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Mark Knopfler – 5.15 A.M. Lyrics 16 years ago
i agree with psycho bob, the last stanza is really one of the most beautiful lines (although it doesn't carry a big meaning to the song) Mark ever wrote... man i'm going to his concert in like 10 days, can't wait, and i hope he plays this song...

Bob Dylan – Jokerman Lyrics 16 years ago
sry i pressed add button by accident so i posted in the middle of explanation, and since i don't know how to edit posts here i'll just continue..

"eye for an eye" - actually very cruel law, something that jesus has opposed but i'm not here to discuss religion. "law of the jungle" survival of the fittest also a cruel law, and michelangelo reference might mean how newspaper describe you as a perfect person when you're famous, someone that enjoys simple things in life, something fake.. as i said the summary is: you're moto in life is very cruel, but you're steal portraited as a perfect person (michelangelo's sculptures are very idealistic ) , the last 2 could aswell be about how you just want some rest from all those things...

the 5th stanza is very cleat so i wont talk long, it's about all the turbulences of the modern-life, false-hearted judges=politicans that in the end become the victims of their corrupted systems and lies that they "spin" (JFK shown in the video, very good metaphore, man oftenly portraied as a good person, but actually had more than enoguh sins in his life and he got the sentence...) very simple stanza actually, if u can't figure it out by yourself you shouldn't try to understand other parts.

last stanza refers to jesus but also could be talking about new world order ( democracy)-dressed him in scarlet - all the blood shed fot democracy, "put the priests in his pocket"- collaboration with church, "blades to the heat" - took out weapons to "persuade" others how good democracy is, actually very ironic metaphor in my opinion, and "took the motherless children of the street and place them at the feet of harlot" meaning how democracy " took care" of sick and the homeless and put them in special homes (harlot=prostitute for those who don't know), or in the other words how they took those people from the street and put them in a slightly worse position, the declarative improvement in their life that actually doesn't make any big difference. last few lines "oh jokerman .." are beyong any steady explanation for me, probably adressing the god as the jokerman, "you know what he wants" - god knows what the person that is troubled with all this wants, but god doesn't respond since the mankind must solve its problems on their own.

so there it is, my vision of this it semi-autobiographical, is it a reference to god and the bible, or an analysis of the modern society??i'd say the last one with some autobiographical elements and not reference to god as many people thought, dylan is a master of lyrics and poetry one of the best song-writters of the modern age and rock-music so i think the reference to god is pure symbolism while the society is at trial in this song..

you decide what you think,please accept my apologies for typos and grammtical errors, i just wanted a small post but i got carried away, and let me know what you think of this view of this song

Bob Dylan – Jokerman Lyrics 16 years ago
hm... i've read almost everything posted on this song so far and i've come to a final cocnlusion.

the theme is not very clear, it's generally about god as the creator, the judge, person enjoying his creation in stanzas 1,3,4 and 6. some parts of those stanzas refer to god as seen in the bible like creating and giving life : "standing on the water...",but it doesn't neceseraly describe Christian/Jewish god since more then few religions have their simblos in their video. so he's more talking about universal vision of god, the creator of universe, guardian of people, although the biggest emphasis is on judeism (book of leviticus, deuteronomy, biblical creation) and christianism (friend to the martyr=jesus, and the whole last stanza describes the life of jesus in whole)
the 2nd stanza describes some other creator. IMO it is about Dylan himself ("shedding off one more layer of skin " - this part in video was followed by images of bob dylan through his carreer) as we all know dylan was reffered to as Joker so this wouldnt be far from truth..the stanza as whole isn't particuarily about bob dylan but also about the mistakes people made in his time. "you rise up and say goodbye to noone" probably describes that in the 20 th century god has left man on thier own, the comment on ever growing number of wars and turmoils in the world and "fools rush in where angels fear to tread" means that men have crossed boundaries of messing with something that only god deals with (modern science) and angels as such aren't perfect enough to temper with that area.
the start of 3rd stanza seems as biblical but i think it still is about dylan or any other artist of those time (so the above mentioned reference about shedding skin doesn't necesarily imply dylan as the metaphor but as the song is jokerman i got the idea that it could be a bout him-the joker- but it's a very universal metaphor aplyiable to many artists) "you're a man of the mountains, you can walk on the clouds, manipulator of crowds, you're a dream twister" acutally describes the effect that dylan (or any other celebrity) has on the people and that people actually sometimes attribute their favourite song-writters some super natural 2 lines (sodom and gomorah , and marying sister) describe how in that line of work you visit and deal with some of the most disguisting and fowl people who wouldn't help you and you shouldn't expect any good from them (mary your sister could be taken as taking care of your siste -doing you a favour) last 2 lines here could be taken like something jesus might do, something above mentioned mary magdalen, or even mother theresa might do, something charital associations do normally. or it's just a fact that all sorts of people listen to your music helps people (dylan's music certainly has a spiritual side) the martyrs- people having hard time in their life, woman of shame- whores, or maybe some social outcast not neccesarily doing something wrong.. "you look into the fiery furnace..." might be a reference to when u look into fire and see your image, think about yourself without any beautification since fire simbolise purification, therefore something pure and when you see your pure image, something that you really are, you see a rich man without any name- you indeed are rich due to your music but you don't have any name cuz you lost yourself in all that "sheeding skin". definetly could be taken as a metaphor for fame dylan got from his music, and i've seen documentary about his life, the guy couldn't believe the craze he has caused, how people in 60's thought of him as a semi-deity so this could be his reflection on how he reacted to all that sudden fame.
the mentioned "book of deuteronomy and leviticus" are biblical references, but they actually continue the metaphor about his carreer. the books of deuteronomy is a book from the old testament and leviticus also contains old jewish laws whcih could be defined as "eye for an eye"

