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Andrew Bird's Bowl of Fire – Eugene Lyrics 17 years ago
To sure fatal doses of malcontent through osmosis

Look familiar? I love how he recycles lyrics.

Andrew Bird – Simple X Lyrics 17 years ago
From his interview with the Onion:

AVC: Because that was originally one of Martin's songs, "Simple Exercises" from Pure Trash.

AB: He would play that when he was opening for me. I was waiting to go onstage, and I'd be singing to myself backstage over that tune. That kind of division of labor is pretty foreign to me, but it was pretty satisfying to just go intuitively reflect: "What does this song want to happen?" And to just write a word for every keystroke. While we were in the studio in Minneapolis, I would get up and have breakfast at a café and write a few lines, and it was kind of my regimen, I'd write another couple lines for "Simple X." I guess that the song is a bit about breakfast, or that period of the day, being a possible key to world peace. [Laughs.]

Andrew Bird – Tables and Chairs Lyrics 17 years ago
Adderall is a medication for ADD/ADHD.

While Weather Systems calms me down in most occasions, when I start feeling down about driving too much or the ice shelf that just broke off in Canada or how much my trip to Europe is going to cost because of the falling dollar I think of this song and think about it being ok. I think that he focuses on things that are nice and lovely. Yeah, we're screwing ourselves over with our mainstream lifestyle but there are some really great things in life. (Snacks, music...ponies) If we get a chance to start over maybe we should take some lessons and focus on different priorities in life than making money...maybe the way we have our society structured isn't the best way for people to be happy. He's just so damned happy when he performs this; you can't help but smile.

Maybe we should stop being so "mild" and take a stand - change our own lives, do something for the fun of it. Be happy! Why wait until society as we know it has collapsed?

(and the FabChannel concert is amazing...I'm watching it now for the millionth time.)

The Format – Tune Out Lyrics 17 years ago
haha, yes, the 51 actually runs right down the center of Phoenix and is ALWAYS filled with traffic.

As lame as it is, I always listen to this song while I'm on the 51.

Bishop Allen – Things Are What You Make Of Them Lyrics 17 years ago
I love that Bishop Allen puts little life lessons in their songs.

Neko Case – That Teenage Feeling Lyrics 18 years ago
I've taken it more as maybe they didn't work but she takes inspiration from a friend who doesn't give up waiting for "the one"...someone who they will always feel that Like you do when you're a teenager and there's that first love. So maybe this one wasn't the one that fits that, but someone, someday will be. And if she doesn't find that, she's not settling for less.

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