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AJJ – Dog (Feat. Simone White) Lyrics 7 years ago
When I posted this, the song ended before the "you are my sunshine" part. They added that part for the Rompilation version, and it features Kepi Ghoulie, not Simone White. I don't know if they should be considered two separate songs but just in case anyone comes in here wondering why the wrong person is credited, it's because they just edited the version already here to correspond with the Rompilation lyrics. However, this song existed before Rompilation and I urge you to find it because Simone White has a very pretty voice :)

AJJ – David J Is a Sickness Lyrics 9 years ago
@[inrandomtandem:2990] he said to random internet strangers, not knowing or caring what his opinion might possibly accomplish. later that day, he was struck by several buses consecutively. his only friend, the irony-loving asshole, comprised his eulogy entirely of lyrics from this song. everyone in attendance laughed, comforted by the fact that the world was now a slightly more positive place.

Amanda Palmer – The Bed Song Lyrics 11 years ago
oh, jeez, 2009 - i'm dumb and should have looked at the dates before i posted. anyway, i submitted the new lyrics for review - i don't mean to step on any toes or anything, i just think a lot more people will be coming here looking for the lyrics to the album version.

Amanda Palmer – The Bed Song Lyrics 11 years ago
the version i have goes: "singing van halen and slayer" - not sure if this song has been around for a while and she changed the lyrics for the official release or what, but there is definitely a version where she sings that.

also, i always thought she was saying "someone upstairs has a RAT that we laughed at" - like, they could hear it skittering across the floor? and i also thought she was saying "ukulele tear" instead of dare... yeah, sorry to post nothing but corrections. this song is beautiful. the deterioration of a relationship, scene by scene. not sure why she calls them "exhibits" though, as if it were a trial.

AJJ – Candle In the Wind (Ben's Song) Lyrics 12 years ago

AJJ – This Is Why I'm Hot Lyrics 12 years ago
well it was a download available for a short time on their site (or maybe it's still there i dunno) and when you downloaded it, it saved as "snackler.mp3" - however, when you play it in your media player, the title comes up as "this is why i'm hot." so yeah, not sure what the significance of "snackler" is, if anything, but it could be the name of the song i guess.

AJJ – White Face, Black Eyes Lyrics 12 years ago

sorry for yelling, just happy :DDD

AJJ – Big Bird Lyrics 12 years ago
fuck, thank you husk. that line was bothering the hell out of me.

AJJ – White Face, Black Eyes Lyrics 14 years ago
well no i get the gist of the song, i was just curious who the specific subjects were. the "father came from across the sea" part throws me off because it seems to make it about a very specific thing. i actually sent sean an email asking him about it, if he responds i'll post it here.

AJJ – People II: The Reckoning Lyrics 14 years ago
you have no idea what folk punkers use.

it's likely that it's an actual accordian, yes, but making definitive statements like that about vast groups of people is never a good decision.

Against Me! – I Was a Teenage Anarchist Lyrics 14 years ago
i am in my mid twenties, actually, and i completely understand the point of view that this song was written from. everyone can think back to their younger, more idealistic days. however, not everyone writes songs about it. against me has taken more flak than any other recent band that i can recall about "selling out" and compromising their ideals, and i think it's absurd to think that tom wasn't thinking about that when he wrote this song. my comment was really more flippant than anything, of course it's "about" more than just an apology, but i sincerely doubt he wrote it simply because he found himself gripped in nostalgia one evening.

Against Me! – We're Breaking Up Lyrics 14 years ago
yeah, i did consider the possibility that it wasn't about a relationship, because tom's lyrics are usually so good that i thought there had to be another level to the song. and there still might be, i don't actually know, but one verse in particular gives me the impression that it's about a person:

"We used to like all the same bands
We used to have all the same friends
What do we have left in common
Just shared memories of good times"

it's certainly not irrefutable evidence, but i just don't see how anything but a human being could like the same bands and have the same friends as someone else. i dunno, maybe it's just steeped in metaphor. i hope so, in any event.

Local H – "Cha!" Said the Kitty Lyrics 14 years ago
i think the lyric is "reaching for the bull reins, settle for the chump change..." rather than "phone ring."

Local H – Hand To Mouth Lyrics 14 years ago
yeah, it's a fairly depressing conclusion. i mean, i suppose you could say that it's "inspirational" because the narrator seems to be finally escaping the situation by focusing on himself, but i don't think it's meant to be interpreted that way. sad end to a sad story.

Against Me! – Ache With Me Lyrics 14 years ago
i think it's a mistake to dismiss all criticism of new against me as pure trendiness. there are legitimate reasons behind the backlash. yes, it's their prerogative to take their music in any direction they wish, but the new stuff seems very boring and overproduced to me, for the most part. it's almost impossible to say something like "this isn't punk!" with a straight face since that argument is used improperly approximately 103% of the time, but in this case, i think it actually applies - it's disingenuous to call this a punk album. it's a rock album. there's nothing inherently wrong with that, of course, but it's disappointing (at least, to me) to watch what was once one of my favorite bands go in this direction.

