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Deltron 3030 – Deltron 3030 Lyrics 14 years ago
ayeone and numinus are both idiots... the rest of you, I agree with on some or most levels and am really pleased to see some intelligent posts one here. Del is the man and 3030 is his finest work in my opinion. Dan the automator and Kid Koala kill every beat on this albumn and of course Del delivers like no one else can. The concept album being a story formatted description of life in the year 3030, with social critiques of the problems that will be happening then which are only a mirror or a projection of what social problems we are seeing today. I think the Star Wars reference is a little to direct and since we do know Del and know that he is an avid comic book reader, that a lot of his nerdy material deviates from that and video games more so than the popular default of Star Wars. Anyway, I definitely agree with damn near everything that has been written though and am glad that Del fans are feelin it in the right ways. Del is the shit and I hope he never stops. I hope I die before he does... that might be going a little far but you get the point.

P.O.D. – Alive Lyrics 16 years ago
thank you igky... I appreciate it. I will say this to you though, as previously noted, I have many issues with religion myself... so your problems with Christianity are more than likely a reflection of my own, but what you need to understand is that there is a God out there man. Whether you want to call Him the God of Abraham, the God of the Bible, the God of the Jews, or perhaps any number of different Gods from the Eastern and/or Southern Hemispheres... who am I but a hypocrite to call you wrong? I cannot claim to be any more correct than the next guy, but what I will claim boldly beyond a shadow of a doubt is that He/She/It exists and is very real. I believe that our universe was created, or at least set in motion by God and that He knows every aspect of your life and that if you earnestly seek [Him] out, you will find Him... you might not even know it. But He knows your heart and your life's desire, and if you desire to know God and search as earnestly as you can... I have found no reason why He should reject you... a prayer that I often find myself praying is something like, "God, I know you're there, maybe I can't see you, or prove that you're there, but I know you're there and I know you care about me. I am humbled by your unspeakable power, glory and majesty. Please reveal yourself to me and give me a greater understanding of who you are and what you would have me do. Give me your wisdom, I am so confused with all of these conflicting world-views so please just strip yourself down and reveal yourself to me, as I will be transparent to you. Thank you God for EVERYTHING and for the life you have given to me." That being said, I realize that my view is just another one in a vast ocean of them which combine to reveal the confusion and conflict of this world and this is my humble attempt to be as honest with my beliefs as I can be while simultaneously attempting to hold on to my own sanity. My views are constantly morphing and molding so maybe I'll read this in the future and think of myself as a naive lost sad little man, but my point is, my bottom line, is that whatever you come to... I would encourage you to vaya con Dios (go with God). How you come to that is what you're gonna have to figure out. It is my opinion that God is not found suddenly in one experience, but is something we are always striving to uncover the beauty of, it becomes a journey and is a large part of what we call our lives.

P.O.D. – Alive Lyrics 17 years ago
Also, Blue Penguin is a Fucking Idiot too. Just cause they have a faith and belief in God, doesn't make the fundamentalists at all. I fucking can't stand people who hear one thing about God out of someones mouth and go nuts with judgment about how stupid that person is. I'm a Christian who believes in God and if you want fundamentalism, listen to what the Christian labels are putting out. Those worship and praise groups you might be able to label as fundamentalists but even then, to be that dedicated and show your love and passion for anything and know people will hate you for it and not give a shit.... can't we learn from that? And just cause they've found a love, does that automatically make them closed minded? I know there are way too many closed minded Christians in this country and can't stand going to church sometimes because of some belief differences I have with not only the church, but maybe unique to myself in general. I understand what your saying and who you're talking about, but let me tell you, POD is one of my favorite bands and I know more lyrics of theirs than almost anyone and have watched more interviews and read more articles and on and on. They are not one of your "Fundamental Zealots". Oh and by the way Tool is one of my favorite bands too so don't give me some closed minded bull shit response. I'm just as open as the next guy including you. Why not respect them for having some reason to live while you just keep wondering lost as a damn sheep on the bottom of the ocean. I'm right there with you wondering too, but at least i've got something to hold on to.

P.O.D. – Alive Lyrics 17 years ago
All i know, I could go on and on about the meaning of any P.O.D. song, but what KT posted on 02-23-2002 pisses me off to no extent. She'll probably never read this post which pisses me off too, but KT is a prime example of what I like to call a musical IDIOT!!! By definition. If you listen to music just to hear something you like hit your ears, thats great and obviously is why we're attracted to the music we love. But when you don't go deeper than that... you're an idiot. Please, turn on the radio to your favorite pop station, probably called Starr FM, and never listen to good music again cause you don't deserve it. It is not my desire to keep you this way though. Untill you sit yourself down and have some deep reflection time and decide to not be an idiot, that is what i want you to do, but if you decide to try and listen to the meaning of music and look for actual talent rather than what the music industry throws at you, please come back and listen to more good music. I wish everyone would get over this monster that is pop culture and listen to quality music. Weather it be P.O.D., Blindside, Tool, Rage Against the Machine, Chili Peppers, or maybe you like jazz or classical, that's great too, just don't listen to Pop and don't listen just to listen. There are times for that, just havin a good time or relaxing or what have you, but you also need to learn how to take from music and learn. Open your mind and expand your horizons. I hate Pop and I hate the music industry in general. Bands like Panic! at the Disco, Blue October, Hinder, Nickleback... I could go on and on, I just can't stand. Their all a bunch of cookie cutters and have no original shape at all.

P.O.D. – Lie Down Lyrics 17 years ago
First of all, this is one of P.O.D's best songs (almost all of which come from Fundamental Elements). Sonny's style on this song is extremely unique and really unlike anyone i've heard. Freak, i don't know why no one's showin you love homie. I do believe in God and no that P.O.D believes to, which is why people are always postin God related stuff, but that you or anyone else interprets it any different way is one of the many beauties of music. It's open to translation. Take the meaning that makes most sense to you and makes you feel good. However, on the other side, another beauty of music is to take the interpretation that makes you question things and makes you ask yourself the big questions, makes you a little uncomfortable. Consider possibilities. Loose yourself in thought. That's why I love Tool so much cause even though they hate religion (which is separate from God himself), and have some extreme and open ended world views, they make me think more than any other band. If you don't listen to Tool, it's cause you don't get it. Try though. Listen to the words of any music you listen to, listen to the music. let it take you away to places you've never been. Back to P.O.D. though, my favorite all time band because they carry a swagger that i've seen in no one else (except maybe in rap). They no what they stand for and don't give a shit what you think. I'm sure some of the things i take from this song they wanted to get across to people, but at the same time, their take could be totally different than mine. That's why music is beautiful. I also love P.O.D. cause their reaching across musical and religious boundaries that have been set. I love this song.

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