 17 years ago
has anyone not been able to stop singing that one line where they go "Bet theres hundreds of blokes that have wept cause you'v stolen theirrr.... THUNDER!" after they saw that music video?i love how they kick it into a solo drum marching-like beat and then to get out of it they have the THUNDER part... whenever i hear it i think of a lightning strike like in the video...

and i never noticed it was BRIANstorm... thats so legit... woo sarcasm and arctic monkeys!

Third Eye Blind – Faster Lyrics 17 years ago
doesnt it go:

I was hoping you would be waiting there for me lately,
but your not the kind who would be waiting,
there for anybody,
your not the kind who would be waiting there for anybody, not even me

Third Eye Blind – Faster Lyrics 17 years ago
i think i have a combination of all of the previously mentioned meanings. It is clear that she is using the guy who this song is written about. I also think i originally misinterpreted all of the lines that say "i want to get off one time...ect." Maybe it means not only to get off as we all know it but to get off of her after having sex. Now here is the kicker... the guy in the song realizes she is obsessed with whoever is on this poster above her bed but he is too passive and lacks self esteem to really tell her he has got a problem with it. He does not think he is good enough for her which is why he says "get off one time and not apologize" (for not being as good as the guy you want) or "get off one time and look you in the eyes" (same reasoning, he can not meet her eyes because he is embarrassed that this poster gets his girlfriend more hot than he does). When he says "you got to steal the time of a life thats passing by" he is sarcastic and saying "why waste my time acting this way when i really care about you?" or "you just have to waste my time with this poor behavior". This song is about how the guy is finally getting some self confidence and telling her he is fed up and shocked with her behavior and actions. The beginning of the song recounts her walking away from him for the last time and then it shoots to flashbacks of when they were together. It ends with the words "not for sale" which is his final sum of his feelings and thoughts toward this girl he loved.

This song is epic.

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