Against Me! – Ache With Me Lyrics 14 years ago
this IS a really pretty song. best lyrics on the album, i think.

Against Me! – White Crosses Lyrics 14 years ago
tom's internal monologue while walking down the street converted eloquently into song lyrics


Against Me! – I Was a Teenage Anarchist Lyrics 14 years ago
tom's apology/explanation to his fans

Against Me! – We're Breaking Up Lyrics 14 years ago
it seems like the token love song gets more and more boring with each new album

AJJ – Little Brother Lyrics 14 years ago
it kinda reminds me of the aristocrats

Say Anything – Death For My Birthday Lyrics 14 years ago
the end of this song kind of annoys me, because he equates "wanting to live" with "realizing he's wasted his life wishing for death." the drive to continue living is one trait that every human being shares, big or small, black or white, suicidal or peppy. your body is designed to keep you from just accepting death. even if this hypothetical guy wants to continue living at the end, that doesn't necessarily mean he's learned anything.

kind of a dumb thing to be hung up about, huh? i only think about things like this because i love the band and love the song so much that i want it to be PERFECT ARGH

AJJ – Who Are You? Lyrics 14 years ago
shit, really? i've looked at the lyric sheet for the stuff i don't understand but i never bothered looking at this song. whoops. I JUST LEARNED A LESSON IN HUMILITY YAAAY

lol i did the same thing, got the leak first and then bought the CD. did your download have "white face, black eyes"? mine didn't, and i just can't bear to leave things unfinished like that.

AJJ – Just Like Old Times Lyrics 14 years ago
ok so i guess it's a cover of a travis snider song that sean & buddies have been covering for a while. the david j. cover on youtube is really good, too.

AJJ – Just Like Old Times Lyrics 14 years ago
oh fucking rad thankyou

AJJ – This Is Why I'm Hot Lyrics 14 years ago
this song is actually probably called "snackler" but i liked the other title better

AJJ – Olde(y) Tyme(y) Lyrics 14 years ago
this is actually a really good song.

(this is actually a really good comment.)

AJJ – Love in the Time of Human Papillomavirus Lyrics 14 years ago
hMMM. that's an interesting theory, i don't know why i didn't consider that. that would change the entire tone of the song (and especially the end) to entirely different flavor of hopelessly depressing.

AJJ – Just Like Old Times Lyrics 14 years ago
what is this song? is it on an album?

Say Anything – Hate Everyone Lyrics 14 years ago
ok so i just looked at max's wikipedia entry, and this paragraph seems to clear it up:

"Max's current religious beliefs are somewhat of a mystery; Say Anything drummer Coby Linder has said that Max is now a Christian, a fact that Max confirmed in a Myspace Music interview. He later clarified in a live chat on that he doesn't like to label himself as anything specific and that he has a "new age, metaphysical view" about religion. He said he considers himself "A Jew who is also a Christian," in other words, someone who has recently delved spiritually into certain beliefs of Christianity but who remains culturally Jewish and very much attached to his Judiasm."

uh. alright, maybe "clear it up" wasn't the best choice of words, but there it is, i gues. welp.

Say Anything – Hate Everyone Lyrics 14 years ago
well yes of course it would be hypocritical of him to be jewish and believe in jesus, but i don't think the lyrics actually read that way. "i'm mired in hypocrisy/YET i'm still down with J.C." seems to imply that he's contrasting these two points against each other, kind of like saying "i'm a sinner but i still believe in jesus" a very common trait in people that inspires him to include himself in the list of people he hates.

i'm just confused because it seems he's actually made it a point to mention his jewish heritage in quite a few songs, so suddenly claiming to be "down with J.C." seems very strange and out of the blue. the song itself seems rather autobiographical, detailing a max that truly existed for a time until he got over his hatred of everyone, so just throwing this line in as a non-sequitur at the end seems unlikely. so yeah. WAH I DON'T GET IT.

oh and i think the humanist thing is just kind of a silly ending, rather than a definitive statement about himself.

Harvey Danger – This Is The Thrilling Conversation You've Been Waiting For Lyrics 14 years ago
i don't really know what to make of this song. it almost seems like a shot at people who wax intellectual but can't substantiate any of their claims upon questioning, what with the string of seemingly unrelated 4 + syllable words there (props to sean, however, on almost certainly being the first lyricist ever to find a home for "tintinnabulation" in one of his songs.) but it seems like there's more going on than just that. the essence i'm getting is almost like "don't bitch about the lack of stimulating conversation in the world if you are unable/unwilling to contribute to it" but i don't think it's particularly accurate.

AJJ – People II: The Reckoning Lyrics 14 years ago
is it really an accordian, though? or is it a button on a keyboard?

Say Anything – Hate Everyone Lyrics 14 years ago
isn't max a jew? and if so, why is he "down with j.c."?

Say Anything – Crush'd Lyrics 14 years ago
well, in the actual legend oedipus was tricked into marrying his mother, so it's not quite as bad as it sounds when you just hear the grisly details... but yeah, i like this song a lot too. max sure knows how to flatter a girl.

