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The Slits – Spend, Spend, Spend Lyrics 8 years ago
"walking down the street looking in the windows
the t.v., the lights, flickering in other peoples windows
imagine myself moving in the kitchens
somehow i don't know it just looks so tempting"

"when i supply myself with something new..."

"going home, into bed when I've treated myself
I've been quite hard, after a hard days work
I have found a hundred ways to get rid of all my worries
it's not pilliging, stopping me, commiting the crime"

along with the song "Shoplifting" makes me think she's not actually buying anything.

Violent Femmes – Do You Really Want to Hurt Me? (Culture Club cover) Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is one of the best remakes of any song ever. Most of the time when people remake a song it seems like they try to copy the artist, or maybe they sing one part a little lower. This remake is like a reply to . I still don't really know what the meaning might be. There is also a strange Jesus reference: Man of sorrows, Word unbroken, His sweat like blood came down like tears -Luke 22:44.

Travis – J. Smith Lyrics 15 years ago
This is a cool song. Does any one know what the end translation is? It seems like it's about a guy who's about to kill himself.

The Killers – Sam's Town Lyrics 16 years ago
I think I understand what this song is about. I think it's a reply to Flowers' Mormon critics. I probably shouldn't narrow it completely to mormons, but I think this is a reply to people who are judging him, and I'm sure he (as a mormon) feels judged by a few other mormons. Mormons have a stereotype of being nice, strict, boring people. That's because it's pretty true. (of couse not all mormons are boring eg. Arthur "Killer" Kane, Jon Heder, Paul Walker etc.) But Flowers breaks the mold.

This is the basic idea behind the first verse.
(Nobody ever had a dream round here,
but I don't really mind and/that it's starting to get to me
Nobody ever pulls the seams round here,
but I don't really mind and/that it's starting to get to me)

Next, he talks about his talent and potential.
(I've got this energy beneath my feet
like something underground's gonna come up and carry me,
I've got this sentimental heart that beats
but I don't really mind [and] it's starting to get to me)

Then he answers the question. I'm not really sure what the question is, but I think it has something like "why aren't you more like Donny Osmond?"
(Now.."Why do you waste my time?"
Is the answer to the question on your mind)

Brandon is not a perfect mormon. He has admitted to drinking now and then (if you didn't already know this, mormons don't drink alchohol, coffee or tea).
(And I'm sick of all my judges
so scared of what they'll find)

The next part I think could be about going out and drinking and needing a designated driver, but there's more to it than that. It's really a metiphore for his life. He's saying, "I can make it if you help me intead of critisize me." Also this could be a refrence to his wife or family standing by him and helping him.
But I know that I can make it
As long as somebody takes me home,
every now and then...

I'm not really sure what the next verse means, but it seems to be a bunch of memories, many involving his family. He really admired his older brother, Who went to BYU and who introduced him to a lot of 80's bands. In an interview he said, "He had the coolest posters. Like the Cure from The Head on the Door, where their faces are painted. When my great-grandmother died, he didn't go to the funeral. We were all in the car waiting for Shane and he never showed up. My mom went in the house and ripped every single poster on the wall in half because she knew that was the worst thing she could do to him."

Anyway, as stated by others here, Sam's Town is a casino in Vegas. I'm not sure about London, but I think Sam's town must represent a place were Flowers feels relaxed. It helps him to forget his critics. It could also be the place that he first tried certain things.
[You know] I see London, I see Sam's Town
holds my hand and let's my hair down
Rolls that world right off my shoulder
I see London, I see Sam's Town

Anyhow, there you have it.

This is from another interview:

"'With any religion there are do's and don'ts,' says Flowers. 'A lot of people think polygamy is involved and it's not. [Or that] you can't drink Coke - that we think we're gonna go to hell if we drink Pepsi. You're not supposed to drink alcohol.'

But you do.

Flowers grins. 'I try not to.'

He's caught between God and rock'n'roll, the sacred and the profane. No wonder holy Bono is such a hero to him. 'Bob Dylan said it best - you can't be Jewish and be cool,' he chuckles, 'and you can't be a Mormon and be cool! But I'm trying my best!'

It's about picking his way carefully through the world of, as he sang on Hot Fuss, 'Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll'. The Killers' most famous line, 'I've got soul/But I'm not a soldier', has always baffled me. Pressed on its meaning, Flowers eventually concedes that it's about how 'you're not always going to be perfect ... For me it was more of a religious thing. Going through this phase in my life of ... believing what I believe and being thrown to the dogs. To the rock'n'roll world ... Because even when I slipped I still believed what I believe.

'I'm trying to find the ideal place. And I'm still looking. I'm starting to get more comfortable with it. I'm a man and I'm attracted to women. You read about, and you have that fascination with, the drugs. There's a certain level that we're kinda expected to, to to ...' The words come out of his mouth with stuttering difficulty.

'To debaucherise [sic], I guess! It's expected of us, almost.'

Has he taken drugs? Flowers opens his mouth to speak, thinks better of it, and waves his hand back and forth over the tape recorder, smiling, uncharacteristically at a loss for words."

Simon and Garfunkel – Baby Driver Lyrics 17 years ago
"I wonder how your engine feels"
Is it just me or idoes anyone else think this is S&G's most perverted line ever.

R.E.M. – Man On The Moon Lyrics 17 years ago
I don't know about the whole song, (that's why I was reading here) but as far as the truck stop/St peter's line goes, I think Mike's speaking about Andy. St. Peter's, is seen as one of art and architectures greatest achievments, whereas a truckstop... well, some people think of Andy as an amazing comic genius, others think he was just insane. I know Mike's a big fan of Andy's, but I'm not sure if he believes he's insane or a genius. The line "are we losing touch?" may be asking if Andy is insane. Also, I'll never understand why people decide to make a comment like- "THIS SONG SUCKS, I HATE IT!" Get a life, you have to much time on your hands, if you're posting on all the songs you hate.

Beck – E-Pro Lyrics 18 years ago
See me kickin' the dog with my boot
Brokedown mountain perpetual rubbers?

That's what it sounds like to me. It's probably wrong, but interesting.

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