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Bright Eyes – I Watched You Taking Off Lyrics 13 years ago
shit! When I was younger I thought I understood and could relate to this song fully, but the older I get the closer to home it hits.

Bright Eyes – Ladder Song Lyrics 13 years ago
I think it's "Feel a strange day every now and then" and "Bought a mantra to concentrate."
For now this is my favorite song on the album. This wouldn't have been out of place on "There Is No Beginning to the Story." woohoo!

Right Away, Great Captain! – Oh No, I Tried Lyrics 14 years ago
I'm a dead dog sinner
And man too scared to try

And you're too close to call
I would sell my mutter
for the chance to hear you talk

Karate – --- Lyrics 14 years ago
yeah, it's definitely Melnea Casss. If you're in that "college town" area of Boston you can get on tremont and then hop on Melnea Cass, it's pretty much "get the fuck out of the city time" from there.

"Well you know I can't imagine things from her side of the sidewalk.
If I just ride right through that,
what is a neighborhood?
I take my time so I can drive better.
I close my eyes and verify to the letter.
Well you know, you know I try.
I try to get around, but from 95,
what is a neighborhood, what is a neighborhood.
95 is nothing without you,
you know this ride is nothing without you along."

that whole part makes me think that he's no longer in his or any "neighborhood". Maybe on tour?

So, my take:
It's about a person who travels down 95 (hell, probably in the year 1995!) making money playing music or otherwise. However, he is looking forward to coming back home, where he can just relax and smoke in his bedroom with all the little freedoms and comforts that keep people from getting out of their routine and "neighborhood."

"Press a prayer on a penny down by the rest stop.
I've got so many and you keep me from spending them all." - Constantly being on the road really restricts a persons spending, especially as a traveling musician with minimal tour support.

that last little "...Drive, Drive 95" part could represent the repetition of the driving and lifestyle.

Maybe I'm digging too deep, but that's how i see it.

BoySetsFire – Curtain Call Lyrics 14 years ago
in a general sense, it could be about the way popular culture puts people on pedestals and gives them all this clout, but it's actually just a placeholder for people to gawk at and compare their own lives to. It'll never add up and just like with every popular icon their 15 minutes of fame ends and the masses have no need for them.

Elliott Smith – Shooting Star Lyrics 15 years ago
it should have been more INWARDLY DIRECTED!? are you kidding!? this man loathed himself at times...definitely not all the time, of course. He's only human. He may very well have slept around, but i've heard that he was so nervous about disrepecting women and making them feel like objects that he would have a hard time making eye contact in certain situations.Supposedly he went through a phase in college because of his philosophy courses where he read a lot of feminist lit and took it to heart. Also, it's a song, not an autobiography. I think most songs are semi-autobiographical, if only in theme, but yeah. I'm sure someone will either agree with me or say that the Elliott Smith biography isn't very accurate, but hell, i didn't know the's just what i've read/the impression that i get.

hahahah i realize i'm very very late on this reply here, but i felt compelled.

Elliott Smith – Shooting Star Lyrics 15 years ago
the producer said that he'd sometimes walk in on elliott passed out and/or all drugged up and Elliott, if i remember correctly, would sometimes tell him that drugs can't kill him despite how hard he tried.

Conor Oberst – Difference Is Time Lyrics 15 years ago
That line about Eden isn't right either, but i have no idea what he's actually saying there. Something about an "end"

"I want to hear the whistle blow
And the feelings roll" (it could be row...he sure says it funny)

Conor Oberst – Difference Is Time Lyrics 15 years ago
"My head is wide, but not too sharp"


"My hate is wide, but not too sharp"

I think it's "hate" though.

"It's the past present waiting in line"

Manchester Orchestra – The Other Side Lyrics 15 years ago
"The falsehood of sinners state..."

