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Streifte Geist – Pretty Rabbit Lyrics 18 years ago
Fucking crazy, pretty much. Dreams, split personalities, you can put this song into any and everyform you want. This song is just about your escape for me. Where you go to be happy and whos there too.

Streifte Geist – Ugly Tree Lyrics 18 years ago
This song is great. It means alot, like standing up for what you believe in no matter what mainly homosexuality in this song. Matthew Shepard story, its good you have people that are willing to stand up for gay right, and this song is all about that, and that fucked up preacher Fred Phelps who can die. thank you.
This song is great.

Streifte Geist – Horror Whore Lyrics 18 years ago
This song has extremely sentimental value to me, because the guys in the band are just amazing people and when I was going through a rough time, we'll just say this song did alot.
This song is amazing, for a slowwwww song. and they have their horror theme, its amazing. I love it.

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