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Caedmon's Call – Love Is Different Lyrics 18 years ago
It's about the grayer areas of love. We expect love to be manifest itself in certain ways, as exhibited to us by the media, magazines, books. There's a guy who obviously cares about this girl, but something feels off in him. He's not sure if it's b/c he's not completely in love with her or because he's realizing that the way he's feeling IS actually how love is supposed to feel. Anyway, he's torn so even though he wants to talk to her, get the postcard from Trafalgar Square, he also doesn't have some grand plan to "win [her] back". So he feels his confusion and projects that onto her, saying the she is "a mystery to me." what a lovely, complex song.

Caedmon's Call – Prove Me Wrong Lyrics 18 years ago
I really relate to this song. I'm pretty sure it's talking about how hard it is to have faith in something. There was a time when I believed that God was just a myth that people held onto because they were too afraid to face the reality.
"I fear maybe this is all just a game
Our friends and our families all play too
Harness the young and give some comfort to the old"
Yeah, sometimes you get the feeling that everyone has an inkling it's not entirely true, but they hold on anyway due to societal, familial ties.
What a wonderful song about the pitfalls of faith and being honest with yourself about your doubts.

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