(+44) – When Your Heart Stops Beating Lyrics 17 years ago
ehm......just 1 correction. i'm an idiot not to check things before i post. the drummer and vocal ARE from blink 182 so technically they are not a rip-off... my mistake

(+44) – When Your Heart Stops Beating Lyrics 17 years ago
all i can say is that this band is a fuckin blink 82 rip-off... i mean cmon they band looks just like them(drummer and singer) and ffs the song is also blink 182 style...some crummy punk rock mellow shit.. song itslef ain't so bad but i dont like rip-offs...

Green Day – Brain Stew Lyrics 17 years ago
Hehe XteenagexwhoreX gotta agree with that...i really think this is about pot (or meth which i ve never done).. he could have written with his son but probably it s about an expirience from his past.. getting stoned n stuff. i mean come on people if u havent tried weed than u cant say this is not a song about weed cuz it definetly IS.

Motörhead – Killed By Death Lyrics 17 years ago
Fuckin great song...very simple text and very good music. u gotta love it especially first few verses. "squeeze my lizzard" =D

Motörhead – Killed By Death Lyrics 17 years ago
Fuckin great song...very simple text and very good music. u gotta love it especially first few verses. "squeeze my lizzard" =D

The Connells – '74-'75 Lyrics 17 years ago
i finally downloaded this song!!!! i t s been haunting me for the last few years and i finally found it!!! cant wait to show it to my girl....

Bob Dylan – Desolation Row Lyrics 17 years ago
for those of you who still havent seen " with no dirrecton home " : your really should!! i think desolation row might be the place where dylan and other young folk singers spent their days back in the 50s. twas called greenvich villagw i think and all the carracters and events mentioned in this song are people and things happening there( einstein, cinderella...) just my thought...

Fun Lovin' Criminals – Big Night Out Lyrics 17 years ago
danm i love this song. but until now i didnt notice he said "cocaine makes you thinner". anyway it s great especially ending part with chorus slowing down

Bob Dylan – Tangled Up in Blue Lyrics 17 years ago
i was just wondering about that "italian poet from 13. century". it might not be dante. it could as well be francesco petrarca who is even more famous for his love poems to loe of his life.. just my thought

Iggy Pop – Cry For Love Lyrics 17 years ago
OMG no comments on this one!!!!!! it not a very popular song, but ifu listen to iggy pop u have to know this one.. it s a classic. it s about those times when you re fucked up 4 some reason and you just need some1, being a chick who ll listen to you or just a friend. i ll love it especially when i m wasted :D

Mark Knopfler – One More Matinee Lyrics 17 years ago
very cool chill out song. too bad this is only comment so far

Andrea Bocelli – Time To Say Goodbye Lyrics 18 years ago
for "the scientist" - this song is probably written by a blind man but it s also sung by one. andrea bocelli is blind and the chick who sings with him s sarah brightman. anyway very cool song

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