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30 Seconds to Mars – Hurricane Lyrics 13 years ago
Actually, it does make sense. It's one of the first ideas that came to me, though I'm not convinced it's what the song was written about. I also believe Theoben used the phrase "killing abortion doctors is wrong", and never stated here that abortion is wrong. Anyway, this is one of the points of view from which this can be a pretty powerful song...

The Blow – Fists Up! Lyrics 14 years ago
The gist of this song reminds me a LOT of "Sentimental Tune" by Tegan & Sara.

That makes me like it even more.

Tegan and Sara – Hell Lyrics 14 years ago
Oh my gosh, you're right, it does (and yes, Satellite Mind is a good song). The lyrics and vocal style/rhythm are markedly different, though, so it doesn't bother me.

Radiohead – Motion Picture Soundtrack Lyrics 15 years ago
Wow. Yes.

Lethe may be wrong, but I think this is the most likely interp. At least it's the one to which I can relate. :)

Though-- Kexik-- the omitted line also made me think the same thing.

Red – Confession (What's Inside My Head) Lyrics 15 years ago
lol. Jak and Dexter... I enjoyed the random comment. :)

Really, nothing else was necessary, because the song is pretty self-explanatory, but I'm going to post my reaction anyway.

I can relate to this (fantastic) song. It describes what I deal with on a daily basis. I am full of hypocrisy and spite, and I withhold love and grace from other people because I'm so preoccupied with myself. That disgusts and terrifes me, so every interaction is twisted by my desire to hide my real self from other people, to ignore it, to justify it. And, of course, I believe the lie myself.

And in the moments when I realize that, when I start to see myself for what I am, the pain is almost unbearable.

Dead Poetic – Sinless City Lyrics 17 years ago
Your basic "Vices" song about being fake.

"we wear calluses on our hands from empty, vain hand-shaking"

You don't have to be a pulpit minister or something-- if you are a Christian and people know it, they are watching you. People CRAVE a taste of God, whether they know it or not.

"...fools that see us as their sinless answer"

You can symbolically hold their hands because of love. You can be honest and real and really care about them, and in doing so, show them how God feels about them. This is, at least, the IMAGE that most Christians want to project.

"on one side they're holding onto what we were"

You can also push them away from God by living for yourself, by pretending to care. You can set yourself up as a great example or some kinda crap like that... while still "holding their hands".

But if your love for them is not real, there's no way you're really going to sacrifice anything for their sake (such as your time, your reputation, your heart).

"here we are, holding the hands that we severed"

I think this song is about the tragedy that results: failed relationships. "And we both let go."

Blindside – Fell in Love with the Game Lyrics 18 years ago
I agree with MiniVanMan...

I always wanna have my own card to deal -- insurance, in case the cross was not enough.

My clever moves are pointless. My biggest accomplishment is to hand my accomplishments over to God and admit they are his. I cannot win my redemption with my own goodness.

I like the addition of "beer" -- What are we ON that gives us the idea of saving ourselves?

I also like the idea of being willing to be fought and injured if that's what it takes for us to get it.

Skillet – Fingernails Lyrics 18 years ago
I'm aware sometimes of a thing in me that seems to attract every good feeling ("all my dreams") and then completely destroy it. It's like starving with the flu when you keep throwing up. NOTHING ANYONE DOES IS EVER ENOUGH --

in particular me.

So I keep doing, trying and puking up pieces of my self-satisfaction.

Unsurprising that so many songs have been written about a lack of hope, because not only does everyone struggle with it at least once, but we honestly can't get over it. We know life is worth something and until the last sign of it disappears, we're scared that we're "wasting every moment".

That's where He comes in.

Blindside – Put Back The Stars Lyrics 18 years ago
Gorgeous song. I agree with CarolineO.

Stars represent guidance, as a person on a boat may have nothing else to tell them where they are or what direction they need to head from there. Board up the stars and there's nothing left but "black tar".
Sense of direction, sense of security, even the assurance that we're gonna get out of here at all: Gone.

Regardless, the subject of the song hoists his sail to wait for God.

It reminds me a LOT of the history of the Israelites. Rather too often, they faced some horrifying army literally stampeding down the hill toward their cities. They had two basic options:
1) Wait quietly for God.
2) Jump into their own SuperJeeps and call up the Egyptians for help ("Hey, the Pharaoh in eyeliner looks pretty tough").

Without fail, the crazy choice to stop everything and pray would mean a sudden, equally crazy military success. This would freak out the people in every nation close enough to hear about it.

A frenzied run for the chariots, on the other hand, meant a mess of blood and kids crying in the street and possibly an exile. There was no logical choice but to trust God and hold out for him. He was always right there after all, "the next door neighbor", just waiting for them to ask.

I think that's the kind of relationship this song portrays.

Blindside – Hooray, It's L.A. Lyrics 18 years ago
I definitely think Marky_Markstyle has got the right idea.

The theme of this song is nicely encapsulated in the Hollywood, Los Angeles Walk of Fame. Here (as most of you will know) celebrities receive their true canonization--when their name is scratched into a new star on the sidewalk.

This concept reeks of self-sufficient bunk. The lyricist wants nothing to do with "another concrete block waiting for me". He's rejecting that: not so much the city itself, but the entire Godless-mindless attitude it represents in this song.

It does not surprise me at all that he uses the word "damned" here. He's not doing it to get an offended reaction. He just gets his point across.

Blindside – This Is A Heart Attack Lyrics 18 years ago
Freezing to death hurts a lot.

At first.

I like the way the lyricist portrays the (corrupted) world as frosted grass--very pretty, but in truth, completely harmful--an appealing illusion.

Everyone knows that pain is a natural function that lets you know something is _wrong_. But you are an adaptive being, and eventually you will stop noticing it. This numbness is what the song warns against. As CarolineO suggested, your heart becomes tragically hard, and you don't even know you're losing sensitivity, your ability to separate truth and fabrication. Because it happens so _gradually_ (slow turning blood and veins cold), it seems normal. Dark, silent death becomes more a reality than life.

There's so much hope in this song, though. The heart is still "ready to crack", allowing the creation of a new one in its place, a soft one that "won't get old".


Blindside – Follow You Down Lyrics 18 years ago
As far as I can tell, he's talking about taking the heart out of an attack by refusing to "follow you down"--that is, engage in the habitual response. If he were to indulge the attacker by trying to argue, he would only expose himself to more wounds and drag the thing out.

I think this can be taken as a way to deal with Satan; he often uses people to tell us things about ourselves--how much we're worth, how we should feel about people ("and I hate that I suspect you're right")--and because we listen to him, he controls us. In Jesus we have this chance to begin living, and it completely blows Satan's bluffing out of the water. Searching that life out, though, means shutting out some of the noise.

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