Kevin Devine – Hand of God (Demo) Lyrics 15 years ago
hahaha oh, I'm sorry I should have put this all in one, but oh well... "Might have meant more than you think." I'm actually listening to the album version, i guess i lost the demo, i don't remember if it's any different. so, ignore these if that's the case :)

Kevin Devine – Hand of God (Demo) Lyrics 15 years ago
and "prove the missing link"

Kevin Devine – Hand of God (Demo) Lyrics 15 years ago
I always hear "Oh hallelujah, higher and higher" rather than " and hard."

Atom and His Package – The Palestinians Are Not The Same Thing As The Rebel Alliance, Jackass Lyrics 15 years ago
hahahaha i still love this song so much. It reminds me of a lot of my friends. I play it for them and they instantly get offended.

Kevin Devine – Carnival Lyrics 15 years ago
which version is this? The album version is a bit different.

Thursday – Love Has Led Us Astray Lyrics 15 years ago
one tiny tiny tiny correction:

"If I dive too deep I can't hear you"

Jawbreaker – Boxcar Lyrics 15 years ago
hahahaha no shit...the ataris covered this song?
"You don't know what I'm all about.
Like killing cops and reading Kerouac." - So good! I feel like those lines should be thrown in the faces of so many people.

Jawbreaker – Chemistry Lyrics 15 years ago
I'm so glad this song was written. It definitely was great for commiserating when i was in high school. At the time it was probably kind of depressing, but now it makes me smile.

French Kicks – Don't Thank Me Lyrics 15 years ago
Woke up in a rage
the kind you'd find on a sound stage
woke up in a rage

That's what it sounds like to me, but I've never been on a sound stage. So, I'm not sure if there is rage to be found there.

Sparta – Air Lyrics 16 years ago
c'mon fix the lyrics please. this is terrible. i mean yeah it could be worse, still pretty bad though.

Zumpano – The Party Rages On Lyrics 16 years ago

Kevin Devine – Murphy's Song Lyrics 16 years ago
kevin probably didn't mean this when he wrote the "tapping" part but it reminds me of when dogs get older and their teeth chatter. my dog died last month and the weeks up to his death his jowls always seemd to be going non stop and his teeth would chatter whenever he'd move.

Brand New – Brother's Song Lyrics 16 years ago
(Dazed & Confused) - "this is my second favorite song by brand new, the first being soco amaretto lime. it so accurately captures the innocence they had b4 the draft"

...what? you know there was no draft for this war, right? They wouldn't dare implement a draft. They know better. people wouldn't support it and they'd have to deal with stuff just like they did in the Vietnam era.

Bright Eyes – Lua Lyrics 16 years ago
I got a puppy a few weeks after I'm wide awake it's morning came out and to make a long story short I named her Lua. It fits her really well. She's part red wolf and when i howl she howls back in the same pitch. it's really funny. When it's a full moon she goes crazy. I was going to name her Arienette but that didn't fit at all.

Kevin Devine – The Burning City Smoking Lyrics 16 years ago
"And while the stylists trim his beard and straighten those lapels"

Kevin Devine – Probably Lyrics 16 years ago
ah man i don't even know how many times this has happened to me on the train. i see a girl i want to talk to but i just end up talking myself out of it somehow.

Elliott Smith – First Timer Lyrics 16 years ago
does IEATFOOD post the same stuff on all the new moon songs?

i think it's "find yourself not blocked, but a door you locked" that's what i hear.

Two Gallants – The Deader Lyrics 16 years ago
haha also it's "cause here they come again to reposes my dreams"
haha i don't mean to be nit picky. just bored and figured i'd point out the little things....hmm that actually seems nit picky. fuck it.

Two Gallants – The Deader Lyrics 16 years ago
"boys, slacked up the jim and sing a hearty song"

is actually

"boys, slacking up the jib and sing a hearty song"

a jib is the front sale that is shaped like a right triangle.

Kevin Devine – Confessional at 6 P.M. Lyrics 16 years ago
damn it! now i'm just not sure what he's saying at that part. anyone know for sure?

Kevin Devine – Confessional at 6 P.M. Lyrics 16 years ago
hmmm.. it does sound like it should be "kids at campfire parties"

Kevin Devine – Cotton Crush Lyrics 16 years ago
isn't there a song by Miracle of 86 called Southern State. it's probably just a coincidence. still cool.

