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Foster the People – Houdini Lyrics 13 years ago
This and Helena Beat have been on repeat for me for the last three days continuously.
I think they need to work on perfecting their slower tunes (Chin Up, etc.) but damn they can do catchy realllly really well. <3

Foster the People – Pumped Up Kicks Lyrics 13 years ago
I think lyricaljoy's got it spot-on - at least, with how I understand it; can't wait to hear how the band will talk about it (if/when they do).

I love this kind of song btw - where the subject matter is 'serious'/not exactly blissful, but with a catchy melody/chorus and 'happy' sound. There ought to be more songs in this vein.

MGMT – I Found a Whistle Lyrics 14 years ago
Casey - it being a love song, is how Andrew described it. I didn't decide that for him. Did you even read what I wrote in reply?

MGMT – I Found a Whistle Lyrics 14 years ago
Clearly! =)

MGMT – I Found a Whistle Lyrics 14 years ago
Not sure what exactly is being referred to with the "15 centuries" bit, but "yellow" is another way of saying 'coward' - the "yellow trickster and a thief" bit makes me think that he's talking about who he used to be, in relationships.

MGMT – I Found a Whistle Lyrics 14 years ago
I lol'd. Thank you for this! <3

MGMT – I Found a Whistle Lyrics 14 years ago
Where do you get your information from? They've already released one single, and more are planned. No one in the band or their management ever said they wouldn't release any singles. I wish people in the press would stop spreading that line around. =/

The album debuted at #2 on Billboard btw ... doesn't really fit the "commercial suicide" description. :)

MGMT – I Found a Whistle Lyrics 14 years ago
They for sure do drugs and take acid etc - they've always been honest about that and talked about it often, publicly and on record. And I'm not disappointed with the songs that *are* about drugs/trippin'. Andrew said that this was a love song though - not takin' the piss or joking around. I'll take that at face value.

You're right though - pretty much all their lyrics are ambiguous. ^_^ Lots of room for individual interpretations.

MGMT – Brian Eno Lyrics 14 years ago
This, to me, is the funnest song on Congratulations. I see a bunch of madmen having fun, bothering people, poking out from behind this thing or that with wild hair, and guys that have lost their marbles just having gleeful fun and no one else knows what they're laughing at, but their good mood is still infectious.

p.s. I think it was NME that had their recent MGMT cover story sub-titled, "Their Madcap Return!" - and 'madcap' totally made me think of this one song. =) If they make a video for this song - and they indicated that's the plan - it'd be perfect to have them both in the outfits they wore on that NME cover. Maybe with funny hats.

One step behind Brian Eno. <3

MGMT – I Found a Whistle Lyrics 14 years ago
I remember this! SMB 3, right, for the old-school original NES? That game rocked so flippin' much.

It's awesome you thought of that with this song. =D I don't think the rest of the song really fits in though... <3 still funny.

MGMT – I Found a Whistle Lyrics 14 years ago
This! This is what I was sort of trying to say, earlier. This is what the song's about (imo).

MGMT – I Found a Whistle Lyrics 14 years ago
? which part suggests something religious? I really am just wondering where you see that - do you mean whistle-blowing in the sense of calling someone out? It's an interesting point of view, this is the first time I've seen anyone bring that up, on the new album.

Btw, Ben and Will are the only ones with close 'jewish roots' in the band.

MGMT – I Found a Whistle Lyrics 14 years ago
Why do you think this, of all songs, is about drugs? Not *every* MGMT song is, y'know.

I can't explain why, but I feel this is just a really sweet romantic song. About someone that's waited a long, long time, and didn't really love himself; he's world-weary and jaded, but he's finally found someone that they can fall into, someone that can make things right 'every time'.

MGMT – Someone's Missing Lyrics 14 years ago
I think Andrew said in an interview (regarding this song) that sometimes he feels like there should be someone (he doesn't know who) in the band that isn't, and that's how this song came about.

/will post the interview when I find it again.

MGMT – I Found a Whistle Lyrics 14 years ago
It's a love song.

"15 centuries of dissolution and grief
to return a yellow trickster and a thief"

Are (currently, anyway) my favourite lines/words in any of the songs off of Congratulations. =)

MGMT – Flash Delirium Lyrics 14 years ago
Was just about to post this up!

This song... eargasm. Love love lovvve it. <3

MGMT – Congratulations Lyrics 14 years ago
This song makes me sad - I love it.

p.s. the lyrics have been posted for nearly a year on the official forum, bbs. =)

Glitter Penis – Crumz In My Lap Lyrics 14 years ago
Of course it's real bb. and YouTube have it for sure, plus many other places.

Song's ace.

MGMT – Electric Feel Lyrics 14 years ago
In all fairness, even though my comment was fact, the guys were in all likelihood yanking our chain. See above for clarification.

MGMT – Of Moons, Birds & Monsters Lyrics 15 years ago
This is one probably one of my top three favourite songs by MGMT. And honestly - I love it more for the awesome sound, and instrumentals... those parts caught me way before the lyrics did.

As for the lyrics, I'd agree with Stella. I don't want to analyze them too much... just not the spirit they were meant to be taken in.

