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The Mars Volta – Halo Of Nembutals Lyrics 15 years ago
Just a guess that this could be something to do with sin; how we are all going to end up in the same place anyway. The first verse seems to be about death/being judged and sent to hell, and the next few almost seem to be addressed from the POV of the devil towards God (just my guess). Or maybe more generally a person who has accepted that they (and we all) are inevitably going to end up in hell, addressing a "holier than thou" type of person waiting for salvation/convinced they are headed to heaven.

I guess it's kind of a religious interpretation but there are plenty of metaphors for Satan/the devil/snakes in there.

R.E.M. – Sing For The Submarine Lyrics 16 years ago
I think this could somehow be about the media using scare tactics to gain power over the masses, but we shouldn't be as scared as they'd like us to be. I'm not sure where the submarine comes into it though.

R.E.M. – Houston Lyrics 16 years ago
Yup, pretty evident right from the first line.

In Flames – The Mirror's Truth Lyrics 16 years ago
Yeah, maybe we should wait til the actual EP is released before we take a stab at these lyrics, huh?

From what I can tell, and from the messages in the video itself, it seems like this is a song themed towards how society is aware of exploitation in places like China and North Korea, yet we ignore the same things when they are happening under our noses at home.

Tool – Lost Keys (Blame Hofmann) Lyrics 16 years ago
If you lok through the official Tool website, there are various articles/stories/photographs based around an experience which inspired Faaip De Oaid and Lost Keys/Rosetta Stoned, so the songs are at least connected in some way.

In Flames – Abnegation Lyrics 16 years ago
Where did you get your dictionary, the toilet?

Abnegation means basically to relinquish or give up something. So through our actions we are abnegating our own planet is the message here.

Dimmu Borgir – The Sacrilegious Scorn Lyrics 17 years ago
Sounds like it follows the theme/story of the album. The writer is saying that Christianity has held Satanism down for too long and it's time to make up for "lost ground" so to speak. It's fundamentally about being free from the "lies, corruption, poison" used by Christianity to control him.

Tool – Lost Keys (Blame Hofmann) Lyrics 17 years ago
I was watching a chat show with the guest as Richard Hammond the other week... if you didn't know, Richard Hammond is a British TV presenter on car show Top Gear, who recently was involved in a rocket car accident which put him in a severe coma. He was talking about it on this chat show and he was talking about something you get after coming out of a deep coma called "Lost Keys" Syndrome, which immediately got my attention. I can't actually find anything about it on the net, but I think it's basically your brain untangling itself after being shut off for a while, and in the process you forget things you should be able to easily recall...

Tool – 10,000 Days (Wings Pt. 2) Lyrics 17 years ago
From reading the lyrics/listening a lot to the song, I've come to the conclusion that the song is about his mother's funeral. and Wing pt.1 is about her dying...? Well I'm pretty sure this one is about her funeral, if you read it, it describes pretty much what happened and what he thought about it.

Tool – Rosetta Stoned Lyrics 17 years ago
I remember a quote from MJK basically along the lines of, "Anyone can use a drug to go somewhere in their mind every time, using the same drug every day for 10 years. The real challenge would be to use the drug once then spend the next ten years trying to get back to that place in your mind without using the drug again." That's not what the quote was but that was the basic gist.

So I agree with a recent point, that Maynard is mimicing and critising a person tripping on hallucinogens just for the sake of doing it rather than for any kind of spiritual reason. I also remember a quote where he says you shouldn't be using a drug you don't know the effects of properly, or that you can't control the effects of, and you should try to know what you're doing with it otherwise you're wasting your time/life on it.

So basically, anyone can trip out on acid and see and alien who tells them something monumentally important, but you're never going to remember what it was, and you'll just end up a quivering mess because you're in way over your head.

In Flames – Bullet Ride Lyrics 18 years ago
"Only when you lose everything, are you free to do anything." A nice little Fight Club quote which I think sums this song up, particularly the line verse:

"It's the cowardice that pulls you under
And takes you to the end, where it begins
Release, the world is waiting on your arrival
Close your eyes, as we witness another bullet ride"

You get so down that eventually you can't go any further, have nothing more to lose, then you can let it all go and start living again.

In Flames – Moonshield Lyrics 18 years ago
I think here the Sun represents hope, fulfillment. The moon represents boredom, misery, death. So the "Moonshield" could be the sun itself, or more liberally it could be hope.

"Naked and dying under worlds of silent stone
reaching for the moonshield that once upon us shone"
Worlds of silent stone = the moon
So since the Moonshield "shone", does that make it the Sun? Just a thought.

In Flames – Reflect the Storm Lyrics 18 years ago
Why not actually say what you think the song means instead of bantering on about how you rate it etc. etc.

I think it's about wanting an answer despite the fact it might destroy you.

In Flames – Reroute To Remain Lyrics 18 years ago
I think that's what he meant...

Disturbed – Land of Confusion (Genesis cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
Sorry to spam up this song, but just as a point of interest, disco-synth-pop artist Alkazar have done a song called "This is the World we Live In" which borrows a lot from this song. Of course, it's terrible, but I couldn't help but recognise the lyrics/tune on the radio in McDonald's the other day. So just so you know. Do NOT listen to "This is the World we Live In". It is pure unfiltered stinking crap.

Disturbed – Land of Confusion (Genesis cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
...Yep, just listened to both. Disturbed's version stays somewhat more true to the original, but I have to say, the In Flames version is brilliant. Who'd have thought "Land Of Confusion" would make such a great melo-death metal song?

Disturbed – Land of Confusion (Genesis cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
In Flames > Disturbed. Actually I haven't heard Disturbed's version... but I figure it's a forgone conclusion. :P

In Flames – Jester Script Transfigured Lyrics 18 years ago
Cre-Age-Aeon sounds like "Creation". But "aeon" means an indefinately long amount of time, or more specifically, the longest division of geologic time (2 or more eras). This is coupled with "age" which is obviously "a long time". The next line talks about new beginnings (creation) and an infinate (aeon) vacuum. So it all links up. I guess it means once we are totally controlled by "noble cyborg savages", our own potential freezes... something along those lines.

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