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The Cribs – Be Safe Lyrics 16 years ago
Bloody amazing song, really hoping they play this song at Reading this summer! Very cleverly evokes how shit life can be.

Babyshambles – Carry On Up The Morning Lyrics 17 years ago
I don't think this song has anything to do with the critics MissMack. The girl is most likely Kate and just about how painful one of their splits has been. I absolutely love this song so hearfelt and the 'Its not e-a-a-s-y' already mentioned is so good to sing along to especially on a breakup!

Arctic Monkeys – D Is for Dangerous Lyrics 17 years ago
i find bueller84's explanation interesting, though it was not what sprang to mind for me.

I think this is more about a relationship between a man and woman, and guy they're talking about in the first verse was planning to escape from a relationship.

The bit about 'try and keep your trousers on' is what does it for me, sounds like he's been dropping his trousers for another girl, which explains his 'guiltiness'.

This album is basically sex i think anyway, i can't see it being specifically about andy, though i found bueller's explanation quite convincing.

Arctic Monkeys – D Is for Dangerous Lyrics 17 years ago
i find bueller84's explanation interesting, though it was not what sprang to mind for me.

I think this is more about a relationship between a man and woman, and guy they're talking about in the first verse was planning to escape from a relationship.

The bit about 'try and keep your trousers on' is what does it for me, sounds like he's been dropping his trousers for another girl, which explains his 'guiltiness'.

This album is basically sex i think anyway, i can't see it being specifically about andy, though i found bueller's explanation quite convincing.

Arctic Monkeys – D Is for Dangerous Lyrics 17 years ago
i find bueller84's explanation interesting, though it was not what sprang to mind for me.

I think this is more about a relationship between a man and woman, and guy they're talking about in the first verse was planning to escape from a relationship.

The bit about 'try and keep your trousers on' is what does it for me, sounds like he's been dropping his trousers for another girl, which explains his 'guiltiness'.

This album is basically sex i think anyway, i can't see it being specifically about andy, though i found bueller's explanation quite convincing.

Arctic Monkeys – 505 Lyrics 17 years ago
i take back what i said about the 'no evidence he is in love with this girl' its sounds like hes absolutely tortured about this girl but is unsure if he's in love with her or not
'I probably still adore you
With your hands around my neck
Or I did last time I checked'

okay now other people comment iv gone on enuf !!

Arctic Monkeys – Fake Tales of San Francisco Lyrics 17 years ago
ntwjones, are The Libertines trying to be American?

Arctic Monkeys – 505 Lyrics 17 years ago
what about some discussion on what the lyrics actually mean?

I would say lust, desire is at the forefront-
'In my imagination you're waiting lying on your side
With your hands between your thighs'

And also a paranoia that he won't be able to form sexually very well 'The knife twists at the thought that I should fall short of the mark'

There is no evidence that he is in love with this girl waiting at the hotel, he just seems really weary and not sure what to expect. I think it has an almost cinematic feel to it, like he's in some sordid American film. The organ at the beginning is taken directly from Ennio Morricone's soundtrack for The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (where Angel Eyes enters before the final standoff). [From wikipedia] It definitely feels like there is gonna be some sort of explosion, both sexually and verbally, between Alex and the girl. Haunting song.

Bloc Party – I Still Remember Lyrics 17 years ago
'I should have kissed you by the water'

Best line
I really love this song
And yer of course its applicable to girl/boy relationships, love is the same, it is genderless.

Bloc Party – Hunting for Witches Lyrics 17 years ago
jaiandrews7 seemed to be on the right lines, until he/she started talking about the government having some sort of hand in the attacks, which is obviously just totally ridiculous, why the hell would they allow attacks on London and risk so much? London is the bread winner for Britain, without we would make no money, terrorist attack have bad implications for the city, so that was just something stupid to state.

but the stuff about the anti-terror laws is right, this is about the subsequent search for other terrorists, possibly involved with the 7/7 bombings.

Bloc Party – The Prayer Lyrics 17 years ago
yer i think getborn182 and FullDevilSoccer is right, this song doesnt really have much that to it in terms of the lyrics, compared to other bloc party songs. the video is just like a trip and the song is self explanatory.

i met kele once breifly, got a photo and stuff, he is really shy barely said anything, got me on the guestlist for his gig that night in Dublin he was really nice. but yer he was quite shy as someone mentioned.

Kings of Leon – On Call Lyrics 17 years ago
its a song about being a midwife dumbasses! lol

The Long Blondes – Once and Never Again Lyrics 17 years ago
yer u can say 'i'd love to feel a girl your age again' without meaning physically feel. think about the sentence again, it does make grammatical sense, eg. i'd love to feel that boy of 10 again, if ur talking about urself, im a 17 yr old boy lol.

