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Say Anything – Alive with the Glory Of Love Lyrics 17 years ago
I think its about how when you're in lve, or you think you are, it can end badly.
THe part about the holocaust at the end, I think, So he loved her, and then they had to leave each other. That pretty much sucks.

And he's all like I won't let them take you, but in the end they do have to seperate.

And then even though they were seperated, he know that he will always love her.


Say Anything – Woe Lyrics 17 years ago
I think this song is about how even though we have freedom of speech, we really don't. "All the words in my mouth/that the scene deemed unworthy of leting out"

When you say those things, people will catagorize you.

Then when you fnd somebody, most likely you can't really get anybody else, and they just stay with you for sex and some other stupid reason.

Then you just start to wish you were someone else and somewhrere else. And you just can't take the life anymore.


Say Anything – Belt Lyrics 17 years ago
Okay. So I think this song is about howeverything is all screwed up in the world, and you have to do everything by yourself, not many people will really beleive in you and you have to keep beleiving in yourself. But then you will find people who do beleive in you, and themselvvves, and you realize that there are actually good people in the world, and not everyone is trying to stop you.



The Pink Spiders – Back to the Middle Lyrics 17 years ago
it is sorta about getting high but its also talking about going back home and how he misses tennessee

The Pink Spiders – Adios Prizefighter Lyrics 17 years ago
gah! this song is amazing! ive never been able to desipher te words but now im like 'WAW!'

Play Radio Play – Even Fairy Tale Characters Would Be Jealous Lyrics 17 years ago
Actually all of you are right because yes he went to rehab, but this song is also about Madi. He says for the longest time she didnt even know this song was about her. he liked her, but she told him she would neverdate someone younger than her, but after he went to rehab they started to hang out and eventually started a realtionship

Play Radio Play – Decipher Reflections From Reality Lyrics 17 years ago
well he did drugs for a while then went to rehab and thats where he gets most ideas for his songs, that or Madi

The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus – Atrophy Lyrics 17 years ago
this is MY life

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