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Jason Aldean – Johnny Cash Lyrics 17 years ago
good song. about quitting, taking your girlfriend and just leaving all your problems behind.

Josh Turner – Would You Go With Me Lyrics 17 years ago
yeah, I'm also not really into country, but I looove this song so much.

The National – Mistaken for Strangers Lyrics 17 years ago
aw, I love this song!

Bright Eyes – Cartoon Blues Lyrics 17 years ago
I'm over 99% sure he's refering to Padric My Prince because basically that entire song is about a baby dying. Also even the water part 'cause in the song Padric drowned.

Anyway, good song, I took the cartoon part to mean that people don't see him as a real person or something, but I could understand the drug references. I don't think he meant pot as in weed though because Conor just doesn't write like that, he alludes to drugs but I don't think he ever really blatantly says the names besides with alcohol, I saw it as more of the conversation ending or something, I honestly have no idea.

Death Cab for Cutie – Brothers on a Hotel Bed Lyrics 17 years ago
yeah, I think anyone who's ever had to share a hotel bed with their brother understands what he's talking about.. like it's awkward and uncomfortable and you both sleep as far apart as you can, turned the other way. like even though he and his wife are still together, they aren't attracted to each other anymore and they just sleep together in a platonic way like you would if you were in bed with your own brother.

I think it's about someone who got married at a young age and realizes that he's getting older and isn't as attractive as he was when he was younger and he's starting to realize his wife has noticed and how much tension there is between them.

It's a simple yet beautiful song.

and I'm sure everyone has already said what I did lol

Avril Lavigne – Girlfriend Lyrics 17 years ago
what? avril was a sellout when she CAME out. I've never liked her and think she makes us Canadians look pretty dumb, but I do like this song. It's catchy, but I'd be embarassed if someone walked in on me listening to it. She thinks she's so "cute" now, it's so irritating. I think this song is mocking sluts, but I also think she's going to move into that direction..

Bright Eyes – Saturday as Usual Lyrics 17 years ago
I'm pretty sure he could've written the song when he was 13, but didn't record it 'til he was 15-17. And it's not that likely that he was 14 when he recorded any of those songs because his birthday is February 15, 1980. Not saying it isn't possible, just that it really isn't likely.

Leftover Crack – Muppet Namblin' Lyrics 17 years ago
er, isnt this song muppet nambla?

The Aquabats – Pool Party Lyrics 17 years ago
ps yeah i noticed the Rush part too

The Aquabats – Pool Party Lyrics 17 years ago
hahaha I loooove how happy the other guy gets.. "oh yeeeah!!! OH YEAAAHHHH!!!" hahah.

Holy Guacamole!
We’ve got chips!
that's so cute.

The Aquabats – Pizza Day Lyrics 17 years ago
yeah, i was gonna say every day was pizza day at my high school but it was usually pretty sick... but I was always happy for chicken nugget day.. those came with mashed potatoes and gravy, come onnn.
great song.

The Aquabats – I Fell Asleep On My Arm Lyrics 17 years ago
hahah niiice, this song made me laugh.

NOFX – Franco Un-American Lyrics 17 years ago
to the guy who wrote about NOFX only meaning NOFX (random?), he's said in oldd interviews that it's because when they started most of the guys in the band were straight-edge and Fat Mike wasn't.. so No F(at Mike) X (Straight-Edge). He's admitted that it was stupid..

Woo go Canadians! I live in America now (for the past 8 years) and I hate how different their attitudes are. Yeah, Canada and Australia have their share of bastards, but you can't go one place here without watching someone give the people working there with complete attitude and treating them like shit or like their stupid when they're just trying to help. Too many egos and attitudes here.

My whole family and a couple friends still in Canada so we go visit a lot and it's such a shock because I know we're not that far away but everyone just seems more nice and calm, no fat soccer moms in sweatpants in public.. I mean America has some really cool people too but being calm is seen as apathy here.

anyway, i thought this song was satire til i found out fat mike turned vegetarian.

