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Sparklehorse – Ghost of His Smile Lyrics 15 years ago
I agree that it's about suicide. This person seems like he's always happy, but he's usually by himself staying up all night alone. He appears to he happy, but in the end, no one realized that he wasn't doing alright.

Spiritualized – Come Together Lyrics 15 years ago
Err could be a lot of things, I suppose. First look to me just seems like it's about a boy who got into things he wish he wouldn't have and now is dependent upon those things that hurt him to ease his pain. Maybe about cocaine or heroin?

Sparklehorse – Painbirds Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is seeing all of the signs of something that is about to come that is going to be devastating. Instead of the cool rain that will calm everything down, the birds signal something bad on the horizon. I think the skins and burning spheres are meant as humans-- skins being obvious and spheres being red eyes. The girl in a relationship is having an issue that the man sees as ruining them both and knows it's only a matter of time...

Here come the painbirds....

Love this song.

Animal Collective – Derek Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is great. It just is. I thought it was odd that they put on such a simple song on the end of the album but I think it just goes to show the genius of Animal Collective. And Panda Bear's voice is just great on this. I love this song and whole album.

Sparklehorse – Morning Hollow Lyrics 15 years ago
I think the idea of a dog that is growing old and slowly drifting away from you can be seen as a larger metaphor for life and the way time slips away from us and watching something you love fade into nothingness infront of your eyes.

Sparklehorse – Return To Me Lyrics 15 years ago
He's not only asking his lost love who is stuck under miles of dirt and water to come back, but also for his tears to be returned to him in all of the places he used to love.

Sparklehorse – See The Light Lyrics 15 years ago
This song rolls along so smoothly and beautifully. I get the idea that maybe it's about change and moving on to something new. There are a lot of refrences to age and things that dwell for a long time (bears, golden crows, stars) and it seems like he is trying to see a way out but is having trouble. Just an idea.

Sparklehorse – Getting It Wrong Lyrics 15 years ago
This is such a unique songs. Very cool. The reference to Ophelia (of Hamlet) drowning in the river makes the song seem very sad and down to me. It seems like the world has just gone and ruined something very beautiful and it won't be coming back.

Animal Collective – Cuckoo Cuckoo Lyrics 15 years ago
I think this song is about the realization and fear of moving on into adulthood where you have to face things that maybe you don't feel you're prepared for. In the end, he just wants to go back to those comforts he had when he was a small child, but it's all going away in the blink of an eye. He just feels like he's going crazy.

Very deep and real.

The Good Life – Heartbroke Lyrics 16 years ago
I love this song. It always seems like she's doing fine while you're still hurt as all hell.

The Good Life – You're No Fool Lyrics 16 years ago
The point in the album where everything starts to go incredibly sour. Great song. But the first step in the big decline.

Silversun Pickups – Melatonin Lyrics 16 years ago
Melatonin also increases the chances of REM sleep or Vivid Dreaming. So. It puts you to sleep, and then while you're there, you tend to have a deeper sleep than normal, which allows for dreaming to occur. So it's not really about taking it to a point where it induces dreams, but that it's just a medicine that has a side effect of a longer dreaming period of sleep.

The Mars Volta – Rapid Fire Tollbooth Lyrics 16 years ago
I like Goliath more than this, but it's cool to see where the origins of the song came from. The horns are in a higher balance on this recording-- probably due to less layers of guitars. Oh speaking of the guitar; it's pretty open and airy. It's a cool change from the heavy Goliath guitar part.

Seabear – Lost Watch Lyrics 16 years ago
When someone can make the world feel so much better that you want to take in every second of it---

That's this song.

Cursive – Staying Alive Lyrics 17 years ago
The worst is over. Those four words make me feel better.

Cursive – Art Is Hard Lyrics 17 years ago
Connor of Bright Eyes and Tim of Cursive are actually friends though. In the Bright Eyes song "Nothing Gets Crossed Out" Connor even says "Hey Tim, I heard your album-- and it's better than good." They grew up in the same home town and even played in a band together. I doubt this is a straight out attack on Connor seeing their history together.

Animal Collective – Who Could Win a Rabbit Lyrics 17 years ago
Although I'm not 100% sure, just from listening to it, it feels like the song alternates from 6/8 to 6/4 in repitious patterns. In the "You could win a rabbit!" part it's in 5/4 but then reverts back to 6/8. Most of the song is in 6/8, but as far as I can tell it only has those three time signatures. Don't kill me if I'm wrong though.

Foo Fighters – Free Me Lyrics 17 years ago
Cleaning the skeletons out of your closet. And encouraging others to do the same. Pretty basic.

Foo Fighters – Weenie Beenie Lyrics 17 years ago
I think this song is about being a struggling band and playing shows in local clubs while trying to support yourself. Not having the limelight of a major sponser and just getting by as you rock out. Reminds me of part of Wattershed.

Foo Fighters – Oh, George Lyrics 17 years ago
This song makes me think of someone who love another person, but they are involved with another person. And the effects of sitting on the outside looking in on a relationship.

Foo Fighters – Headwires Lyrics 17 years ago
My idea of this song is it's about saying goodbye to people who maybe you shouldn't be around. Weither they are drug addicts or gangs or just pessimistic people, I think it's saying that you're tired of the way they think, and you're going to seperate yourself and get back to being you.

Matt Pond PA – City Song Lyrics 17 years ago
I think this song is about how innercity life is more difficult on the emotional level. I think it's about how you have to keep perspective on your life when you live in a big city. You'll be surrounded by fake people, or people who won't pay you any attention, so you need to make sure you always have your feet on the ground.

This song is money. Money.

Arcade Fire – Vampire/Forest Fire Lyrics 17 years ago
Being a vampire in a forestfire couldn't be a good thing. Although I can't say I fully understand that metaphor, I think I get what it's trying to get at.

Bright Eyes – Road to Joy Lyrics 17 years ago
"No one ever plans to sleep out in the gutter
Sometimes that's just the most comfortable place"

Oh my gosh. So true.
This song is a work of art.

The Decemberists – As I Rise Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is underrated. True, I think it should be longer lyricaly, but it gets it's message across quite well. The traveler has been all over the west in the hot sun, and now wants to sit back and think of the lovely girl.

The Decemberists – The Apology Song Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is written about a factual bike that Colin was supposed to watch over. It got stolen when he was in a store, but found it a few days later. He gave it back to his friend Steven, but ironicly crashed his car into it wrecking it forever.

I'm really sorry, Steven.

The Decemberists – Sons and Daughters Lyrics 17 years ago
Colin also used the word Dirigibles when he covered the song Bridges and Balloons. Hahaha that's great.

Anyway, I think this song is about war-torn people or people scared of war. And when the war is all over-- when they arrive, they'll go back to living their happy lives with aluminum walls (apparently)

The Decemberists – When the War Came Lyrics 17 years ago
The ascending line in the first phrase of each verse
"With all the grain of Babylon" is the same line (in the sense of intervals between pitch) as the first ascending line sung in the Led Zeppelin song "No Quarter"

Just noticed that right now. Good song.

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