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Through The Eyes Of The Dead – Two Inches From A Main Artery Lyrics 18 years ago
story tellings are all fine and dandy but the stories that stay will have a moral of sorts, or this is what our past has dictated. so, with this in my mind, if i decide to like, or love, a song or band i can usually distort and bastardize it or them to extract some brand of commentary. so weather it lie in the intentions of the lyricist, this will be my spiel on the content above:
to me its a song of the faithful and the aggressor likes, or loves, a girl only to find that her faith in her lord dictates her every choice by its law. and this for him is a deciding factor in his relationship with said "girl", so he attempts to break her faith with brutal truth. her faith does break but it has been the steady and endurring ground on witch she based her entire life and mind unto now. so she now knows the truth but would have preferred her ignorance with the choice given. in the end she can’t look at her messenger any longer remembering what he did to her life. he had raped her of its former meaning, and she ends up leaving him in a reverent form of spite.

for so little words i realize this might be allot to extract but it helps me sleep at night thinking that my music has meaning.
sic song
Love it all

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