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Puscifer – The Mission Lyrics 10 years ago
Do you seriously think that North End Guinea refers to a country?

North End clearly refers to the North part of a city - like,_Boston
I have no idea if he means Boston - but it is called Little Italy. And Guinea was slang for Italian matching up in time for when Gat meant gun.

Snow Patrol – Ways and Means Lyrics 16 years ago
I think he may have killed her.

The taste of blood in his mouth is not his blood. Its like when a domesticated animal is allowed to kill. It gets the taste of blood and wants more.

He finds violence more enjoyable than arguing.

Dead Kennedys – Holiday in Cambodia Lyrics 17 years ago
This song came out as the first Baby Boomers kids were going into college. While the anit-war Boomers drilled into their kids heads how wonderful socialism and anti-war was they were also spoiling them with all the money they "earned" in a capitilist system.
This song is about the spoiled kids of anti-war Baby Boomers being raised to think that there is never a reason to use violence to defend yourself. At the same time cheering how much better other countries are and leaving out how these countries use violence to enslave their own people.

Jem – 24 Lyrics 17 years ago
The tagline for the 1988 movie D.O.A.:
Someone poisoned Dexter Cornell. He's got to find out who. He's got to find out why. He's got to find out now. In 24 hours, he'll be Dead On Arrival

Sleater-Kinney – Far Away Lyrics 18 years ago
Funny thing. I read that people say they remember that day and the President hiding but we didn't find out about that till weeks later. Clinton, Carter, Reagan, Lincoln and Washington would all have done the same. Its their job.

What I remember is Bush sitting in front of kids and someone walking in and whispering to him and he nods and went on listening to the kids. And then someone came in and whispered again. This time he didn't nod. He slowly got a really pissed off look on his face.

Thats what I remember from that day and still how I feel about that day.
Good Song.

The Sisters of Mercy – Ribbons Lyrics 18 years ago
If I'm not mistaken "flowers on the razor wire" is anti-war.

I'm not sure if the song is anti-war, making fun of anti-war, or has nothing to do with war.

I really love this song. Part of me is dieing to know what it means. But another part is worried that knowing what it all means will ruin the song for me.

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