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Guns N' Roses – Locomotive Lyrics 17 years ago
great song- about relationships (fits to 50% of GNR's songs) by tthe way i thought the name was GUNS N' ROSES not GUNS 'N ROSES

the end of the song is sp great and the 3 octave singing of axl in the chorus, such a great vocal range

Led Zeppelin – Babe I'm Gonna Leave You Lyrics 17 years ago
i agree with spooner113. i don't think that this song is about LOTR. in my opinion it can't be because the lyrics are not from zep and much older.
and in all other ways it doesn't make any sense too

the song itself is of course one of their greatest.

Chubby Checker – Let's Twist Again Lyrics 17 years ago
WHAT - no comment on this one

i can't believe that no one commented on this timeless classic
it brings me in such a good mood

Led Zeppelin – Stairway to Heaven Lyrics 17 years ago
i think in this song with such an mystical tone, you can take just every single word's usual meaning. You have to see everything as a whole thing and not word by word. West as an example means in this song far more than only a direction. west is a symbol or metaphor for hopes dreams. for the things that come after the sunset.... .

So if i put everything together, the melody the sound , the way Plant sings and the lyrics of course this song creates a feeling deep inside that i can't really describe. Thats the special thing for me about this song. it brings up a feeling of hopes and dreams and things that lay fare beyond our real world

Led Zeppelin – In the Light Lyrics 17 years ago
to they "sure nuff they do" part
; i know 3 alternate versions of this one. in one of them (i think its called "in the rain") he sings something similar but much slower. Could be "sure nuff they do" but there comes also an "ahh" so it sounds like sure nuff they do-aah". maybe someone, who has this version could give an opinion

Led Zeppelin – Tea for One Lyrics 17 years ago
when i first heard it it sounded much like SIBLY to me but it seemed alwasy as if something was mising (the climax or something like this)but after some more listenings i got used to it and began to love it. there are many difference in the sound and the melody of the bass...
But there are a lot of things that sound similar (drums)
in my opinion one of the very best songs of the later albums

Whitesnake – Still of the Night Lyrics 17 years ago
sounds much like led zeppelin imo

Led Zeppelin – Stand by Me (Ben E. King cover) Lyrics 17 years ago
the live version is great, the guitar comes so nice and plant sings so wonderful^^ bonham is doing some nice deep background stuff..... they should have played it more but it was probably only in their minds at that moment

Led Zeppelin – Bron-Yr-Aur Lyrics 17 years ago
(its from 1970, some weeks before 3 came out, i wonder why they didn't released it on 3 already)

Led Zeppelin – Bron-Yr-Aur Lyrics 17 years ago
this song is so great. iz has so much emotion and Power. Here a little quotation from plant
"this is a thing calle Bron Yr Aur, now Bron Yr Aur is the name of a little cottage in the mountains of snowdonia in wales.............its a really remarkable place so after staying there for a while we decided it was time to leave for various reasons we couldn't really just leave and forget about it"

Led Zeppelin – Ten Years Gone Lyrics 17 years ago
i think this is one of their greatest songs

and despite the overdubs that may be in the original version , the song sounds even better live

and to add something

"this is a song about the first-time-run, its called Ten Years Gone" May 21 1977 Houston

Led Zeppelin – Over the Hills and Far Away Lyrics 17 years ago
i dont know wether it was mentioned but STARIRWAY was written by led zeppelin

I've heard the song spirit from taurus (i thnik you can find it on and it doesnt't sound much like stairway

there are some notes that sound a littlebit similar but there are in a different tune(i don't know if its the right word. the harmony is quite different.

now to Over the hills
this is one of my favorites, to the meaning i think you should not go to far awy from the titel, over the hills .....

it s like someone going over the hills with his thoughts because something makes him troubles

Led Zeppelin – Over the Hills and Far Away Lyrics 18 years ago
i think somewhere on this site ,there should be some room for the persons to discuss wether a song referres to tolkien or not^^

but the song is great

Led Zeppelin – When the Levee Breaks Lyrics 18 years ago
i think this is the most powerful song that i know

Led Zeppelin – Whole Lotta Love Lyrics 18 years ago
but nevertheless the live versions are pretty good

it's just the feeling at the beginning thats not equal to the other aspects they are even better..

Led Zeppelin – Whole Lotta Love Lyrics 18 years ago
i love this song .....the riff of the original version is the best i ever heard..........when it begins its just so awesome......but i have to say that its not that great in all the live versions i know....

i think the best live is the one on bbc sessions dics 2 - next the one in royal albert hall then htwww and at last the one in knebwood............

i don't know any others but none of the live version has the groove of the orginal in the beginning of the song when it has develloped i think all are quite the same because yu don't hear it so clear anymore(drums.............)


Led Zeppelin – How Many More Times Lyrics 18 years ago
great song

I think on the live version from albert Hall, the song includes the riff from whole lotta love somewhere in the middle

Led Zeppelin – Immigrant Song Lyrics 18 years ago
great song, one of my favorites

but the live version from how the west was wan and the dvd( they are the same i think) are even better than the studio version

Black Sabbath – It's Alright Lyrics 18 years ago
(i've never heard this song i just know a cover by Guns N' roses on the live era disc but that one belongs too my favorites^^)

Black Sabbath – It's Alright Lyrics 18 years ago
i don't know if it's right but i could mean that when you are in love everything else is not so important- You just live luckily in love and everything else goes by, everything is alright

just an opinion maybe i'm completly wrong

Guns N' Roses – Double Talking Jive Lyrics 18 years ago
very powerfull song with an amazing solo. one of the best songs of UYI though the lyrics don't make much of a sense to me

Guns N' Roses – Breakdown Lyrics 18 years ago
in my opinion this is one oft the best songs from from UYII with great lyrics and a special tone in music(hard to describe^^)that can bring up strong emotions. i think it deals with relation problems and problems in life . the person in the song is confused about the life and how some people act. i think everyone has times when he feels the same

Guns N' Roses – November Rain Lyrics 18 years ago
i think the song is about love relation problems

two persons really love each other but they are having a difficult time with some problems. the person in the songs says that they are always days of rain in a relationship and that everyone needs some time by hisself

when i first saw the video it was very confusing to me and not much has changed till now. i think it's not according to the lyrics

LA Guns – Ballad of Jayne Lyrics 18 years ago
amazing song brings up strong emotions
i think ther text doesn't need to be described.
i think it's one of the best balleds i ever heard. it reminds me a bit of patienca from gn'r

Van Halen – Everybody Wants Some!! Lyrics 18 years ago
this is one of my favorites from van halen, when the guitar beginns after the jungle sounds ....very powerfull

but i can't see any deeper meaning inside , maybe there isn't one

Guns N' Roses – It's Alright Lyrics 18 years ago
the son g is just amazing though it was written by black sabbath

i thin it has a similar postition like 'wild horses' (rollling stones) on the tokio dvd

Guns N' Roses – Nightrain Lyrics 18 years ago
first i think that NIGHT TRAIN is not the right title of this song, on the cds is written NIGHTRAIN with on T

but the nevertheless the song is amazing especially the guitar solo at he end. i think one of the best from Appettite for destruction

in my opinion the song is about the usual noctural party tours of the band

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