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Mew – Apocalypso Lyrics 16 years ago
Oh man! I just got a copy of the acoustic waltz version and it is beautiful! Amazing I highly recommend it if you can get it -- you can only download it from european itunes stores.

Mew – White Lips Kissed Lyrics 17 years ago
I think Zookeeper's Boy and White Lips Kissed are about the same girl and the same relationship (and I think our boy is Jonas; poor guy, he seems so sweet).

Background: I know that Mew recorded ATGHK in LA and I also read in an interview a while back where Jonas said that he was involved with someone but his relationship ended after he got home from LA. He also said that that WLK was not written or recorded in LA, but was added in DK after his breakup and put on the album because he needed it to be on there.

So here goes (I apologize for being so verbose but sometimes I go on and on when analyzing poetry or verse – and Mew is always really good stuff to think about) …

-The city could very well be LA, as in verse or song (or whatever); people in LA are often not thought of as humans but as cars. Also, the Santa Ana winds and the rain definitely represent LA in the fall. In the context of this song I think the Santa Anas represent a delay in the schedule and the rain and the cars represent the outside influences that keep them apart: his job, his fans, the tour, the record, her job, her pain, being apart, whatever … he obviously knows there are many obstacles that are keeping them apart AND that the absence is not good for the relationship.

-The relationships in both songs are fragile and the boy seems to be completely unsure of his status in both relationships. (the “Are you my lady?” mantra in Z and “Our love is a fickle love […] Our love is a tricky love […]) in WLK). Z came first, so I think he is telling his love that he knows she may be distrusting and he tries to assure her that his intentions are pure (“If I don’t make it back from the city it is ONLY because I am drawn away”). Also, “How dare you go cold in the rain?” means to me that he feels that she should stay by his side even though he is delayed and the “submersible” represents the boy himself – he’s drowning because he knows she’s growing more and more distant and there is nothing he can do about it. She may be asking to join him but he can’t accommodate that, “I can’t be seen with you, working half the time and looking fine” perhaps he just wants to get his job done and go home. In WLK he is asking her after the fact “Why did you not include me on your list?” Has he already been dumped? It is clear here that at the very least she does not care about his feelings and/or is not keen on seeing him.

-In both songs, the woman seems to be kind of flaky about her emotions: the zookeeper is emotionally strong, tall as a giraffe one minute but then – snap! – she’s lost it and turns around and buries her head in the sand. The woman in WLK may be a bit unstable, “worrying is the breathing that [she needs]” and “things that are s’posed to mean lots leave [her] cold and with a malady of the soul.” Both songs talk about her head being in the clouds – perhaps she is a dreamer or just doesn’t have a good grasp on reality or doesn’t realize how much he cares for her.

-In Z he is hoping the relationship will continue and he keeps pleading with her not to give up on him despite the delays (“Zookeeper hear me out; How dare you go cold in the rain?) and again, he keeps asking her if she is still his lady.

Meanwhile …

In WLK he knows it’s over and he is in a great deal of pain over it. “Wake me up only nightmares take me in, through these walls the winter bites, a draft on both sides.” Typically in verse and in dreams, a house represents one’s self, and so a winter biting through walls symbolizes to me that he himself is chilled to the bone and cannot get warm or comfortable. To me the nightmares symbolize his lack of control over the situation and that his entire being is consumed by this whole thing (ONLY nightmares take me in! Wake me up! I can’t get out of my head!). The draft symbolizes the cold reception he got from her upon returning home – he was hoping for a warm welcome but instead he was coldly shut out.

And then at the end of WLK, the depth of his feelings is revealed. “Of course you [care] there are diamond in demand, it’s a shame that as you know, the stain will not go.” “Diamonds in demand” alludes to real seriousness and depth – at least on the surface. Did he WANT to marry her or did she demand that he marry her? Not the same thing; either way, it seems that he was willing to do it because he is obviously heartbroken by the breakup. The stain represents that feeling you get about someone when you are completely “done.” You’d like to say you still care and want to be friends, but you just can’t.

So in a nutshell I think Zookeeper’s Boy is about a guy who’s away from his girlfriend and is trying to save the relationship while White Lips Kissed is about a guy who realizes that his girlfriend has moved on and he’s sick about it.

Mew – The Zookeeper's Boy Lyrics 17 years ago
I think Zookeeper's Boy and White Lips Kissed are about the same girl and the same relationship (and I think our boy is Jonas; poor guy, he seems so sweet).

Background: I know that Mew recorded ATGHK in LA and I also read in an interview a while back where Jonas said that he was involved with someone but his relationship ended after he got home from LA. He also said that that WLK was not written or recorded in LA, but was added in DK after his breakup and put on the album because he needed it to be on there.