Sloan – The Good In Everyone Lyrics 15 years ago
Dang, I was hoping someone else would have left some enlightenment about this song by now. =\
I used to think this was a really nice song, about someone that saw the good in everyone (yay! especially since it's Strombo's theme song, and he seems like that kinda guy)- but reading the lyrics, it's kind of... not looking like what I thought it would. The little "And I thought you saw" --> does that kind of say that this person is the opposite? =\

MGMT – Electric Feel Lyrics 15 years ago
You're all wrong - the band said in an interview that there's no symbolism here; the song's about electricity!

Rofl. I loved that interview.

And the video. It really is like Frodo and Merry in their trippy band.

MGMT – Time to Pretend Lyrics 15 years ago
I like how this song means something different to nearly everyone that hears it, and how the writers themselves take it less seriously than the listeners.

To me, I imagine it to be a lighthearted satire, from the point of view of a young band on the verge of making it big. There's definitely the sound of inexperience here, of someone ready and able to live a frivolous life.

I like the humour in it, even if it is dark.

I'm surprised at how well the video was made, I was expecting something lame like most vids are. When I first heard the song, I imagined some young person spinning around on a deserted beach, and falling through the sky and under the water; the video captures the mood of the song very well. Yay for Tony Whoever. =)

I think by the way, that some of the posters here have overanalyzed the lyrics way, way too much. You're free to, I know. But wow.

Sarah McLachlan – Angel Lyrics 17 years ago
Oh, and it posted twice too, the first one. Odd.

About the 'straight line' line...

From a druggie's sense, I see it as meaning when they try to do the right thing, and try to be 'clean', they get beaten down again by all the others in society - the vultures and thieves - that won't let them forget their past, or 'who they really are' ... the insinuation that once a lost loser, always a lost loser.

Sarah McLachlan – Angel Lyrics 17 years ago
(my previous comment got cut off midsentence?)

Anyway - those adjectives are how others describe me. So often though, I feel like it's a farce, because the one person I want to be perfect for, that I try so hard for, that I'd lay down my life for - it's that one person that I never seem good enough for, and it's vicious at times, the feelings you go through.

I wish I had a release. =\

Sarah McLachlan – Angel Lyrics 17 years ago
I find it remarkable that so many of us strangers from around the world can be connected to each other through this one, single song. Speaks volumes for the song itself.

For whoever said that the 'fly away from here' should be 'far away from here' - in the live versions Sarah has always said 'fly', so yeah.

If there *had* to be any male version singing it, I don't think you could have done fairer than Westlife did. Still, Sarah's voice is haunting like no one else's, and this is a haunting song.

I'm not a druggie, or a cutter, or chronically depressed. I've never lost someone very close to me to death or drugs.

I relate to this song, still. I'm a fairly bright bubbly person... smart witty sarcastic clever .

Sarah McLachlan – Angel Lyrics 17 years ago
I find it remarkable that so many of us strangers from around the world can be connected to each other through this one, single song. Speaks volumes for the song itself.

For whoever said that the 'fly away from here' should be 'far away from here' - in the live versions Sarah has always said 'fly', so yeah.

If there *had* to be any male version singing it, I don't think you could have done fairer than Westlife did. Still, Sarah's voice is haunting like no one else's, and this is a haunting song.

I'm not a druggie, or a cutter, or chronically depressed. I've never lost someone very close to me to death or drugs.

I relate to this song, still. I'm a fairly bright bubbly person... smart witty sarcastic clever .

Marianas Trench – Shake Tramp Lyrics 17 years ago
*Based on the lyrics I posted*
I don't get much of the song, but what I did get, sorta, was the idea that he's talking to a girl that lets people slap her around like a bitch, and she doesn't stop it, she just keeps taking it; and he tried to help her/make it stop but he couldn't and he feels sort of guilty about it, for letting her down.

But she needs to help herself too. =\

Marianas Trench – Shake Tramp Lyrics 17 years ago
I don't believe the above lyrics are right. Here's what I think is the actual version -

Did I let you down to get that sound
And break my knees to get release
And you needed some just to take you from
And I hit you more
Is your face still sore?

Sorry but I tried
It was never mine
And I can still pretend
I guess it all depends
I'm still a little crazy all the time
But I can try to hide it
That's still mine

Try a little more
a little more
a little more
They slap you like a bitch
and you take it like a whore

What a cheap perfume
I hate this room
So testify
But I still tried
And you need that stamp
Little handshake tramp
And you hit me more
And my face is still sore

Sorry but I tried
It was never mine
And I can still pretend
I guess it all depends
I'm still a little crazy all the time
But I can try to hide it
That's still mine

Try a little more
a little more
a little more
They slap you like a bitch
and you take it like a whore

Upside down
and around
and around
Just another piece
Till you need another sound

Faze them out
I know what you scream about
Don't let me down

And the guilt in me is the hurt in you
And the hurt in you is the lost in me
And the lost in me is the need in you
And the need in you is the guilt in me

The Tragically Hip – Twist My Arm Lyrics 17 years ago
That's just it - he's random, and this song just might be too.
I LOVE the accoustics on this.

Westlife – My Love Lyrics 17 years ago
I love this song, it makes me feel light.

I take it as being about Ireland, and their love for her, and how much they miss her and want to go home.

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.