Kevin Devine – Brooklyn Boy Lyrics 16 years ago
hmmm i just got this idea. maybe the "it's my birthday" line is talking about how on your birthday you get what you want. that sort of thing. like how you get to choose where you go. I guess the choice is cocaine. every time i listen to this song it gets better and better. brilliant.

Kevin Devine – Write Your Story Now Lyrics 17 years ago
this song is so good. short, but it's absolutely fine that way. the guitar is awesome too.

ps - ostracized = )

Elliott Smith – Fake It Through the Day (Miss Misery, early version) Lyrics 17 years ago
yeah bionic. it definitely is "next door the tv's flashing blue frames on the wall"

Thursday – Sugar in the Sacrament Lyrics 17 years ago
Geoff was raised a Catholic and I'm pretty sure this song isn't about any wrongs the church or it's followers have committed. He's always talking about the way women are treated and viewed as objects. There was an interview that Geoff did right before war all the time came out that even talked about how people are told they have to look at women a certain way to be more of a man. The example he gave was The Man Show.

Either way, if i could have a good conversation with anyone in the world I would definitely pick Geoff Rickly. I love how the music industry hasn't ruined his morals.

Elliott Smith – Everybody Cares, Everybody Understands Lyrics 17 years ago
Jillyc even said it... it's not "you fucking out to stay the hell away..." it's "You fucking ought to stay the hell away from things you know nothing about"

Elliott Smith – A Distorted Reality Is Now a Necessity to Be Free Lyrics 17 years ago
hahaha figure at


you know what i mean

Elliott Smith – A Distorted Reality Is Now a Necessity to Be Free Lyrics 17 years ago
Everyone's got an idea as to what this song and any of them make sense. I love it. Elliott is one of the only musicians whose songs can have a different meaning to me at different times in my life.

The funny thing is that this song wasn't supposed to be the last track. I forgot which track Elliott had in mind before he died. Either way it is an awesome ending. Actually haha you know what i might be getting a track confused. It's late I'm tired, bored, and drunk so forgive me if i'm wrong. *it might be figure at which originally had a different track at the end

The Blow – Jet Ski Accidents Lyrics 17 years ago
I think it might be "I love to make reluctant sex" not "reluctant sucks." I'm not sure though.

The Good Life – A New Friend Lyrics 17 years ago
wow. Songs don't usually make me cry. I'm obssessed with Elliott Smith and none of his songs make me hold back tears like they do for most people. This song though, my god. It's my situation right down the the harold and maude part. I'm holding tears back by the end of the first line. Tim Kasher never ever ceases to amaze me.

The Good Life – Inmates Lyrics 17 years ago
The guitar in this song reminds me of a simpler version of Nick Drake's Day Is Done.

Elliott Smith – Kiwi Maddog 20/20 Lyrics 17 years ago
I'm not sure why Elliott Smith was inspired to name the song after Maddog 20/20, but i do know some background on it. Elliott and I forgot whoelse were in college at the time (i think) and they bought the bottle of Kiwi Maddog 20/20 because of it's green color resembled anti-freeze..or (again..i think). It might have been just because it's a crazy green color.

Elliott Smith – Amity Lyrics 18 years ago
*Elliott Smith and the Big Nothing by Benjamin Nugent*

"When Smith toured with Santen in 1997 in 1997, Smith seemed to be trying to pull out of Portland emotionally. In his tradition of the including names of real people in his songs, he would record the song "Amity" for XO after getting involved with a young, pretty woman of the same name who appears in photographs taken during his 1997 tour" (Nugent 111). It then goes on to talk about those pictures, saying that Elliott and Amity could be seen walking around Cambridge with his arms around her waist and both smiling. During this time in Elliott's life though, he was determined to get his life in order. On his agenda was to buy a real home with the money he had earned (all this prior to the "Miss Misery" fame). So I think that this song is, in my opinion, most certainly about the Amity Elliott Smith was friends with.

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.