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Metric – Empty Lyrics 14 years ago
Not having given it very deep thought yet, I would say that this song is about giving up on something, probably relationships with other people.

I'm so glad that I'm an island now, contrasted with the saying "No man (person) is an island"

Coughed out my heart in the last stall - The image of someone dealing with some problem all alone in a public toilet (In this case 'coughing out my heart;' coughing out her ability to empathise with people.

And this having happened, having no regrets as to the new state of affairs - Now that the damage is done I never miss it at all

Favourite Metric song at the moment.

Passion Pit – Little Secrets Lyrics 14 years ago
So cheesy and happy you can't help but love it =D

Trivium – Shogun Lyrics 15 years ago
Yeah you could be right about some of the lyrics, but about half the album is about greek mythology, and I love greek mythology so I loved the album... It's pretty badass =D Like you said.

I haven't really bothered to go into the lyrics, but the recurring theme I see in the songs (same couple of songs you mentioned) is about action, my interpretation is that he says it's better to be doing something even if it's hard and it will get you killed.

I support this statement with absolutely no evidence, might pop back in later to provide some evidence, but I'm too busy listening to this song atm =D =D =D

Porcupine Tree – Trains Lyrics 15 years ago
Loving this song atm... Nothing to add, sorry...

Gojira – The Way Of All Flesh Lyrics 15 years ago
More or less =D

Dream Theater – Blind Faith Lyrics 15 years ago
Ledtheater9, I agree. I'd have to say this song is about blind faith in anything really, an institution, a religion... Basically about taking orders and ideas at face value without confronting them or questioning them at all... Very dangerous.

But what I really wanted to do was give props to that drum fill that Portnoy does between the melodic bit and the end, right before

"I don't think we let you down
So come Messiah show us how how
Throw us a pure lifeline
I hope that you hear me
Too proud to be around
There's more to us than we see now"

Sends shivers up my spine every time...

Gojira – Oroborus Lyrics 15 years ago
I love the symbolism of the oroborus; to me it's also a symbol of conservation of energy; one type turning into another type without being destroyed, and thus continuing in a cycle.

I think it's amazing that such an ancient symbol is open to so many interpretations.

Snow Patrol – Chasing Cars Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is so shit. They play two notes throughout the whole thing.


Children of Bodom – Downfall Lyrics 16 years ago
They closed with this at their Perth show.

So fucking hot.

The Sunpilots – Spotlight in the Sun Lyrics 16 years ago
Spotlight in the sun shining down on me...

I don't care if it's a metaphor, it's a shit one.

In Flames – The Chosen Pessimist Lyrics 16 years ago
Forever smacked, my thoughts exactly. This song isn't um... Too bad, but something old like December Flower beats it hands down.

In Flames – The Mirror's Truth Lyrics 16 years ago
Much prefer their stuff before reroute to remain, but the new album aint even half bad :)

Just wanted to say so, off topic, i know.

Deicide – Dead by Dawn Lyrics 16 years ago
Wow. You're doing this everywhere? Looks like you're the loser.

Deicide – Kill The Christian Lyrics 16 years ago
What you dumbfucks don't realise is that in most cases, the so called 'darkness' in metal is tongue in cheek. Call us artless you prick? There three musical genres with the most technically skilled musicians, and musically interesting compositions are Jazz, Classical and Metal (in that order). Don't bother commenting on shit you don't like if you don't like it, you fucking geek.

Megadeth – A Tout le Monde (Set Me Free) Lyrics 16 years ago
It's hot shit when they do it live.

Megadeth – Hook in Mouth Lyrics 16 years ago
Awesome freakin song...

Mastodon – Hearts Alive Lyrics 16 years ago
The drumming in this song is fucking phenomenal.

Arch Enemy – Rise Of The Tyrant Lyrics 16 years ago
The Intro seems to be from a movie called Caligula (About Gauis Caligula) starring Malcolm McDowell (Cat people, A Clockwork Orange)...

Haven't seen it, supposed to be crap.

Arch Enemy – Bridge Of Destiny Lyrics 16 years ago
I guess this song is about a turning point in someone's life, I'm really not sure.

I just know that the bit between the second and third verses, and the solo remind me of a circle pit somehow...

