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Rob Zombie – Dragula Lyrics 16 years ago
dude i first heard this song on twisted metal 4 too. it brings back memories. i wish i still had that game.
im not really into this kind of music as much but i still like it. i dont really care about the meaning. it was fun to play twisted metal to though. i used to wait until it would come on to even play. id hide my car thing. lol.

3OH!3 – Starstrukk Lyrics 16 years ago
Just set them up tonight (then down),

i think that's wrong.
im positive that its in fact "i just set them up to knock them down" it makes more sense.

"set them up TONIGHT (them down)" makes no sense at all. its not even english.

but anyway, not much explanation needed for this song.
love it though.

Death Cab for Cutie – Bixby Canyon Bridge Lyrics 16 years ago
I want to know my fate if I keep up this way
It's hard to want to stay awake
And everyone you meet they all seem to be asleep
You wonder if you're missing your dream
You can't see your dream
You can't see your dream
You just can't see your dream

thats my favorite part. but i think its "when everyone you meet" rather than "AND everyone you meet"
"you wonder if youre missing the dream" and then "you cant see a dream etc etc" not "your" dream.

i translated those lyrics myself, without looking at them beforehand and thats what i had gotten. and i think its right. but whatever. i really like that part of the song, it just speaks to me... its like everyone you meet isn't really there, or is focusing on something else, and you seem to have one thing in mind while everyone else is scattered.. there are probably other meanings but thats how i found it. or that other people around you arent really even THERE, and you seem to yourself that youre the only one being real and everyone is just floating through life, and you wonder if youre missing something by being so focused or being so serious all the time... and maybe you should just live? i dont know. those are some meanings i got from it. or he could just be talking literally, as in people seem to be ASLEEP and you wonder if youre missing a DREAM but that doesnt really make sense in the real world. hah.
but thats my favorite part, its beautiful.

Say Anything – Sorry, Dudes. My Bad. (feat. Chris Conley) Lyrics 16 years ago
does it say it in the fucking cd book? come on!

i really dont think its anna, or aliens, or chronic. i agree with the guy that said "add-ins" thats what i hear but it doesnt make sense, and im positive it says "get crunk" i hate not knowing for sure though!

Pink – Runaway Lyrics 16 years ago
It is very self explanatory. But this hits home for me too.
I hate how i feel like i want to leave my parents house, but i know that i cant because how could i pay for college. thats what they threaten me with, or what they would if i did runaway or move out. Sometimes i just dont care though. i listen to this song 50 times a day. seriously. at least today i did. i love it.

its just about how someones going to runaway from the pain at home and how she can't always be what her parents want her to be "ill never be your perfect girl"
she feels that running away is the only thing left that she can do
"ive GOT to run away"

i absolutely love pink. and this isnt really my "type" of music, but she is so amazing.

Say Anything – Sorry, Dudes. My Bad. (feat. Chris Conley) Lyrics 16 years ago
im almost 100% sure that it says "and get crunk" and not "itll be crunk"
but i dont know what he says before that
talk about anna isnt right
and it also isnt aliens.
its not either.
so stop saying it is. lmao.

i hear a clear "D" sound in the a word.
all i hear is adins. but i dont even know what that means. lol. add-ins? still doesnt make sense...

Chiodos – Bulls Make Money, Bears Make Money, Pigs Get Slaughtered Lyrics 16 years ago
i think its "shes sinking shes sinking" too.
just because if its SHAKING, it sounds like SAKING. like the SH sound isnt pronounced.
and i dont think they would make that mistake that many times and leave it on the cd like that.

Boys Night Out – The Heirs Of Error Lyrics 17 years ago
yeah sentimental i agree i listened and thats what it sounds like to me too.

Boys Night Out – Hey, Thanks! Lyrics 17 years ago
"We're taught to take precautions.
We take more than our share.
The cautious steps we're taking can't take us anywhere."

i think this part is saying how all our lives were taught to like live safe and take necessary precautions and whatnot, and then we're selfish in nature and that those precautions arent really going to help us in the end and that we should just live life without being too cautious.

"We sprang forward and fell back,
and we heard our clocks ask: "Hey, you! If time's a constant, why am I constantly under attack?""

and then this part, i dont know what it MEANS, but the literal meaning would be daylight savings time. thats what theyre referring to i mean.

