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Fall Out Boy – Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy Lyrics 16 years ago
The acoustic version is better times ten thousand. Not only is the singing better, it's so much more real. I click with it a lot better than I do the other version.

Ima Robot – Alive Lyrics 17 years ago
I definitely have a different version of this song. n_n; It doesn't say the "Wake up, wake up/This is heaven on Earth" bit... The chorus is like...

Well, the people, they come
They're watching the spot
I'll give you my only love
That's never a flaw
Oh, with the talk
I'll give you my only love

I can never find the real lyrics and he's singing kind of slurred, but... yeah... xD No clue.

I'd say that it's about drugs, too. I love the "D-R-U-G- leave no-one alive/I'm alive" part. It definitely says to me that this person once did drugs and quit them... The constant "I'm alive" kind of seems like he's shocked about this. Maybe he had a near-death experience with drugs like an OD or something, but he survived?

We Are Scientists – Inaction Lyrics 18 years ago
I definitely have to agree that this is about the whole party scene. :3 The singer keeps promising that he'll never drink again and he'll never go to another one of these parties, but he keeps doing it anyways.

He's counting on his friends to get him to a safe place to pass out and the like, but they're getting tired of taking care of him time and time again.

So, he gets frustrated. Everyone knows that if he goes to these parties and drinks, it's going to end up badly-- so why the hell doesn't anyone stop him?!

It switches into the band scene. Maybe they're kind of an amateur band, but the lead singer is already immersing himself so much in the high life that they can barely practice, so the band is packing up and heading for the exit.

Which leads, of course, to stress, so he drinks more! How is he supposed to know?!

I heaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart this song. @_@ One of my favourites. n3n

We Are Scientists – Down The Hatch Lyrics 18 years ago
It kind of reminds me of being in a relationship that isn't good for him, but he can't get out of it. Maybe his girlfriend is really dominating and completely controls him.

We Are Scientists – Callbacks Lyrics 18 years ago
Boney: It always reminded me of the whole acting business. o_o You know, how if they think you're good, they'll call you back? Mayhaps he's having employment issues.

It could also refer to the dating scene. He's sick and tired of going out on one date and never seeing her again because she never returns his calls.

Much fun to sing. :hartforthissong:

Metric – Calculation (Theme) Lyrics 18 years ago

Haha, it cut off the rest of my message because I accidently put in a HTML bracket! xD

I have to agree about it being love in a modernized world and how everything is so difficult.

"I'm sick, you're tired, let's dance"-- I like the literal meaning, like Nacksis posted, but I always thought of it just like... Everyone's so frustrated and I admit that it's tough, but let's dance. Kind of... Take the simpler route. We can be happy if we try. It seems that the singer has a bit of an infatuation with a co-worker or someone like that and she just wants to suggest to him, "Forget about all that! Dance with me. :heart:"

"Break to love make lust I know it isn't" seems like her love is constanly being questioned (Maybe by herself, actually) and people are accusing her of simply lusting for him, but she dismisses it. She knows she loves him.

"Cold as numbers, but let's dance" just backs up the first line, really. Society may have turned us into mindless robots, but it doesn't mean we can't love each other.

"As though it were easy... gracefully." Apparently, this girl is a bit of a go-get-'em-type? This makes sense with the loving a co-worker type. Maybe he works -for- her. I always falter on these lines. They strike me as slightly out of place, but they are, of course, not. xD; Just thinking about it now, I'm guessing she almost wants to resort to simpler gender roles where the male can take the girl and sweep her off her feet, as opposed to today's hectic world where and men don't do all the courting.

"Half the horizon... 'til I'm sick" Definitely a nod to the crazy technologic world of today where even the sky is made up of code.

"Sleep don't... grid we live in" INSOMNIA! They're so stressed they can't even sleep in their little suburbian homes. "The grid", to me, refers to those rows of homes that are all the same, one after the other.

"Dizzy when we talk so fast" She's getting crazed from their crazy business lifestyle. "Talk so fast" is like... They're so busy and stressed, she doesn't even have time to talk to him and make him see her feelings.

"Fields of numbers streaming past." And yet, we keep working, passing each other by... I have the image of a bank or a big law firm here x3

"I wish we were... milk cows" is a nod to simpler times again, yeah. :3

"I wish we were lovers, but it's for the best." Ahh! One of my favourite lines. xB This almost turns the song around so that they're actually not in a relationship in this whole song. Perhaps just friends, maybe even coworkers. That actually completely works and I never realized. xD Great. *Goes back and modifies everything above this line.*

"Tonight your ghost will ask my ghost, where is the love?" kind of explains itself. Where is the love? Why do we only have work now?