Arch Enemy – Tears Of The Dead Lyrics 16 years ago
Yeah pretty much

Arch Enemy – Fields Of Desolation Lyrics 16 years ago
Actually, I think it's about living with the belief of
a) Life after death (ie. Religion)
b) Lack thereof (ie. Atheism)

And the implications of that in everyday life.

Arch Enemy – Enemy Within Lyrics 16 years ago
From what I've read above, this song might be about fear...

Just my two cents...

Arch Enemy – Rise Of The Tyrant Lyrics 16 years ago
The intro's probably from Caligula, by shakespeare. Not sure, but it's a fair bet... Word is that play is a total blood bath.

DevilDriver – The Fury Of Our Maker's Hand Lyrics 16 years ago
Yeah, this song's awesome, makes me wanna jump in a circle pit...

Oh, and you guys are right in my humble opinion...

Arch Enemy – Blood On Your Hands Lyrics 16 years ago
New album is pure fuckin' metal!!!

Arch Enemy seem to have done what Iron Maiden did with their last album, and written about war, or power struggles, but I'll have to listen to it some more to be sure.

Gojira – Flying Whales Lyrics 16 years ago
I don't know why but it reminds me of that Metallica Instrumental, the call of Ctulu or however the fuck you spell it.

Probably because it's called flying whales, and ktulu is a giant squid or something...


Norah Jones – Rosie's Lullaby Lyrics 16 years ago
I think this song is about suicide.

In this narrative, Rosie is depressed and lonely (why the hell else would you walk by the shore all alone???), and essentially wishes she was someone else.

The moon is hanging over the ocean, and has a luring, hypnotic quality associated with it (like Mrs Chainsaw said), but the sleep it's calling her to is death.

And it would be so easy, because the water pull is strong...

Iron Maiden – Sign of the Cross Lyrics 17 years ago
I just thought it was about going a-crusading

Lacuna Coil – Without A Reason Lyrics 17 years ago
Where can I get this? It's not on any of the albums...

Hook a brutha up!

Lacuna Coil – 1:19 Lyrics 17 years ago
Well, this may be redundant on this page, but in my humble opinion, this is one of the best songs ever written...

Lacuna Coil – To Myself I Turned Lyrics 17 years ago
I've heard at least two songs by two other bands I like about this...
Retreating into a place where you're in control and nothing can hurt you, something most people can relate to at some time in their lives...

In Flames - The quiet place
Evanescence - Imaginary

Lacuna Coil – Falling Again Lyrics 18 years ago
Lacuna Coil albums are hard to find in Australia, I only managed to get my hands on the Original EP/In a reverie re-release, which doesn't have a dedication. So um... What's the dedication say.

The re-release CD is pretty cool. It's all white, but if you angle it correctly it has an orchid embossed on it XD

Lacuna Coil – Falling Again Lyrics 18 years ago
Lacuna Coil albums are hard to find in Australia, I only managed to get my hands on the Original EP/In a reverie re-release, which doesn't have a dedication. So um... What's the dedication say.

The re-release CD is pretty cool. It's all white, but if you angle it correctly it has an orchid embossed on it XD

Lacuna Coil – Senzafine (Halflife EP Version) Lyrics 18 years ago
This song makes me feel good XD

In Flames – Zombie, Inc. Lyrics 18 years ago
Zombie Inc. Twin guitar solo for the win man.

In Flames – December Flower Lyrics 18 years ago
Mmmm... Wish I'd been into In Flames back when I was still in high school... I ended up analysing Nirvana, I think...

White = Purity, so the colour white could also represent the purity of nature?

Just an afterthought to all this hardcore analysis...

Deftones – (Like) Linus Lyrics 18 years ago
I freakin' love Deftones, have all their albums, but I don't have this song!!!

Where can I get it?

In Australia that is...


Lacuna Coil – Enjoy the Silence (Depeche Mode cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
Personally, I reckon that this version is waaaay better than the Depeche mode version. But that's just me...

Lacuna Coil – Stars (Dubstar cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
Wow. It's a cover? I never would have guessed.

Lacuna Coil – Aeon Lyrics 18 years ago
No, the song's meant to be like that. Awesome though, right?

Lacuna Coil – Senzafine (English Version) Lyrics 18 years ago
Oh, so THAT's what it says. I wonder what it'd sound like in English, probably not as sexy as it does in Italian. Thanks for the translation :-)

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