"So, we poisoned our blood streams and we blackened our lungs." and then this part is giving examples of all the bad things we do to our bodies.

im not sure how the three connect. someone wanna help me out and tell me im wrong most likely? ha

The White Stripes – Icky Thump Lyrics 17 years ago
im pretty sure that its:

"WELL americans
what nothing better to do
why dont you kick yourself out
youre an immigrant too"

i dont think jack WHITE, would be like "white americans" hes white too, and his last name is white, its just too ironic. haha

Underoath – Young And Aspiring Lyrics 17 years ago
my mom absolutely hates this song.

lmfao if i played this song, she would leave the room right when she heard the first guitar strum.


oh man.
i love underoath.
TOCS anyway.
never did like the older one and i ABSOLUTELY LOATHE define the great line.
just sayin.

this is a gooooooood song. i just felt like saying that. not worth saying what it means because people already have.

Underoath – The 80's Song Lyrics 17 years ago

its "It's Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door"

The Blood Brothers – We Ride Skeletal Lightning Lyrics 17 years ago
i dont exactly know what the whole song means...

but i have an idea as to what the chorus means..

the part that goes "i got shot in the face its all on videotape so come on watch the blood its pouring commercial free"

it sounds like hes saying that anything that happens to someone will be on tv or the internet pretty much and that you can watch things that are even so bad as to getting shot in the face; commercial free. im not sure. but it sounds like stuff about the media like a lot of their songs.. i wanna know if anyone knows what the we ride skeletal lightning part means.

And Then I Turned Seven – Goodbye (I'm Sorry) Lyrics 17 years ago
this is sad. the first time i listened to it i wasnt paying attention .. i was reading something online.. and then i heard the message part and it just like.. hit me hard and i had to listen to it again.

its really not a suicidal song.. its saying to get help. the message says that. i mean YEAH its about suicide but theyre saying get help and to call that number.. im not suicidal, but it still makes me sad to think about it.

Anna Nalick – Wreck of the Day Lyrics 17 years ago
"Driving away from the wreck of the day
And I'm thinking 'bout calling on Jesus
'Cuz love doesnt hurt so I know I'm not falling in love
I'm just falling to pieces"

thats my favorite part.

but i really think that it goes like this

"His love doesnt hurt so i know im not falling in love im just falling to pieces"

she doesnt make a C sound when she says that line.

and it makes more sense because she just said JESUS. and Jesus's love doesnt hurt.. its happy. you know? it makes more sense to me this way. and thats how i always heard it and sung it. it made me think alot. alright thats all.

Anna Nalick – Breathe (2 A.M.) Lyrics 18 years ago
this song.. is amazing. i cant say anything else about it. i could listen to it 100 times and still get goosebumps just because its so... real. oh my god i love it so much.. basically i agree with all the people whos saying everything about like, not being able to go back in time and fix mistakes and you just have to keep moving on and live..

its so pretty though. im going to be listening to this song for years i can see it now. its just, great.

Head Automatica – Graduation Day Lyrics 18 years ago
- That she's seen love & she's faired war but fairness she can't see."

uh. thats wrong.. unless i have a bad song.. it goes "that shes faired love and shes seen war"

idk about the cd cover but thats how it goes in the song.. the rest of your corrections are right though jinx

Head Automatica – God Lyrics 18 years ago
I got a question, let me ask you
can you explain your reasoning to me
It aint a matter of my hard luck or bad luck
When there's no luck in it for me

Im not the type of guy to hold a grudge
against something that i can hardly see
But to say that there's a reason for everything
Leaves me doubtful and intrigued to say the least

God you dont want to answer me
But if you do, you better agree
God youve got the strangest sense of humor
Your to funny to be so heavenly

I got your number and you owe me show me
Just a little common decency
I kneel before you
And you bless me test me
And answer with this plague inside of me

Im not the type of guy to
Plead with the sky above
Or with the demon under me
But to say that theres a reason for everything
Leaves me doubtful and intrigued to say the least

God you dont want to answer me
But if you do, you better agree
God youve got the strangest sense of humor
God you dont want to answer me
But if you do, you better agree
God youve got the strangest sense of humor
Your to funny to be so heaven
Your to funny to be so heavenly

i corrected the lyrics... at least i think... a lot of stuff that whoever did this first made no sense.. at all. haha so .. yeah here you go.

