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The Chicks – Not Ready To Make Nice Lyrics 18 years ago
to Litz_Awake: at a Dixie Chicks concert in London (I believe) Natalie announced that she is ashamed that Bush is from Texas (the Chicks' state), and it caused a giant uproar from country music fans, Bush fans, and basically became way more of a big deal than it should have been. people smashed their CDs in public, wrote hate letters, etc. this is the Chicks' response to the people who responded in a violent way...basically saying that they're not sorry and won't be silenced by redneck bullshit.
and about it being banned...i didn't know that, but i don't listen to country radio. it certainly can't be legally banned (that would be unconstitutional)...but i bet a lot of stations have refused to play it...making it close to being completely banned anyway.

i'll admit...the chicks are bad businesswomen, but i've never believed that to be a great artist you had to sell a lot of records. you just have to love what you do, be good at it, and if like-minded people enjoy it....then that's a bonus. popularity is does not mean quality. look at any pop chart and that point is proven.

i like to think of it this way: they singlehandedly wiped out the fans that they wouldn't want to associate with anyway (i.e. goddamn idiots). that's almost genius actually.....haha

The Chicks – Not Ready To Make Nice Lyrics 18 years ago
one of the first few posts from "strawberry"-something says the dixie chicks are wimpy brats who need to respect their leader or whatever. first of all, i need to take a moment to mourn for the state of this country based on that comment alone.........

ok now that that's over, i would like to reference the FIRST AMENDMENT. it is not only our RIGHT, but our DUTY to openly question and constantly evaluate our country. it is built in our ideals. those who don't like it can leave....which, oddly enough, is ANOTHER right protected by our constitution: your right to denounce your own government. the SOUTH DID IT in 1864...remember a little thing called the Civil War? It was about exercising freedom of speech (whether or not they were fighting for a just cause) and right to secede from a government they did not agree with. We all know that their cause was ultimately wrong, and of course our government has a few more complexities these days, but the core idea is the same and (in theory) still in tact. it was their right to speak their minds, as written in the constitution. So, to wrap it up...whether you agree with the Dixie Chicks or not, we are lawfully obligated to honor their constitutional right to express themselves. this is not an argument. it's fact.

so if you want to call yourself an american, have some RESPECT for your fellow citizens. in reality, we're all in the same boat, regardless of our political positions. i applaud the dixie chicks for their awareness and appropriate use of their rights.

Keane – Hamburg Song Lyrics 18 years ago
i saw this song live in february of 2005 and it was mesmerizing. i've waited over a year to have my own copy of it and every time i listen to it i become more in love with tom chaplin's voice, as well as his amazing organ-playing (yes, tom plays the organ in this song.)

i think its about needing something more from someone...but not being bold enough to "ask" for ("you take much more than i'd ever ask for") it or make it known. hmm... i wish i remember what he said before playing it in concert...

regardless, this song is beautiful.

The Beatles – Yesterday Lyrics 18 years ago
I don't suggest that you shouldn't write your true feelings on the song...but I do suggest that you be a little less insulting in your statement. i'm not sure that the group of people who would take the time to write a post saying "the greatest song ever" here necessarily have the most malleable opinions on the song, or that they are suppressing unfavorable feelings towards it- and therefore they would not be a desirable target audience for your attempt to enlighten someone. but i suppose i could be wrong.

in truth, i guess your work has been done, since your post caught my eye and drew a response out of me. i have never been of the opinion that "yesterday" is one of the greatest songs ever, but i do enjoy it as one of my favorites...which i have discovered recently have a tendency towards simplicity, and that's basically just my taste. i enjoy dylan, pixies, the stones, etc., but a lot of my favorite songs go back to the basics...mostly ones that my father used to play for me when i was maybe my love for it has to do with the attached sentiment. that is all i can say on the song, and i don't intend to force my opinion on should just know that i am not a mindless idiot who thinks most popular songs are "good" songs, i have my own likes and dislikes based on what i would like to call a moderate level of music knowledge.

i guess i was just wondering...because even though i despise the band "fall out boy," i would never think to go to the lyrics page and rant about how the lyrics make no f-ing sense and their musicality is generic at best. but i assume those who like their "music" wouldn't care to hear it. and i don't care to tell them. i guess this comparison to your disdain for "yesterday" is a little more extreme, but i hope it gets my point across.

The Beatles – Yesterday Lyrics 18 years ago
well, the Queen seems to value Sir Elton John on the same level as Sir Michael Philip Jagger and (to bring it back to the original subject, "yesterday") Sir Paul McCartney. so even if you don't, there are those who do think he has exceptional talent. i trust his opinion on music, just because he knows it so intimately. you don't have to like everything he writes to respect him and believe he has a worthwhile and educated opinion.

and anyway...everyone has their own personal taste when it comes to music. i'm just wondering why you would come to the lyrics page for this song just to try to shame all the people who think it's "amazing." it seems a little condescending. just remember that what gives YOU such good taste are all the people who have bad taste or no taste at all. why not just be content with the fact that you have superior taste, and try not to put down those who lack your discerning ear? do you really think you can get people to change their opinion on their favorite song just by calling it "bland"? it's like asking a redneck to vote democrat. it won't happen. you can't change someone's opinion just by telling them, with a condescending tone, that it's wrong. it doesn't work that way.

The Beatles – Yesterday Lyrics 18 years ago
ok mikeymike...does this mean you're challenging the man who can come up with an amazingly insightful melody in a matter of MINUTES (Elton John) when you say people who think this is the greatest song ever written have are no judge of music? really now...whether you like Elton John or not, who described "Yesterday" as PERFECT, you can't deny that he is a musical genius. so i'm going to trust him.

and to what you said about imagination in the lyrics...sometimes something simple, honest, and pure speaks louder than something obscure but more "creative" least it speaks to more people. i sincerely doubt that when you feel depressed or down, you think of an imaginitive way to describe it. sometimes when you have as much emotion as paul did, the easiest way to say it is with simple words. and then everyone will know how you feel. he's no poet who's trying NOT to be understood. and the music is amazing. those strings....and the guitar. they're beautiful. i challenge someone to find a more pure, honest, and emotional song than this. to me, that's the mark of a really great song.

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