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Starfucker – Isabella Of Castile Lyrics 14 years ago
a million people have said the same thing in more or less the same way and it never stops feeling good when someone says it again

MGMT – Kids Lyrics 14 years ago
"Control yourself, take only what you need from it."

I always thought of this as referring to being grown up and remembering what it was like being a kid, or even just younger. Its a beautiful thing to think about, but if you do it too much it gets depressing, since you can't go back. If you don't ease up on the soothing nostalgia, which is something everyone definitely needs, you risk ruining those memories completely and getting bitter. So, take only what you need from the past, don't live there.

Electric Wizard – Funeralopolis Lyrics 15 years ago
absolute nihilism, godless and bitter

A Silver Mt. Zion – The Triumph of Our Tired Eyes Lyrics 15 years ago
I love the rhyme at the end. As if it's a battle to even imagine a world without struggle. If we got there it would feel completely alien to us, so even just asking how it would feel is a revolutionary step.

Stabbing Westward – Waking Up Beside You Lyrics 15 years ago
I stopped listening to stabbing westward with any frequency around 10th grade (i'm now college grad). My musical tastes have gotten MUCH different since then, and I can't stand most of their songs anymore... but this one still get to me

Do Make Say Think – In Mind Lyrics 15 years ago
this song always gives me chills. i see it as maybe an argument against suicide

Ella Fitzgerald – Autumn In New York Lyrics 15 years ago

Xiu Xiu – Dr. Troll Lyrics 16 years ago

Tom Waits – Anywhere I Lay My Head Lyrics 16 years ago
Related to what MardyAss said: The song reminds me of jazz funerals, popular for new orleans jazz musicians. The procession carries the casket into the cemetery while the band plays very sombre music. Once the body is laid to rest, as everyone leaves, the music picks up and becomes joyous. It's supposed to signify death as the release from life's troubles and strife, an end to the person's suffering and thus a cause for celebration.

On an unrelated note, this song is fun to sing along to dramatically.

Tom Waits – Anywhere I Lay My Head Lyrics 16 years ago
Related to what MardyAss said: The song reminds me of jazz funerals, popular for new orleans jazz musicians. The procession carries the casket into the cemetery while the band plays very sombre music. Once the body is laid to rest, as everyone leaves, the music picks up and becomes joyous. It's supposed to signify death as the release from life's troubles and strife, an end to the person's suffering and thus a cause for celebration.

On an unrelated note, this song is fun to sing along to dramatically.

Xiu Xiu – Wig Master Lyrics 16 years ago
It sounds like something peter sotos would write, and jamie has spoken about liking him. So maybe it's either inspired or written by sotos.

Afrika Bambaataa – Renegades Of Funk Lyrics 16 years ago
dance sucka,
move sucka

Xiu Xiu – King Earth, King Earth Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is good on Chapel of the Chimes but it is incredible on Fag Patrol, especially when he sings "no one can touch you."

Xiu Xiu – King Earth, King Earth Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is good on Chapel of the Chimes but it is incredible on Fag Patrol, especially when he sings "no one can touch you."

Bob Dylan – The Man in Me Lyrics 16 years ago
I am the walrus?

Bob Dylan – The Man in Me Lyrics 16 years ago
I am the walrus?

Neutral Milk Hotel – In the Aeroplane Over the Sea Lyrics 17 years ago
"can't believe how strange it is to be anything at all."

fucking a

Xiu Xiu – The Pineapple Vs. The Watermelon Lyrics 17 years ago
My intepretation: A young person commits suicide, baffling her parents and her friends, all of whom cared very deeply for her. She killed herself out of alienation, seeing everyone else's normal and happy family -- "say hello to cory's mom," "freddy's mom," etc -- and not being able connect that percieved social normalcy (purity) with anything she saw in her own life. She sees nothing but her own otherness, while everyone else wonders why she's so blind to the fact that they love her.

Xiu Xiu – Vulture Piano Lyrics 17 years ago
I've always read it as this guy telling a story about his active sex life, and the listener being uptight and defensive about it, because he's not as comfortable as the other guy in expressing his sexuality or is less experienced. He has sexual or social inadequacies that he reconciles within himself by labeling the other guy as a person without repsect, a person too open with his success. the listener can't deal with his openness because he halfway envies it, so he vilifies it.

Xiu Xiu – Wig Master Lyrics 17 years ago
Dangerous, destructive desire, all emcompassing yet detatched, masturbatory, obsessive, inept. "Don't make fun of my night out" -- the narrator is fantasizing about this meeting where they both express this destructive longing. In the end it's just a way to pass the lonely night along, a desperate power fantasy.

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