Emery – The Ponytail Parade Lyrics | 16 years ago |
dude, I saw emery this week, and though I'm already a huge fan it def. took my respect level up several notches. They played this song there...and the part where Devon sings "I never thought that you could say these words, is this really happening?" was absolutely incredible. And, to copy everyone else, I too can relate to this song, a LOT. |
Ivoryline – Remind Me I'm Alive Lyrics | 17 years ago |
This is also a good song. Not sure exactly what it refers to. maybe a girl? haha of course any song could be about a girl. |
Ivoryline – Day's End Lyrics | 17 years ago |
Yes, this song is freaking awesome. GREAT album starter. I just think it refers to waking up in general, us christians getting off our lazy butts and BEING the church. Loving others. NOT being complacent and quiet, but rather stepping out of comfort and confronting sin. I freaking love the first verse, "A to B" lives is a great metaphor for how americans live. no purpose whatsoever, just getting through the day. |
Ivoryline – And The Truth Will End This Lyrics | 17 years ago |
The best song on the cd. maybe. oh gosh they're all too good. |
Ivoryline – All You Ever Hear Lyrics | 17 years ago |
whoa hey now, let's not get agressive here, paradiso. As far as Christianity goes, religion sucks because it is fundamentalist crap with no power and is counter scriptural. It's exactly what Jesus opposed here on earth, not to mention what killed Jesus - the religious pharisees. But the song I think is about a girl who lives in a depraved society. She has been drawn into sexual sin and all kinds of bad stuff. This "dirty town" which I believe refers to our culture, and its celebration of sin, also includes religious people who are quick to judge and are prideful. they are the scoundrels. The girl, knowing that the sin she's in is wrong, feels the need to change, but is constantly lied to by media, culture, and ultimately satan, which causes apathy. So she blames her problems on others, or ignores them altogether. And in today's culture, this hypothetical girl could potentially be referring to someone in the church. It's too easy to be fake these days. |
Emery – The Party Song Lyrics | 17 years ago |
lyric corrections: This is my last advice leave with me cause you could die tonight. (I got this, I got this, I got this so go ahead home.) The drugs you used as a place to hide, THIS WILL END bad if you don’t get this right. (I got this, I got this, I got this. I don’t need you.) |
Emery – From Crib To Coffin Lyrics | 17 years ago |
Does anyone besides me hear muse all over the ending? The synth, the minor chord progression...aaahhh when I first heard the synth at the end, I just sat there, it felt like I was underwater with bubbles breaking all around me and I could breathe...haha well maybe it's not that amazing, but it IS genius. And it sounds like heaven. |
Emery – Don't Bore Us, Get to the Chorus Lyrics | 17 years ago |
dude I agree, I freaking hated the chorus at first, I just thought it ruined the song, but I love it now. |
Emery – Story About A Man With A Bad Heart Lyrics | 17 years ago |
The end of this song is freaking crazy.....singing, screaming, and yelling. And it actually sounds good. And not only good, it's phenomenal. aaaah...i just love emery. |
Emery – In a Lose, Lose Situation Lyrics | 17 years ago |
Here's how I see this song: God: "Don't be late, there's no time to be afraid. There's a way to clean up the mess you made. Man: "If I could tell the truth or lie would I attempt to do at the same time? Expect you to apologize for trying to make me so uptight? Don't say its just a game we play. This is still MY life, not yours to define." *then starts actually thinking about the life he's living* God: "Anyone in their right mind would never let you inside. Anyone in their right mind..." (note: God isn't "anyone" and therefore will welcome the prodigal man back no matter what) Man: "I've broken ties with the neighborhood, I'm feeling like a bum in the city, waking only to take a drink from an empty glass of nothing good. And sinking like a stone in the sea without the oxygen i need, deciding as i wait for air (sin) to entertain - careful not to breath in. The right time and the right way to elevate, but careful not to breath in the air that so proudly puts to death... *Then realizes that he's SINNING AGAINST GOD!!!* "My own fathers name!!!" God: "I remember when your hand started shaking. There's a better way to clean up the mess you've been making" of course this is probably not how Emery wrote the song, though who knows, it could be. It's just my view of the song, and the meaning I take from it. |
Skillet – Rebirthing Lyrics | 18 years ago |
Hey guys you do know that on the cd insert it says "Wanna live for you and BREATHE" not live for you and me. there are also a couple of other mistakes |
Anberlin – The Haunting Lyrics | 18 years ago |
It's probably talking about one of the girls that he dated that he led on and dumped or something like that...and the memory of his mistakes and the mean things he's done haunt him. He wishes he could have a good relationship with her, and start over. |
Anberlin – (*Fin) Lyrics | 18 years ago |
So, he's singing jibberish at the end of the song. Right? I mean that's what he said in the dvd...that they went into a room, played percussion instruments and he just sang what came to mind. |
Anberlin – There Is a Light That Never Goes Out (The Smiths cover) Lyrics | 18 years ago |
This song sounds weird. I guess I would have more respect/like it more if I had actually heard the original. |
Anberlin – (*Fin) Lyrics | 18 years ago |
This song is awestriking. |
Anberlin – There Is No Mathematics To Love And Loss Lyrics | 18 years ago |
someone update the actual lyrics with the cd insert, please. |
Anberlin – Adelaide Lyrics | 18 years ago |
someone with the cd insert freakin make the lyrics. Eltroyo thank you for what you do. You are good at lyrics. But someone needs to update them to 100% accuracy. |
Bayside – The Walking Wounded Lyrics | 18 years ago |
I just listened to Bayside because they were touring with Anberlin, and I wanted to see what all the hype on purevolume was about. About 2:06 into the song I found out. The guitar solo totally blew me away. I've been playing forever changed solos and learning their stuff recently, and I thought IT was creative.....I hadn't heard bayside yet, obviously. The solo freakin makes me want to quit playing the guitar. The lyrics are pretty cool, I don't like his voice that much, though it does sound pretty cool and really good in some places. Good song, though. |
Disciple – Fight For Love Lyrics | 18 years ago |
Cool song, I love the line "church windows breaking from people living outside the walls." that is really encouraging. |
Skillet – The Last Night Lyrics | 18 years ago |
not really much else to say...it's a really good song. |
Fireflight – Liar Lyrics | 18 years ago |
I completely agree with musicfan, but this version of the song is from the ep. The other version with the guy from kids in the way is slightly different. Great song either way, though. |
Anberlin – Godspeed Lyrics | 18 years ago |
vintage anberlin. I love the guitar solo, it's like nothing Joey has ever come up with - really novel. Awesome Song! I'm not sure what it means. I'm guessing it has something to do with purity...("Collapse on guilty beds", "She's still asleep in the Chelsea hotel bad turns to worse and the worse turns into hell")...and something to do with the fact that young people who don't have sex aren't "missing out" if you understand me. I guess maybe it is talking about the lie that you need to sleep around when you're in highschool or you aren't cool. Idk, that's just my take on the song after listening to it about 10 times... |
Switchfoot – Dare You To Move Lyrics | 18 years ago |
Jon said in one of the podcasts that this song is not only for the listeners, but also for himself. He said that it is partly just challenging him to get out of bed everyday. Other than that, I think it's about our job as christians to do something and not sit back watching our friends die every day. |
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