NOFX – Clams Have Feelings Too (Actually They Don't) Lyrics 17 years ago
yeah, apparently Fat Mike is now vegetarian ([Er. has been since at least 1997] He said he doesn't have enough discipline to be total vegan &that he eats shellfish and freerange poultry). NOFX's older songs mock vegetarians though.
So yeah, I thought this song was making fun of vegetarians, but then I read an interview where he said that he only did that back in his "punky snot-nosed kid" days. So um. yeah. I guess he's being serious &giving the reasons why he can eat clams. or something. Reading peoples interpretations on NOFX songs is really giving me a headache, they're not that hard to figure out.

I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business – But When The Little Fellow Came Close And Put Both Arms Around His Mother, And Kissed Her In An Appealing Boyish Fashion, She Was Moved To Tenderness Lyrics 17 years ago
well, I mean it is the guy from The Early November...

The Planet Smashers – J'aime Ta Femme (I Like Your Girl) Lyrics 17 years ago
yeah, i mean with all the metaphors and such.. :(

Flight of the Conchords – Albi the Racist Dragon Lyrics 17 years ago
i think it's just trying to show how he was a racist dragon but really the town was racist for chasing him into a cave. and then he sees a kid he burned who was sent there too..
Albi began to cry dragon tears. Which as we all know turn into jellybeans! :)

Boy: No Albi, you didn’t kill me with your dragon flames. I crawled to safety! But you did leave me very badly disfigured.
(laughed the boy)
hahah laughed.

Flight of the Conchords – Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros Lyrics 17 years ago
yeah pretty much every time they perform this song it's different. so funnyy.

Flight of the Conchords – Jenny Lyrics 17 years ago
looove it.

MxPx – Barbie Girl (Aqua cover) Lyrics 17 years ago
oh, though i will agree that the track is mistakenly sorted under mxpx on downloading sites. but it's not. it's home grown. trust me.

MxPx – Barbie Girl (Aqua cover) Lyrics 17 years ago
ok seriously, ive seen mxpx live twice and they sound nothing (well. there's some semblance. i guess) like this song. this is definitely Home Grown.. come on, it's on their CD Phone Home. maybe mxpx started covering it live or something, doubt it, but i have yet to see it.

Operation Ivy – Jaded Lyrics 17 years ago
love this song.
"what was once rebellion is now clearly just a social sect"
that became so true.

Bright Eyes – Endless Entertainment Lyrics 17 years ago
yeah, I just heard this song a couple days ago. love it. can't wait til march 6th :)

Weird Al Yankovic – White & Nerdy Lyrics 17 years ago
hahah i like how it actually does sound like the song. this song is soo funny.

Fat Joe – Make It Rain (feat. Lil' Wayne) Lyrics 17 years ago
hahaha I actually like this song.

Hollywood Undead – Bottle And A Gun Lyrics 17 years ago
aaaaactually I'm pretty sure it's "fucking on the Hollywood sign"
and I think it was "What motherfucker???"

NOFX – Seeing Double at the Triple Rock Lyrics 17 years ago
yeah, those lyrics are pretty bad, but all corrections I had that person already said haha.

yeah, it's about drinking at the Triple Rock. I think it's pretty clever. And yeah, he mentions how drinking there is kind of like a religion.. I don't know how to explain it 'cause i think it's pretty self-explanatory.

Houston Calls – Exit, Emergency Lyrics 17 years ago
I love houston calls, especially this song

Reel Big Fish – She's Famous Now Lyrics 17 years ago
I like how he says "And just for the record, she got the deal"
Yeah, it's pretty obvious what it's about haha but I loveee rbf :)

The Forces of Evil – My Life Lyrics 17 years ago
hahaha yeah, I laughed pretty hard about the "I know you shouldn't rhyme shit with shit..." part. amazing song!

The Flaming Lips – She Don't Use Jelly Lyrics 17 years ago
ok so apparently it isn't about magazines. I'll believe wayne fuckin corey, so now I'm sure it just kindasoundslikeit'saboutmasturbationbutisjustafunsongandnothingmore.

The Flaming Lips – She Don't Use Jelly Lyrics 17 years ago
yeah, I was gonna say, I was pretty sure this song was about masturbating and then everyone at first is talking about quirks and kinda threw me off. I'm not sure about the third verse though...

Bright Eyes – I Won't Ever Be Happy Again Lyrics 17 years ago
this song is amazing.
Now a forest fenced becomes backyards
Like songs are born from sound
And an apple fell and it taught us all
We are chained here to the ground

Bright Eyes – Gold Mine Gutted Lyrics 17 years ago
I don't know if anyone mentioned this, but the music sounds like that song they play in Napoleon Dynamite haa.
Love Conor, but not so much this song..