Underoath – Some Will Seek Forgiveness, Others Escape Lyrics 18 years ago
one word. remarkable.

this is what i think. take it or leave it whatever you want. im going to interpret the entire song i think haha brace yourself im usually not good at this but this song is just so good and it just speaks to me HA that was corny. okay... here it goes

I heard a voice through the dischord
Of a deluge of passers-by
I saw one gaze frozen in time
Watching me passing by
I swear I'll know your face in the crowd
And I'll hear your voice so loud
When you're whispering
---okay. the person*god, jesus whoever you wanna say because im not sure about that part* he hears the whisper from the person in the crowd and sees ONLY them in the people passing by

Hey, unfaithful, I will teach you
To be stronger, to be stronger
Hey, ungraceful, I will teach you
To forgive one another
--well easy.. their going to teach him to be stronger and to forgive (that just screams christian right there because jesus's teachings were about forgiveness)

Here's my kiss to betray
Desperate to brush the lips of grace
Do you feel hollow when you think of how I've lied?
Oh, sweet angel of mercy, with your grace like the morning
Wrap your loving arms around me
Oh, sweet angel of mercy, with your grace like the morning
Wrap your loving arms around me
--okay this part does confuse me a bit.. the first two lines.. maybe about Judas as some people are saying? i dont know... but hes regretting the bad things hes done like lying and wants the angel of mercy to wrap her arms around him.. because she has grace and thats what he wants (maybe connection to first two lines?)

Hey, unfaithful, I will teach you
To be stronger, to be stronger
Hey, ungraceful, I will teach you
To forgive one another
Hey, unfaithful, I will teach you
To be stronger, to be stronger
--already said up there.

Hey, unloving
I will love you
I will love you
I will love you
-well self explanatory

And Jesus I'm ready to come (HOME!)
I'm ready to come home, home, home, home
I'm ready to come
Hey unfaithful, hey ungraceful, hey unloving
I will love you
Hey unloving (HEY UNLOVING!)
I will love you
-and jesus im ready to come home obviously means hes that he wants to come home to be with jesus and not worry about the world anymore and lying because if hes with jesus everything will be better?

maybe. im not exactly sure about all of this but its the best i can do trust me.

Underoath – I'm Content With Losing Lyrics 18 years ago
why does everyone always say that all these underoath songs are about GF/BF relationships.

if you think it is.. youre probably wrong and its about god or jesus. and geez i dont think underoath would write EVERY SONG on an album about their girlfriends anyway.

im not really sure what this ones about... POSSIBLY about a relationship only because of these few lines... the one where it says "leave your baggage at the back door" maybe because hes in a relationship with a girl who brings too many problems aka baggage to the relationship and the part where it says "this is what i get for wanting more for wanting more" maybe he wants more out of the relationship or something... but this is the only song i really think could be about a relationship.

Underoath – Down, Set, Go Lyrics 18 years ago
busroof... ummm no. personally i think underoath and tbs are both amazing bands.. but they sound completely different and unique in their own way. COMPLETELY. underoath screams.. um tbs doesnt. yeah big difference right there in its own.

pacoxxxtaco... i think what most of the sexual songs are saying is that youre supposed to be in love and... probably married if you have sex. othewise its a sin? im christian but i dont, understand all the concepts im only 15 so you know im not totally into religion either... not all of the lyrics are about sex. but a boy brushed red definitely is. and i think this one is too because of the "ill have her finished by 5 am" part.

Underoath – Reinventing Your Exit Lyrics 18 years ago
how the hell is it about dallas?

okay yeah and ... underoath SUCKED before TOCS. they just were HORRIBLE. DALLAS WAS A HORRIBLE screamer. spencer is way better.. and ... i agree with genuinevirtue from a few years ago when they posted that...

theyre only chasing safety was the best cd by underoath and if you guys didnt like that cd and were complaining about how they were better before... well youll probably like define the great line.

i personally do not know what they were thinking with the new cd. they shouldve stuck to the kind thats TOCS. it was better.

Underoath – I Don't Feel Very Receptive Today Lyrics 18 years ago
(receptive: 1 : open and responsive to ideas, impressions, or suggestions

whatever.. information.. same thing.. had to clear that up.)

Underoath – I Don't Feel Very Receptive Today Lyrics 18 years ago
okay so first of all to what zemagicmaster said... the song is i DONT feel very receptive today... receptive means open to receiving information or communication... so that means he doesnt wanna hear anyone tell him whats what. and yes i agree with a lot of the other people, hes depressed but wants to get out of the depression... but also at the same time he wants to cut himself "i feel like cutting it open tonight and falling on the floor" he wants to just shake it off and be happy... open the door... "the door has been shut for days" so at the end he says "its time to open up the door" hence the getting out of the depression..

oh yeah. annother thing... i dont think anyone wants to hear about your personal lives on here and how depressed you are. underoath is christian, they dont wanna influence people to be suicidaly these ones that sound suicidal end up being AGAINST suicide... and its just not right when people are like "ohhh this song just explains my LIFE. im so depressed."

good song though.

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