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Angels and Airwaves – Start The Machine Lyrics 18 years ago
From Kerrang!: The song starts with the toy piano playing a tune then a slow pounding drum beat and a heavy bass guitar line with distortion kicks in.

DeLonge: "This is the last song on the album. I always take my daughter to this ice-cream place. Next door is a toy shop and they had a pink toy piano in there. It sounded so good, so I bought it. The very next day I put it in my shower and played that part. I pictured being on a boat and as you're leaving a city in flames, you see a tropical island, like you're going to a beautiful place. I make references to my past in this song - 'I left the chill and voice of screams and kids and ran for shelter'. In leaving the desolation and negativity behind, you find something beautiful."

as said by Tom people. I personally love this song, and couldn't for shit tell you what the song's about. Although i do love the chorus.. you know... i won't say SOrray...

Angels and Airwaves – A Little's Enough Lyrics 18 years ago
"In a world that's plagued with war, terrorism, famine and all these things that are so ugly, what if God came down and fixed everything? That's what this is about - "...the best dream to have where everything is not so bad and every tear is so alone, like God himself is coming home." It's really powerful. "

That's what Tom Delonge said about the said. man, i love it. Angels and airwaves has SUCH empowering songs... the emotion you feel is just simply amazing. I can't believe how much i can simply FEEL my listening to the music. wow.

(+44) – No It Isn't Lyrics 18 years ago
It's lyrics are genius, the melody is simple, yet so beautiful. It's got this raw, genuine feel to it. I think it's beautiful. A little harsh to Tom maybe, but then again, Tom's been badmouthing Mark and Travis plenty, so i suppose it's only fair. He's at least had the decency to keep quiet otherwise, just write a song. He has that much of a right to vent his feelings!

(+44) – No It Isn't Lyrics 18 years ago
oh my god, i actually like this song! i mean, i hated it at first, thinking it could NEVER match up to The Adventure's standards... but i've really grown to like it. i mean, it's really pretty good!

and yeah, it's so OBVIOUSLY about tom.

Smash Mouth – Always Gets Her Way Lyrics 18 years ago
ha, ha hilarious. that's really how it is with a lot of these people! pure punk rock at heart, but beautiful hollywood chic to others! he he.

Angels and Airwaves – Valkyrie Missile Lyrics 18 years ago
Does anyone know where the name's from? Angels and airwaves i mean.
actually, where's Valkyrie Missile from?

Angels and Airwaves – The Adventure Lyrics 18 years ago
ha ha, you know right nw, i feel SO triumphant. it's like when you go to a game or something, and you're at the front of the line? well, i think the commetns are read until like maybe page 5 or 10. not after that. so, we're the LUCKY ones. he he. man, i'm evil, i took some poor kid's slot.

PS. no one answered my query about HOW the song relates to a marriage, and WHAT the video means.

Angels and Airwaves – The Adventure Lyrics 18 years ago
i think i spelt exhiliration wrong... man, i suck.

Angels and Airwaves – The Adventure Lyrics 18 years ago
oh yeah, and does anyone know what the songs really about? i mean, tom said he wrote it after he heard a friend's marriage was in the ruins, but i don't get how that fits in. anyone bother to explain?

Angels and Airwaves – The Adventure Lyrics 18 years ago
by the way, does anyone get the video? the images of World War II, the spaceship, the fields, don't get it. just don't get it. man, i'm thick.

Angels and Airwaves – The Adventure Lyrics 18 years ago
Love it. Tom TOTALLY described it right. it's really like depressing in a way, but then on the other hand, it makes you feel the blood in your veins, it makes you wanna get up and DO something, do anything. i have never felt the emotion i felt from this song from any other song. Tears, laughs all that i've gotten from a song... but this is just so wow. The exhiliration you get it's just... wow. real powerful.

Angels and Airwaves – Good Day Lyrics 18 years ago
i really like this. i swear, i mean, i think The adventure really kicks ass, but this is really good too. Tom did well. i mean, i sort of see this as similar to Blink's last album, but it's still got a sound of its own. mark should have let tom sing more cause he just does it so well!

The All-American Rejects – Dirty Little Secret Lyrics 18 years ago
dude, i get it. there's this english saying, Let sleeping Dogs Lie. which means, don't touch something if it's not bugging you. so, it's like, he's saying, i can't let that secret just be, cause it won't 'lie'. as in, it won't 'not bother' him. i don't know how many of you get that, but if you understand the actual saying, then it's easy to get what that line means.

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