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John Mayer – Vultures Lyrics 18 years ago
i think it's about wanting to live a meaningful life and ignoring the doubters and naysayers out there (vultures) who are just waiting for one mistake to move in on, he's gotta keep moving and improving just to maintain where he is in life

John Mayer – Belief Lyrics 18 years ago
the paint on a sign lyrics: Is there anyone who
Ever remembers
Changing their mind from
The paint on a sign
Is there anyone who
Really recalls
Ever breaking rank at all
For something someone yelled real loud one time

and he's just saying "does going out to rallies and protests yelling and screaming and waving signs with slogans or whatever actually change people's minds about things?"

the "belief is a beautiful armor
but makes for the heaviest sword" is john mayer saying that it's good to defend your beliefs (armor is for defense) but you can't attack others with your beliefs (swords for attacks) i.e. saying all muslims or christians or jews or gays or blacks or whites or whatever other group out there should die because your belief or holy book or diety says you should

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