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Queen – I Want To Break Free Lyrics 17 years ago
I think if from a teenage point of view, its about falling in love and wanting to be free from your parents.

Queen – Get Down, Make Love Lyrics 17 years ago
'I don't think Freddie was really gay in the 70s'
Yeh, sure, he 'became' gay as soon as 1980 hit did he? Jeez. I'm not sure if he was gay or bi but a) he definitely did not 'change' and b) who gives a shit?
Pretty obvious sexual content but also frustration: 'Everytime I get high, you wanna come down' and could've been about a man or woman.

Queen – Play The Game Lyrics 17 years ago
I always think the bit: 'When you're feelin down and your resistance is low/Light another cigarrette and let yourself go' is supposed to be kind of ironic because this sounds like sitting sround doing nothing whilst the next line is saying 'DON'T play hard to get'
This is an all-time favourite of mine- I can't help singing it all the time!

Queen – One Year Of Love Lyrics 17 years ago
I think it's not just sappy and lovey-dovey: 'I'm a prisoner of love inside you' sounds pretty sexual...

Queen – I'm In Love With My Car Lyrics 17 years ago
The Rodger-locking-himself-in-a-cupboard-til-he-got-his-way is true, and Rodger made the same amount of money as Freddie from Bohemian Rhapsody because he wrote this B-side!
Anyone think Rodger sings a bit like the guy from Aerosmith? Or maybe Rod Stewart...

Queen – Innuendo Lyrics 17 years ago
I originally thought the lyrics said 'Be free with your temple' as in 'share your body', but tempo is just as interesting, it suggests being free with time, not rushing etc.
This song is one of my favourites: It seems like the 'dark' bohemian rhapsody, though people have pointed out that Bohemian Rhapsody is not completely 'sunny' but anyway... wow i'm being inarticulate... or should that be 'inar-inar-inar-inar-inar-inar-inar-inarticulate'?

Queen – These Are The Days Of Our Lives Lyrics 17 years ago
When I hear this song, I think of now as the the days of my life and one day I'll be looking back upon them. It's almost as if I'm recording flashbacks for later.

Queen – The Hitman Lyrics 17 years ago
For all the Queen songs speculated to be about aids, this one ACTUALLY is. Cool and rather scary.
'I've been to the hitman school'=I've acquired the 'hitman' virus in my opiion.

Queen – Forever Lyrics 17 years ago
The saddest Queen playlist in the world:
'The Show Must Go On'
'No-one But You'

Queen – Too Much Love Will Kill You Lyrics 17 years ago
The song is about Brian and his ; at least it is when he wrote it. The AIDS meaning is clearly one Freddie was thinking about when he sung it though: he was just about to die from it!

Queen – Ride The Wild Wind Lyrics 17 years ago
It's about being free and having fun: speeding along!

Queen – It's A Hard Life Lyrics 17 years ago
It's sad but optimistic, I love this song.
The video is hilarious 'cos Brian, Rodger and John just wanna get OUTTA THERE!
'I'll look back at myself and say I did it for love'

Queen – All God's People Lyrics 17 years ago
Or it could be anti-predjudice, against religious people's rejection of gay/bisexual people: saying that we should love everybody rather than following religious doctrine which can lead to hate

Queen – All God's People Lyrics 17 years ago
Or it could be anti-predjudice, against religious people's rejection of gay/bisexual people: saying that we should love everybody rather than following religious doctrine which can lead to hate

Elvis Costello – All Grown Up Lyrics 17 years ago
This (the chorus anyway) is how I felt when i went back to my secondary school presentation/reunion thing. It was like escaping a prison sentence then going back. To recieve certificates commending your escape.

Elvis Costello – All This Useless Beauty Lyrics 17 years ago
This reminds me of those LA beauty-queen types who don't really do anything... but more so the beautiful people who don't choose to make a show of it and get slated for that.

Queen – Spread Your Wings Lyrics 17 years ago
On further thought, it could be John before he joined the band, he wasn't sure what to do with his life but fortunately he played bass...

Queen – Keep Passing The Open Windows Lyrics 17 years ago
'Do you know how it feels when you don't have a friend
Without a job and no money to spend?'
yep Freddie I've been there.
This song really cheers me up when I'm lonely and could be anti-suicide i.e. 'just keep passing the open windows'= don't jump out of 'em!

Queen – Bijou Lyrics 17 years ago
I think this song is a representation of something other than love though aids is doubtable. Because it says 'LIKE two lovers' it must be somewhat of a comparison. The 'queen-fans' relationship makes sense. But there is understandably much of this song left to be interpreted, as the guitar 'sings' most of it.