"Tonight your ghost will ask my ghost, who here is in line for a raise?" Let's seperate ourselves from that life, let's run off and sell potatoes and milk.

"Tonight, your ghost will ask my ghost, who put these bodies between us?" If it weren't for the bodies constantly running around and doing everything, we'd be able to connect...

That was long-winded. :'D Lyric analysis on no sleep for the win! xD

Favourite lines: "I wish we were lovers, but it's for the best." and "Tonight, your ghost will ask my ghost, 'Where is the love?'"

Metric – Calculation (Theme) Lyrics 18 years ago
During exams, the phrase "I'm sick, you're tired. Let's dance." passed over the lips of many a Metric fan in our little circle of firends. xP

Metric – Hustle Rose Lyrics 18 years ago
Homygoodness, I was in love with this song from the start. xD Maybe it's because I listen to a lot of techno-ish-like music, so the part at the beginning really doesn't seem repetitive to me. :B I barely noticed it.

I think that this song may be from both the girl and male perspective. The first verse is kind of talking about the girl-- hitting on rich guys, saying that now that their wallets are stuffed and burnin' hot, they may as well spend it, eh?

Then it switches to the guy who has -problems-. Maybe his wife just broke up with him. The thing is, he also got a big promotion, so he's filthy rich with nothing to do and a big empty void in his heart. "Something life-like" probably refers to the sex and fake love that you can get from any random woman in a "sardine nightclub" and "if every surface you touch is cold" is just talking about the numbness that you can feel after something bad happens to you.

"Keep the dream tight" confuses me. I assume it means keep it JUST a dream, don't let anything come of it (The dream being: falling in love, raising a family, being completely happy, etc.). "Why wouldn't I stand in line tonight?" seems kind of like he's saying that he's waiting for this one girl, but wants to pass it off casually. Like, he's falling for her already but doesn't want to admit it..?

I have the tendencies to see songs in video format in my mind, and I see the middle part (Now that your wallet is all lit up/Now that your wallet is all lit up/You're gonna wanna wear it out/You're gonna wanna wear it out) as the artistic sex scene. xB

And the last verse has them all mixed up and crazy. It's talking about both of them. He doesn't want to fall for her because he's been hurt before and she sells herself and she doesn't want to fall in love because it's bad for business-- or other reasons. They're both pleading to each other to not let them fall in love.

But yeah, "keep the dream tight" confuses me all through the song. Anyone have any thoughts on that?

Favourite lines: "Fingertip to painted lip, she sways her way up to him" and "If you're looking for something life-like/Hit a sardine nightclub/If every surface you touch is cold/Never go home"

The Dresden Dolls – Colorblind Lyrics 18 years ago
At first, I thought the classic kind of "Well she loves him in all these ways but he only loves her in anger/lust etc. etc." but... Just listening to it now, I kind of changed my mind. o3o

It seems to me that this girl loved this guy unconditionally-- through all ages and colours, stages and emotions. No matter what he did, she'd always love him. But now, she's slowly realizing that maybe he's "not the one." She's dawning on the fact that maybe a guy who hurts her/only loves her when they're having sex isn't a good choice.

"And I love you like a mother/Even after all you've done" This just points out that no matter what he does to her, she'll keep crawling back to his arms because she loves him "dumb and colourblind."

"And I loved you in such colours/As your eyes have never ever seen" Perhaps she knows that he didn't get enough love in his childhood/whatever? The whole "if-you-were-beat-you-will-probably-beat" thing...

"But your one trick pony's dead" She's finally realized that relationships have to go both ways and that his "one trick pony" (Sex?) doesn't matter anymore if he can't care for her like she cares for him.

Soyeah~! n3n Anyway, I love this song so much... It's really fun to sing. >D

Prozzak – Infatuation Lyrics 18 years ago

n 1: foolish and usually extravagant passion or love or admiration 2: temporary love of an adolescent [syn: puppy love, calf love, crush] 3: an object of extravagant short-lived passion

xP There isn't much of a deep meaning, methinks~ n3n; This guy is infatuated with this girl who dumped him ("You put my heart in jail", "You said that you loved me, but that was long ago", "Because you do not love me doesn't mean I cannot") and is trying to convince himself that he doesn't love her ("I do not wa-wa-wa-wa-want you, I do not ne-ne-ne-ne-need you").

Love for this song! ^_^ It made me able to pass a spelling test in grade five or six. xDD

Prozzak – Be As Lyrics 18 years ago
This one's pretty simple... It's saying that everyone has their pressures and problems and you shouldn't disrespect anyone. It's basically a big anti-homophobe, anti-racist lovefest. n333n

I sang this at a show in grade five or so o_O

Prozzak – Anna Lisa Lyrics 18 years ago
This could be about a break-up, but the more depressing is that his girlfriend, Anna-Lisa, killed herself.