Bright Eyes – Drunk Kid Catholic Lyrics 17 years ago
I'm not sure why this is on Noise Floor since.. yeah, it's rare, but really not all that rare.

I love this song though.

Bright Eyes – I've Been Eating (For You) Lyrics 17 years ago
yeah, it's about this girl that was using a guy... he had feelings for her but she only came to him when she wanted sex.. the "Yeah I'm just a medicine you take when you're sick" part. right.
Basketball part is pretty obvious. The HIV part is interesting but I'm not so sure he meant anything more than hi-fives.

The end is about how he's realized she only wants him for sex and he hasn't felt like eating anymore. But by "appetite" I think he means appetite for living &that he doesn't feel like living without her.

He mentions eating disorder sooo much, but then again he has a lot of songs..

a very good song and, yeah, very very bitter.

Mindless Self Indulgence – 2 Hookers and an Eightball Lyrics 17 years ago
yeah, there are two different versions of this song and one is motherfuckas and one is stupid people. a lot of really minor changes.. Like on the live cd it's called "Two Hookers" and on the new one it's "2 Hookers and an 8 ball" so yeah.

Mindless Self Indulgence – You'll Rebel to Anything (As Long as It's Not Challenging) Lyrics 17 years ago
this is one of the only songs on this album that actually SOUNDS like msi. I mean Shut Me Up is amazing, but it doesn't really sound so much like thier older stuff. The rest just sounds different..

Mindless Self Indulgence – Straight To Video Lyrics 17 years ago
yeah I didn't think this is one of their most sexual songs..
but I was thinking the EXACT same thing that it sounds like marilyn manson when I first heard it lol.

Catch 22 – Day In Day Out Lyrics 17 years ago
hahah yeah i was listening to this song and then I'm like "...wait, did they just say.. bucket full of.. phlegm??" I have no idea what's with that, but good song, great album =)

Reel Big Fish – I Want Your Girlfriend To Be My Girlfriend Too Lyrics 17 years ago
hahaha this song is so great.

"...Maybe I could kill you" hahah nice.

Tenacious D – Tribute Lyrics 17 years ago
such an amazing song. and yeah, they played Stairway to Heaven in that video.

Snow Patrol – Chasing Cars Lyrics 18 years ago
Jw, since the third "lay" is "lie" does that mean they're like.. lying to themselves by just laying there or is that just a typo?

Mindless Self Indulgence – Ecnegludni Fles Sseldnim Lyrics 18 years ago
this song's really funny.. but wow so weird.

Mindless Self Indulgence – Clarissa Lyrics 18 years ago
yeah, this song is definitely about Clarissa Explains It All haha. it's pretty funny actually.

Mindless Self Indulgence – Bed Of Roses Lyrics 18 years ago
yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone knows what this song's about lol and i agree with most of it.. I love this song!

Mindless Self Indulgence – Bed Of Roses Lyrics 18 years ago
yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone knows what this song's about lol and i agree with most of it.. I love this song!

Mindless Self Indulgence – Kill The Rock Lyrics 18 years ago
yeah, I also agree with what everyone said.. god, it feels like I've loved MSI forever.. About 3 years ago before any of us could drive, my stepdad came with us to their concert at the 930 club hahaha. He was like "yeah, i kinda like them.." so weird. anyway, this is probably my favorite song by them.. maybe not.. but I love the "nothing hurts anymore ...nevermind" part the best. :)

Avenged Sevenfold – Unholy Confessions Lyrics 18 years ago
I've never really heard anyone compare Atreyu to Avenged Sevenfold.. I mean they're way too different. That might just be 'cause I don't really like Atreyu..

Great song.. It was my ringtone a few years ago haha.. But it's just.. amazing.

The Pussycat Dolls – Don't Cha Lyrics 18 years ago
Yeah, I hate this band and I really hate this song. Not only because like.. wtf and I'm sure it hurts people who've been cheated on.. but also because it's just so stupid. Like. She's trying to be a slut, ok whatever, but she could at least be slutty with a good song. And also, why the hell are there like. 9 of them. And now they're on a "search for the next pussycat doll" ..I think they already have enough.

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