So here goes (I apologize for being so verbose but sometimes I go on and on when analyzing poetry or verse – and Mew is always really good stuff to think about) …

-The city could very well be LA, as in verse or song (or whatever); people in LA are often not thought of as humans but as cars. Also, the Santa Ana winds and the rain definitely represent LA in the fall. In the context of this song I think the Santa Anas represent a delay in the schedule and the rain and the cars represent the outside influences that keep them apart: his job, his fans, the tour, the record, her job, her pain, being apart, whatever … he obviously knows there are many obstacles that are keeping them apart AND that the absence is not good for the relationship.

-The relationships in both songs are fragile and the boy seems to be completely unsure of his status in both relationships. (the “Are you my lady?” mantra in Z and “Our love is a fickle love […] Our love is a tricky love […]) in WLK). Z came first, so I think he is telling his love that he knows she may be distrusting and he tries to assure her that his intentions are pure (“If I don’t make it back from the city it is ONLY because I am drawn away”). Also, “How dare you go cold in the rain?” means to me that he feels that she should stay by his side even though he is delayed and the “submersible” represents the boy himself – he’s drowning because he knows she’s growing more and more distant and there is nothing he can do about it. She may be asking to join him but he can’t accommodate that, “I can’t be seen with you, working half the time and looking fine” perhaps he just wants to get his job done and go home. In WLK he is asking her after the fact “Why did you not include me on your list?” Has he already been dumped? It is clear here that at the very least she does not care about his feelings and/or is not keen on seeing him.

-In both songs, the woman seems to be kind of flaky about her emotions: the zookeeper is emotionally strong, tall as a giraffe one minute but then – snap! – she’s lost it and turns around and buries her head in the sand. The woman in WLK may be a bit unstable, “worrying is the breathing that [she needs]” and “things that are s’posed to mean lots leave [her] cold and with a malady of the soul.” Both songs talk about her head being in the clouds – perhaps she is a dreamer or just doesn’t have a good grasp on reality or doesn’t realize how much he cares for her.

-In Z he is hoping the relationship will continue and he keeps pleading with her not to give up on him despite the delays (“Zookeeper hear me out; How dare you go cold in the rain?) and again, he keeps asking her if she is still his lady.

Meanwhile …

In WLK he knows it’s over and he is in a great deal of pain over it. “Wake me up only nightmares take me in, through these walls the winter bites, a draft on both sides.” Typically in verse and in dreams, a house represents one’s self, and so a winter biting through walls symbolizes to me that he himself is chilled to the bone and cannot get warm or comfortable. To me the nightmares symbolize his lack of control over the situation and that his entire being is consumed by this whole thing (ONLY nightmares take me in! Wake me up! I can’t get out of my head!). The draft symbolizes the cold reception he got from her upon returning home – he was hoping for a warm welcome but instead he was coldly shut out.

And then at the end of WLK, the depth of his feelings is revealed. “Of course you [care] there are diamond in demand, it’s a shame that as you know, the stain will not go.” “Diamonds in demand” alludes to real seriousness and depth – at least on the surface. Did he WANT to marry her or did she demand that he marry her? Not the same thing; either way, it seems that he was willing to do it because he is obviously heartbroken by the breakup. The stain represents that feeling you get about someone when you are completely “done.” You’d like to say you still care and want to be friends, but you just can’t.

So in a nutshell I think Zookeeper’s Boy is about a guy who’s away from his girlfriend and is trying to save the relationship while White Lips Kissed is about a guy who realizes that his girlfriend has moved on and he’s sick about it.


Mika – Any Other World Lyrics 17 years ago
This struck me as more of a global song. I thought of the bitter, bitter man as Geo. W. and about having my liberties taken away. Mika is from a war-torn area and has lived a life I cannot imagine, and so I wonder if this song is about living under a dictatorship -- smile and take it because you have no choice and you don't know any better anyway because you haven't been allowed to leave and travel anywhere else, to see any other world.

Mika – Any Other World Lyrics 17 years ago
This struck me as more of a global song. I thought of the bitter, bitter man as Geo. W. and about having my liberties taken away. Mika is from a war-torn area and has lived a life I cannot imagine, and so I wonder if this song is about living under a dictatorship -- smile and take it because you have no choice and you don't know any better anyway because you haven't been allowed to leave and travel anywhere else, to see any other world.

Mew – Louise Louisa Lyrics 17 years ago
This is a beautiful song that I think has a couple of meanings and of course with Mew it could be anything. I think he loves Louisa for sure and it appears that he just died in an accident but I can't tell if she died with him or if he's watching over her. In any case, I think the song is about love transcending over to the other side and keeping watch over those you care about.

Mew – Am I Wry? No Lyrics 17 years ago
I am so happy to be going to see Mew in 3 weeks in L.A. Yay! Anyway, I read Jonas describing this song as being about loss, and so to me I think the guy here is seriously in love with a girl who doesn't feel the same way about him. He adores her, and yet she isn't at the same level in the relationship. Eventually he gives up on the idea of the "diamond ring" -- the commitment -- and lets her go even though it hurts him to do so.

Mew – Apocalypso Lyrics 17 years ago
I read an interview with Jonas (singer) who said that this song is about the fear of death and that the lyric is "care lines" and not "Caroline."

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