At first, he sounds almost angry, but it's a very sad angry. He says that this girl was basically his life and without her, he's lost and doesn't know what to do.

"Boxes line our hallway" works with both scenarios. Either the girl is moving out or all her stuff is being taken to relatives and the like. He wants to go back to when they were still together/she was still alive ("I wrack my mind to find a way to bring us back to yesterday").

It was the end that mostly cinched (I didn't spell that right, did I? xD) the suicide thing for me. "I would have changed your mind somehow" seems more appropriate to someone killing themselves than breaking up, though they could both apply.

I looooove this song. *Less-than-three*

The B-52's – Planet Claire Lyrics 18 years ago
I love this song. It's one of my hairbrush kareoke ones. xP

The problem with interpre... er... The problem with trying to say what a B-52 song means is that they're so strangely awesome and nonsensical that it's sometimes hard to see anything serious behind it. xP

For instance, this song could be about someone from another country and how people can treat them very strangely and differently, but I think it is actually about an alien. Like, green skin, antennae, that kind.

Great band, gotta love 'em. xP

Ima Robot – Paint The Town Red Lyrics 18 years ago
It sounds almost like a psychopath kind of guy who goes on a killing spree because of a girl who... dumped him, maybe? Girls would give him love and then dump him and he'd kill them, their blood "painting the town red." He feels that they've betrayed him and wants revenge ("Vengence in my heart").

It could also be that he feels almost that if anyone gives him love, he should kill them before he love them, too... But the "eighteenth girl in the world who ever gave you love" makes me iffy on that one. xD

Favourite line: "My revenge is a dish best served right fucking now!"

Ima Robot – Here Come The Bombs Lyrics 18 years ago
This is the first Ima Robot song I ever heard and I fell in love with it right on the spot. xD

It all boils down to FEAR.

The first part seems to talk about how the government ("Our beaurocratic collective elite") have decided to turn on "the remaining nemisis"-- the last thing they have to fight. "Spinning themselves from the axis of evil" is like making themselves seem holy and good and better than all the terrorists and people they're battling. Then, they say how the President and whoever is always insisting that America is completely safe ("This is America, inpenetrable America!")-- but you should be afraid anyways. I don't think that the last line of that verse is actually the band name. I think it's just "I'm a robot!" like, "I'm being controlled by fear!" kind of thing.

After that, they get into the media thing, hyping up their products. Buy this CD and suddenly, your whole life will be complete! Then the fear aspect comes in again ("Get it 'cause you're running out of time!"), screaming at the listener that they don't have any time to waste-- they better act now, while they still have a chance.

The chorus is just more fear-mongering. xD Another referance to the American government there, I think, with their constant bomb threats and the like.

The second/third verse (I'm never sure. xD) is basically the same thing. In the middle, he has a bit of a personal break-down from the "I'M A ROBOT!" thing at the end of the pre-... song... verse thing. "Touch me, please!" He needs to be loved... or maybe just hugged. (*Vollunteers.*)

Then, the bridge part is just blatently media whore. People are dying, but it will all be okay if you buy our album, our product, our magazine.


Ima Robot – Dynomite Lyrics 18 years ago
I think it's kind of like what ethereal rock said, but the second verse kind of reminds me of a prostitute who sells herself for drug money ("It takes my sex to get her fix"). Unfortunately, he falls in love with her or something like that, even though he knows that she's troubled and will never be really "his." ("She's not alright, she's not alright, she's not all mine!") Though, of course, she could just be... a bit of a slut. xD

Ima Robot – Dirty Life Lyrics 18 years ago
Well, this song is basically about the words they say in the background through the verses. xD Sex, drugs, fame, fortune.

"My ghosts are chasing me" is probably a referance to the past-- lovers, secrets, etc. A lot of lines in here remind me of kind of bondagey fetish stuff ("Ooh baby, you mark my hide") and just plain sex. ("Goddamn, you make me scream!")

"Tell me it's fancy" seems kind of... You know, like, he's doing all this stuff: doing drugs ("I want to shoot you up"), having a lot of sex, etc. and he finds it all gritty and dirty, but it's seen as cool or "fancy". He needs people to tell him it's "fancy" so he has an excuse to keep doing it.

Ima Robot – Creeps Me Out Lyrics 18 years ago
I love this song~ Probably in my top three of theirs x3

My guess is this about someone-- in a band, the first few lines imply-- who isn't very good with relationships. They don't do the love letters thing, they don't give flowers, they're forgetful about "important events". Yet, this girl presists in loving them and they're just like-- "wait what?" Quite frankly, they're kind of freaked out about it.

I totally relate to this song. >3 Relationships = nonsensical. xD

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