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Broken Social Scene – Hhallmark Lyrics 17 years ago
I love this song, it is probally my favorite instrumental song ever.

Broken Social Scene – Baroque Social Lyrics 17 years ago
wow, omg listen to this when ur stoned... it is so cool

Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton – The Lottery Lyrics 17 years ago
Well if Emily said it was a "nostalgia song" then maybe the line when it says

"When our underwire radio tears into their international airwaves,
Boredom will die, ears will bleed
And all they'll desire is to give, and to please..."

shes talking about music that is completly original and not based on some idealist look at the past. And maybe the begining of the song which is talking about the 60's is refering Decade nostalgia.... peoples longing and having an idealistic look at a certian decade.

I'm not sure thats just my interpertaion of the song from a nostalgia point of view.

Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton – Crowd Surf off a Cliff Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is about how hard it is to have a long distance relationship. Its also about what you have to give up for the things you want in life

Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton – The Maid Needs a Maid Lyrics 17 years ago
Actually its not a gender-based thing its a structual thing. I read that Emily Haines had said (regarding this song), "What I realized is that I need a wife, and I'm not a lesbian"... This song is about the fact that she has realized why "men need wifes" and "why people need maids". The structure. She talks about this song in the following article,

Broken Social Scene – Bruised Ghosts Lyrics 17 years ago
isn't this song by Amy Millian... not Broken Social Scene? I know shes in Broken Social Scene, but I thought this song was done during her solo effort not with the band

Broken Social Scene – Anthems for a Seventeen Year Old Girl Lyrics 17 years ago
I think this song has a lot of meaning involving teenagers. I think it talks about how teenagers have no say in they're life, rules and guidlines are set for them to follow by parents and teachers. They are told what to do...... Second I think it talks about friendships and growing apart as you change and get older.... Third I think it talks about the awkwardness and fear developed when you relize that you are almost an adult and that you will soon be the only person in control of ur own life...... And lastly I think it might have something to do with teenagers feeling like they are just rusting and not doin anything important, they don't get to do what they want and they are always doing the same thing over and over.... almost giving them a feeling of being confined and claustrophobic. As for the title, I would think almost ever teenager goes through this and that it is more difficult for girl then guys.

Metric – On the Sly Lyrics 17 years ago
"the kids get high and eat TV,
so do we."
I love that line... I could live in that line

Metric – The People Lyrics 17 years ago
I love the line, "Need is always pending on how much you can get"
I think that is really true in our world today. People are so materialistic. Human beings are the only species that take more then they need to survive. There is more then enough resources for the entire world, but yet 3/4 of the population is in poverty.

Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton – Bottom of the World Lyrics 17 years ago
I think this song talks about the cruelty of people.

I adore this song.

Broken Social Scene – Almost Crimes Lyrics 17 years ago
I think the line "children sleep with dicks" is sorta of a metaphor that even in the most innocent things there is evil. I think this because society views children as being completly innocent and they think of the sexual parts of the body as being evil and sinful. everyone thinks as evil and good being two completly different things, but in truth they are part of each other. hence the line "Children sleep with dicks"

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