Say Anything – Crush'd Lyrics 14 years ago
he's saying he likes girls that are like his mom. an "oedipus complex" is generally understood to be an unhealthy obsession with ones mother.

System of a Down – Lonely Day Lyrics 14 years ago
weird song. a riff so simple that it borders bland, lyrics so stripped-down and straightforward that no one would be surprised to learn that they were written by a child... yet it still manages to capture a sort of beauty that few other system songs make any effort to find.

first of all, i think this song is one of the best examples of how important vocals are to rock music. this song would be hardly be noteworthy without the amazing harmonies of serj and daron. they've been toying with it since "deer dance" but it really comes full circle here - i'd be hard pressed to find two people whose voices fit together better than these two, at this point. you can tell daron put a lot of work into it. it must be exceedingly difficult to maintain such an unnaturally high tenor, considering his speaking voice is relatively normal. it's necessary because serj has such a unique voice that simply harmonizing with him in the same register wouldn't do the music justice - serj is a SPECTACULAR vocalist, and daron knows this, so he has to compliment this with a spectacular display of his own. GOOD SHOW, CHAPS

as for the actual meaning of the song, i must admit, i'm at a loss. when i first got into it i liked to believe the "mocking emo" argument, as i hadn't put a lot of thought into it yet but refused to believe that a man as intelligent as daron would write such drivel and intend it to be taken fully at face value. now i'm more inclined to believe it was written from the point of view of a child, as that would explain the grammatical errors and general naiveté of the message. who that child is, however, is still up for discussion. i don't think it's a standalone song, or at least meant to be interpreted as one, as the artist gives us an obvious clue by blending it together with "soldier side". i just don't see how it relates to being called away to war like the child in soldier side appears to be. i haven't seen the video yet so i think i'll watch that and see if it gives me any clues.

AJJ – Survival Song Lyrics 14 years ago
no. i'm 100% wrong. it is "withstanding". an earlier version DOES have "listening" but not the album version. my apologies.

AJJ – Cigarettes Lyrics 14 years ago
you found one compatible with a DCM-12?! hook me up!! i've just been taping a honeybee to it as an adapter, but i'm concerned that i'm going to run out of bees. or sting ointment... or drugs.

AJJ – Survival Song Lyrics 14 years ago
fairly sure we all have that version, and i think the original lyric is correct. it seems to make more sense in context.

Laura Stevenson – A Shine To It Lyrics 14 years ago
when they released the bomb/laura split jeff made a comment about this song along the lines of "it's weird to cover a song by someone you know about someone else you know and a situation you were a part of." so. uh. i guess we could ask jeff at the next btmi show if they come around before/without laura?

AJJ – Love My Children Lyrics 14 years ago
oh, i thought i changed that first line. it's "i wanna drive my broke car" i think, not "will."

AJJ – White Face, Black Eyes Lyrics 14 years ago
ok so now that the album is bought and paid for, i have just one question: what the FUCK is this song about? what/who has a white face and black eyes?? argh! MUST COMPREHEND

AJJ – Who Are You? Lyrics 14 years ago
i think the lyric is "it took 16 years for you to call, what gave you the brave to pick up at all?" it's a reference to the whole "brave as a noun" thing.

anyway. obviously about his dad. good tune.

Laura Stevenson – Beets Untitled Lyrics 14 years ago
chillingly beautiful. never stop singing in code, laura.

Bomb the Music Industry! – Gang of Four Meets the Stooges (but Boring) Lyrics 14 years ago
so. anyone know what band this is about?

AJJ – Sense, Sensibility Lyrics 14 years ago

AJJ – Love in the Time of Human Papillomavirus Lyrics 14 years ago
yeah i mean, youre right, there is certainly plenty of optimism to be found in ajj songs if you're looking hard enough. like i said, i don't think he's exactly SUICIDAL, just aware of how shitty this life can actually be and curious if death might not be a better solution after all. i dunno. maybe i'm just superimposing how *i* feel onto people i admire.

AJJ – White Face, Black Eyes Lyrics 15 years ago
ah, the song that wasn't in the download. i'm sure it's lovely.

i'm glad it's not in there, though. it inspires me to actually go out and buy the damned thing someday.

AJJ – Love in the Time of Human Papillomavirus Lyrics 15 years ago
my favorite from the new album. beautiful, disarming song. i see it as being sung to a somewhat unsatisfactory girlfriend by sean about his sense that whatever death has to offer is probably better than this. even the title seems to be conveying this, by juxtaposing the beauty and pureness of love to the stigma we've attached to the hilariously-named human papillomavirus.

one thing i should probably make clear before i do anymore songs is that i interpret sean to be, while not quite suicidal, of the opinion that being alive is probably not worth all the hassle. i have no idea if this is actually true since i've never met or spoken to him (though i'd love to) but that's the perspective i'm looking at all this from. if it's wrong, then i'm wrong. simple.

AJJ – We Didn't Come Here to Rock Lyrics 15 years ago
about people making fun of them at shows, i imagine. the one guy who's always got something negative to say, the special type of person that deep down inside actually WANTS the band to suck, because they're far better at making fun of people than anything else, including just enjoying music.

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