Queen – Another One Bites The Dust Lyrics 17 years ago
The first verse seems to be a literal death, then i think the bit:
'How do you think I'm going to get along
Without you when you're gone
You took me for everything that I had
And kicked me out on my own'
means that love is just like a wartorn country and we're never safe in it.

And YES, it does play something that sounds like 'start to/it's fun to smoke marijuana'. And apart of 'Hit me baby one more time' can be reversed to make 'sleep with me i'm not too young'. And 'Stairway to heaven' has a whole verse which can be reversed to create a satanic message. Maybe these were put there deliberately (which takes a lot of effort, i've tried) or perhaps they are coincidence. They're interesting but theres not much point arguing about whether they're there or not!

Queen – All God's People Lyrics 17 years ago
Maybe Freddie was saying that he didn't want to fit into a particular religion but did have some belief in how we can help each other make the world a better place, just like in the song 'The Miracle'.
The most powerful message here is 'love and be free'.

Queen – Friends Will Be Friends Lyrics 17 years ago
When you find that the guy you like unrequitedly is just not worth bothering with anymore, your friends will be there to pick up the pieces.
Who knows, maybe you'll end up with one of them...
Excellent, excellent vocals.

Queen – You Don't Fool Me Lyrics 17 years ago
The description of what i percieve as a 'faker' girl reminds me of the 'blue eyed floozies' metioned in 'Fat Bottomed Girls'. Maybe it's a groupie thing haha.
Oh and also if Freddie was gay (rather than bi) he would literally not be fooled or affected by dangerous women like this!

Queen – Crazy Little Thing Called Love Lyrics 17 years ago
All good comments... now for the *puts on glasses* official analysis haha

I think it's about falling in love but not being sure if you're ready to get into something serious yet, being slightly afraid of love and unexperienced.
Also, 'take a long ride on my motor bike' seems to connote either:
a) being not ready and afraid, running away from someone you love to try and seem 'cool' and not over-keen.
b) wanting more experience before getting tied down, so turning to promiscuous sex.

Oh, and i love the 'Ready Freddie!' bit!

Queen – The Miracle Lyrics 17 years ago
I think it's about people just hanging around waiting for 'the miracle' to happen which will make our world amazing instead of changing it with our own actions.
And we can make a difference.
The song points out all the wonderful things we have already achieved in the world; scientific revalations, human heroes, great buildings.
The line: 'If every leaf on every tree, could tell a story that would be a miracle' could be about saving trees, and obviously 'If every child on every street, had clothes to wear and food to eat' is about how we should not let poverty go on. So instead of 'waiting for... peace on earth and an end to war' we should make it ourselves. Because WE CAN!

Queen – Breakthru Lyrics 17 years ago
I think it's about being in love with an acquaintance. Although it my hurt because you're not with them (you don't know if they like you back), it's a good thing just to be able to talk to them, make them smile. '...honey you're touching me...': just them touching your arm or whatever is like a surprising, wonderful thing. Each positive response is a little breakthrough. But the 'final breakthru' would be asking them out/telling them how you feel!
Or, theres the possibilty that both people are friends and unaware of thier feelings towards each other and don't understand why they enjoy being together so much and the breakthru would be the realisation!
Oh and the begginning bit suggests the narrator breaking up with someone and not really caring about it, because presumably they care so much more for the person mentioned throughout the rest of the song.

Queen – Breakthru Lyrics 17 years ago
I think it's about being in love with an acquaintance. Although it my hurt because you're not with them (you don't know if they like you back), it's a good thing just to be able to talk to them, make them smile. '...honey you're touching me...': just them touching your arm or whatever is like a surprising, wonderful thing. Each positive response is a little breakthrough. But the 'final breakthru' would be asking them out/telling them how you feel!
Or, theres the possibilty that both people are friends and unaware of thier feelings towards each other and don't understand why they enjoy being together so much and the breakthru would be the realisation!
Oh and the begginning bit suggests the narrator breaking up with someone and not really caring about it, because presumably they care so much more for the person mentioned throughout the rest of the song.

Queen – Fat Bottomed Girls Lyrics 17 years ago
Me: I wanna sing 'Fat Bottomed Girls' when I get my band together!
My Friend: But you're a girl. And you're into guys.

Queen – Tear It Up Lyrics 17 years ago
I think its about how love and passion can work together.
You can love someone like crazy and at the same time have massive lust-filled thoughts about them!

Queen – Spread Your Wings Lyrics 17 years ago
Is Sammy a representation of John Deacon in the band?
Has his job to do, told what he's supposed to do, would like to do something adventureous but doesn't know what he CAN do?
Just a thought.

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