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Britney Spears – 3 Lyrics 14 years ago
Guys, its not that she doesn't CARE about her kids. She probably just doesn't even know that she has any.

Lil' Wayne – Sky's The Limit Lyrics 16 years ago
The instrumental part of this song is mr. jones by mike jones. anyone else catch that?

Hurricane Chris – A Bay Bay Lyrics 17 years ago
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes.

The Lovely Feathers – The Lion Eats the Wildebeast Lyrics 17 years ago
Away from the piranAAHS.
ohh mann I love this song.

Meg & Dia – Monster Lyrics 17 years ago
That story brings a lot more sense to the song now.
A boy grew up watching his mother being abused. He grew up craving for love, something he had never understood. He sees this beautiful girl, and rapes her because he wanted to feel love.

"Then he slowly saw their nightmares were his dreams"
When he touched this beautiful girl it was like a dream to him. But he realized that it was one sided and he had inflicted a nightmare upon her.

Comparing the story to the last verse, the rapist killed himself by filling a bathtub with kerosene to light himself on fire, so he could be like a glow fly. The glow flies were the only beautiful thing he knew.

Fear Before – Hey Kid, I'm A Computer. Stop All The Downloading Lyrics 18 years ago
but yeah i pretty much can't figure out what this song means..

Fear Before – Hey Kid, I'm A Computer. Stop All The Downloading Lyrics 18 years ago
When it talks about LA castles I think it means how we're so spoiled in north america and take everything for granted. We're basically all addicted to the media and the media uses sex to buy us but they don't care the effect on us as long as they're making money.

My Chemical Romance – Bury Me In Black Lyrics 18 years ago
the line that says "shot lipgloss through my veins".. does anyone have any idea what that means?

Taking Back Sunday – ...Slowdance on the Inside Lyrics 18 years ago
I think the glass house refers to how fragile their relationship is.

Every Time I Die – Kill the Music Lyrics 18 years ago
This song is about a "disparged" lover. disparaged - To speak of in a slighting or disrespectful way; belittle. To reduce in esteem or rank.
arrhythimic - Lacking rhythm or regularity of rhythm (I think the line about the bedroom door being arrhythimic is talking about the lack of sex between the husband and wife because the husband is always gone and they're both lonely and have grown apart.)
irreverence- A disrespectful act or remark.
schrapnel-Fragments from an exploded artillery shell, mine, or bomb.

so basicaly a woman who never sees her husband who possibly is cheating on her. She is lonely so she cheats on him. "the truckers wives who erected them."

Fear Before – Should Have Stayed In The Shallows Lyrics 18 years ago
When I heard this song I thought of this girl I know who has to get drunk and fucked up every weekend. Its kind of sad actually cause I think shes screwing up her life.. anyways Fear Before the march of flames is A m a z i n G. And I love the sarcasm. "I’m the life of the party until I sober up." best line..

Slipknot – Diluted Lyrics 18 years ago
I agree with joebeezee. and AMAZING song its so real. You just feel everything Corey sings and the passion in his voice.

Zao – If These Scars Could Speak Lyrics 18 years ago
I just heard this song today and I think the lyrics are really powerful. They don't sound like fbtmof but they do remind me if anything of nodes of ranvier. And shadows_fall the peTal thing was annoying me too lol

Three Days Grace – (I Hate) Everything About You Lyrics 18 years ago
Sure the lyrics aren't all that deep and metaphorical but sometimes you just need to say what you have to say honest and direct. And I think almost everyone can relate to this song. meh i think its good I don't see the big deal.

We Are Lions – January Lyrics 18 years ago
Yay first to comment. This song is about a relationship that ended and the boy feels cold without her there and he's trying to find words that will bring her back. Pretty self explanitory I guess.

A Thorn for Every Heart – February Lyrics 18 years ago
The first time I heard this song it sort of reminded me of Hawthorne Heights. but way better in my opinion.

Stone Sour – Through Glass Lyrics 18 years ago
When I hear this song I think about someone who had something really terrible happen to them such as abuse or a close death and they put up an emotional wall around themselves afraid to let people in. They feel trapped like they're in a glass box, disconnected from the outside world and they feel like they can't relate to people and trust them. Soon the glass box begins to feel like home because the seclusion from others gives them a false sense of security from what hurt them in the first place.

ThrowDown – Raise Your Fist Lyrics 18 years ago
Just something I heard yesterday; "In acceptance lies peace". I'm so sick of all the labelling these days. Honestly I hear and see the words "emo" and "goth" and "gangster" too many times a day. and theres always an argument that follows. Its annoying. I think we need to stop classifying everyone into little groups. And bitching at each other.
I love the intro to this song from the breakfast club. It makes me laugh.

art star

Nightmare Of You – I Want To Be Burried In Your Backyard Lyrics 18 years ago
oh thanks haha. my bad.

Scary Kids Scaring Kids – Faith In The Knife Lyrics 18 years ago
I think the meanings pretty obvious. This is probbly my favorite song by Scary kids.

Boys Night Out – Hold On Tightly, Let Go Lightly Lyrics 18 years ago
such a good song!! I'm so mad I'm gone when these guys are coming to Winnipeg :( this song has a really good beat. I think at the end when it says "tasted blood on my tongue for the last." he maybe killed her then killed himself so they could be together? or maybe he kissed her after he killed her. he definately also killed people that had wronged her because it says "we'll finger-trace the targets on THEIR backs and open fire.
Just hold on until THEY'RE gone." I don't think you can really know exactly what this song means though.

Nightmare Of You – I Want To Be Burried In Your Backyard Lyrics 18 years ago
"Oh megan, don't do this
Sometimes you can be so foolish
I dropped you at your place
That was yesterday.
My thoughts have turned goulish,
My insides have become outlandish
I'm in a bad way every passing day."
^those are the lyrics at the beginning. really good song.

The Early November – Come Back Lyrics 18 years ago
"When you're so far you'll forget about me"
I've had so many of my friends go to different schools, move to dif countries and this is exactly how I feel. I'm scared they'll forget about me and I'll still be here. well everyone wants to be remembered and wants to mean something to someone, right? anyways these guys are good. good song.

Taking Back Sunday – Your Own Disaster Lyrics 18 years ago
could someone please tell me what a lush is?

Bright Eyes – No Lies, Just Love Lyrics 18 years ago
this song is amazing it just made me think of my uncle. He committed suicide a few years ago no one in my family knows why. I'm pretty sure he had depression. The sad thing is a few weeks after he died his wife found out she was pregnant. If he would've waited just a bit longer it would've been okay. This reminds me of this part in the song
I wrote this for a baby
Who has yet to be born
My brother's first child
I hope that womb's not too warm
Cause it's cold out here
And it will be quite a shock
To breathe this air
To discover loss
I don't see my cousin at all because after my uncle died my aunt won't talk to our family anymore because she's not related to us and she just wants to forget the whole thing, but I feel like this part is written for my cousin Emma. Suicides really hard, I've seen the pain that still lives in my family thats always going to be there and the unanswered questions. I hope that if anyone is thinking about committing suicide and reads this, that it will change their minds.

sorry to repeat this comment, new account hopefully the old one will be deleted soon.

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