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Regina Spektor – Ghost of Corporate Future Lyrics 17 years ago
this song is an incredible testament to regina's inherent brilliance.

love it.

Regina Spektor – Somedays Lyrics 17 years ago
For me, this is a classic tale of rejection.

The main character asks someone's father for his daughter's hand in marriage, to which he receives a prompt refusal. The daughter probably felt for his plight and attempted to comfort him, only sparking more anger and frustration from the young man.

Though the woman may try, the man is inconsolable and refuses her sympathy (don't call me, don't write).

He doesn't want any of their shallow compassion and grows increasingly frustrated as they continue to be kind and loving.

I'm probably overthinking it, but that's what it means to me.

Regina Spektor – On the Radio Lyrics 17 years ago
*The constant talk.

Sorry, editing mistake.

Regina Spektor – On the Radio Lyrics 17 years ago
Honestly, I am completely and totally enthralled by this song.

Every aspect is perfect: the phrasing, the lyrics, you name it. This song is incredible.

In my opinion, the first verse definitely references death and the journey into the afterlife. The talk constant talk about heat and melting reminds me of cremation, hence the line "until we were just bone." She also references the fact that worms are an important aspect of the decay of the buried human body.

I'm not entirely sure what to think about the million ancient bees line. Maybe it's a reference to the sins of their lives? If anyone has a good idea about that, it would be much appreciated.

Overall, brilliant song and brilliant performer. Regina continues to amaze me.

Death Cab for Cutie – Transatlanticism Lyrics 18 years ago
this is possibly the single greatest song of all time.

Death Cab for Cutie – Death of an Interior Decorator Lyrics 18 years ago
pretty much, me an yEllOwCaRdRoXmYsOx watched Interiors. it was pretty tight.

even though you guys are pretty much wrong.

basically, only the one that cared about the mom was glaring, waiting for a chance to scream at the new wife. so as the new wife is dancing, she dances a little too close to the table and knocks one of the mother's prized vases off. and so the youngest daughter screams at her and is all pissed.

then, at the end of the movie, the youngest daughter finally lets out her pent up anger before dawn one morning. Though she does end by saying "I love you", Pearl (her father's new wife) enters the room and asks who she is talking to. It's at that point that the daughter (Joey) realizes that her mother stormed out before she could hear Joey's "I love you". As Joey dashes outside, she realizes it is too late, as her mother is already approaching the stormy sea.

It seems as though, as yello-ok yeah I'm not saying that. as Kristen said, her leaving their lives brings about a unforseen calm, manifested by the consistenly stormy sea suddenly becoming calm.

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