The Long Blondes – Lust In The Movies Lyrics 17 years ago
Edie Sedgwick was the sexiest women ever who hit life hard!

The Rakes – We Are All Animals Lyrics 17 years ago
yer there is a real sense of hopelessness in this song, and resignment to the theory of evolution, though, of course it is just a theory! there is a yearning for something more which i like, the last few lines are great, 'we see the hair on our face/ And look at another primate/You and I we relate...' the way he reduces our actions to that of just normal animals is interesting- I see hair- We relate- Let's have sex etc. Personally I think he underestimates the human race though...

The Rakes – Binary Love Lyrics 17 years ago
no this isn't anything to do with computers at all, its just a sigh about humanity in general i think, 'despite these metal and wires. i'v still got human desires' is his anger about are just like machines programmed to behave with no freedom in life, but despite this he wants to break out with his 'human desires.' he also refers to 'our makers' so God, and says they have neglected us, i get the feeling hes worried about sin- 'are you corrupting me?'
apologies for length

The Libertines – The Boy Looked At Johnny Lyrics 17 years ago
yer there's a Soho in Manhatten, NYC. but the one he is refers to 'miss' must be the area in west london, between Oxford Street and Charing Cross. pete hangs out there quite alot, especially in his libs days.

Babyshambles – Beg, Steal or Borrow Lyrics 17 years ago
i thought the lyric went '...all the sorrow tries to chore, oh but if i change my tune, maybe i wont be bound to doom...'
this is definitly one of my favourite doherty acoustic songs, his voice on the acoustic sounds so raw, yet soft, fitting with the sorrowful lyrics. i remember the first time i saw it on jonathon ross it gave me goosebumps! definitly a classic.

Babyshambles – Beg, Steal or Borrow Lyrics 17 years ago
i thought the lyric went '...all the sorrow tries to chore, oh but if i change my tune, maybe i wont be bound to doom...'
this is definitly one of my favourite doherty acoustic songs, his voice on the acoustic sounds so raw, yet soft, fitting with the sorrowful lyrics. i remember the first time i saw it on jonathon ross it gave me goosebumps! definitly a classic.

Babyshambles – I Wish Lyrics 17 years ago
i thought it was saying 'Gimme no gimme no gimme no work' because this song is just about being skint and 'piping' away whilst your dreams float away with the sound. it took me a while to get into it but i really like this song, pete described it as one of the strongest songs he ever co-written which is saying something. his guitarist mik whitnall wrote the music pete said this song was 'his baby' and pete wrote the lyrics. good song to sing when ur feeling the effects of having no money lol.

Babyshambles – La Belle et la Bête Lyrics 17 years ago
it sounds like:
'stumble left out of the boozer
filth strapped onto the leg of Suzie Leah
Well maybe i'll see her in another life, with a hat and a smile, oh looking alright'

i see what bibilush means tho the fact he says slurs the words so much adds to the song.

Babyshambles – Black Boy Lane Lyrics 17 years ago
No i dont think this about racism at all, the outro bit goes 'it wont be long till the whole of black boy lane belongs to true hearts and minds and melodies oh...' so there is no mention of 'black boys' what so ever.
For me this is one of Pete's darkest, he sounds totally haunted by this lane 'I ain't going back to BBL, There must be some other way!' he sounds really scared. The lyrics also miss the lines

'16 Track-suits coming up my lane,
16 Track-suits coming up my lane,

There's the men; the ones you must lay,
In which you must lay down and die,
Oh as opposed to strutting all day,
Strutting all night,
Strutting on 'brown,'
Strutting on 'white,'

which is clear references to taking drugs, and people coming up for drug money, maybe with guns and violence?

Babyshambles – The Blinding Lyrics 17 years ago
yer this is a great song, one of his best with babyshambles. Pete has described this as an 'angry' song which i think is actually an understatement. the video for it shows just how much passionate was put into this.
apparently it was inspired by this time pete was in town and was so wasted on drugs he was blinded for about an hour and couldn't see.
anyone got any idea what the lyrics are for the '[pete speaking]' bit? i know he mutters something about the 'fucking justice system' but any ideas?

The Libertines – The Boy Looked At Johnny Lyrics 17 years ago
yer this is definitly a drunken night or something. i always thought 'the boy' reminded me of the 'boy' or Pinkie from Brighton Rock, By graham greene. i know thats one his favourite books.
I love the 'de di la de di da diddy' just sounds like they have such a laugh in soho.

The Libertines – Up The Bracket Lyrics 17 years ago
this was the song that originally got me into the libs, just that raw, jumpy, english feel about it.

the 'he'll end up like joseph bloody in a hole' probably refers to joseph from the Bible, the one who had all the dreams and a techni-coloured coat. his brothers beat him up and left him bloody and for dead in a hole.

and its probably been mentioned but 'Up the bracket' means snorting cocaine up the old nostrils.

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