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The Trews – Poor Ol' Broken Hearted Me Lyrics 18 years ago
yepp definatly about sex
the end

The Trews – Yearning Lyrics 18 years ago
yepp i agree with you
i was going through a "teenie" moment
totaly not offended
but agree with you an what the song means
i think it might also be looking back on a relationship and how at one point it was great and now its over and its time for him to start wanting her back. i dunno

The All-American Rejects – Top Of The World Lyrics 18 years ago
i can totaly see how this is about pres. bush. i dont live in the states but rom what i gear hes not that great. i really like this song. no matter what its about. heres my line/verse by line/verse interpratation of hte song

Is there anybody out there?
That wakes up with a bitter taste?
-- this is saying does anyone else feel that it was a bad idea to make him presedent

It’s a king that we put up there
And he's a short way to fall from grace
--Well we voted for him and so he's like the king. and with the war and all thta stuff, usa is getting frowned upon. wich is a differance form the us that everybody loved/loves.

It's slowly filling upward
You can stand but you have no ground
-- i think this part is about like anti bush movements and the people who wan tot stand up to him and say " ok yeah bye" but dont have thta authority

I hear it from the lost word
They say its time that you lost your crown
--its time for you to go. the voters dont like you anymore and think you should leave. if he was a king he would eb looseing his crown. but since hes not, just not getting voted back in

Don’t be so greedy
A dollar's a penny to you
--people think that he's spenging their money in the wrong places.

when hearts are beating
Say what you want 'em to do
--im not sure what this means

Wasting away... I see you
--they can see that bush knows that the people are starting to turn on him

when the top of the world falls on you
Finally a day, don’t wanna be you
when the top of the world falls on you
--one of these days tis all gunna fall down. therse gunna be a new presedant. and on that day i dont think anyone would want ot be in bush's shoes.

Is there anybody out there
that can see what a man can change?
--can anyone else tellt hat hes guiding the us wrong

It’s better that you don’t care
because he knows that he's in his state
--its better that some people dont care about politics, and im not sure what the seccond part would be

I feel the paranoia
When there’s a time, put you in your place
--he can tell thatbush is getting scared that the public is going to turen on him, and that at one point in time the public "will put him in his place"

In the eyes of those who watch ya
Well they can wait 'til they hit your face
--the popele cant wait till they can get rd of him

Paint yourself a picture
when you waste another picture
and you win, and you win, and you win
-- i think this has to do wiht the way he is portrating hte us to the other countries

Paint yourself a picture
And then you break another picture
And you win, and you win, and you win
And you win, Yeah you win, and you win
-- hes painting the us in a bad way and hes "breaking" it. but he still wins because hes still presedent

i sont know if this is accurate but its just my opinion

Panic! at the Disco – Camisado (Relax, Relapse) Lyrics 18 years ago
i totaly agree with brokenpiano
i definatly think its about his father being an alcholoic
now htta i read the lyrics again wiht that in mind i can toaly see how it connects.

Mayday Parade – One Man Drinking Games Lyrics 18 years ago
yeah i think this song is about a guy and a girl and one of them is going away for a while or what not so they had sex. and then they cried and went all sappy because they werent gonna see eachother for a long time.

Ne-Yo – So Sick Lyrics 18 years ago
has anyone else heard the patrick stump version of this song? becasue im my personal opinion its way better. i think this song is about a breakup (duh)

Mayday Parade – When I Get Home You're So Dead Lyrics 18 years ago
i think this song is about a girl who cheated on a guy several times and all of the guys think that this time its gunna be forever but she leaves them "hanging on the walls".

or maybe its kind of like she was going out with a unch of guys at one time and they all belived that they were special just to be discarded. but there is this one guy that really is speacial but she just blew it wiht him.

just my spin on things

Eleventyseven – More Than a Revolution Lyrics 18 years ago
i love this song! i hope eleventyseven makes it big. but yeah i tihkn this song is about how our socity is gunna come to an end and we need someone to stop it form going to shambles. and how there not exactly inoscent but they arent as bad as some of the people out there

Eleventyseven – MySpace Lyrics 18 years ago
i think this is mocking all the teen these days who are like obsessed wiht myspace and all that jazz, and wether thats really who they are and how instanyly poeple juge them.

Cute Is What We Aim For – I Put The 'Metro' In Metronome Lyrics 18 years ago
where did you find this? its lookes like its gunna be good

Mayday Parade – When I Get Home You're So Dead Lyrics 18 years ago
love the song. amazing i cant belive theres no comments

Cute Is What We Aim For – Teasing to Please (Left Side, Strong Side) Lyrics 18 years ago
ok so i was reading the davinchi code last night and there was this one part that mentioned that the left side was always the "womans" side. so maybe its like a waekness? and it i what side your heart is on. so i dunno

Cute Is What We Aim For – Listen To This If You Love Me And You Are Bored It's Just Me Singing Off The Top Of My Head Lyrics 18 years ago
thats pertty sweet! but does somebody have a little bit of extra time on thier hands?

My Chemical Romance – Our Lady Of Sorrows Lyrics 18 years ago
ok, yeah im not sure what the song really means but the one last part, wiht the celebrities and stuff, and hen the chours,plus the line "how wrong were we to think that immortality ment never dying". immortality can also have something to do wiht fame and such. so i think it may be about how they dont want to be portrayed like some spuper popular band that will change according to what the rest of the music world is doing. just a thought.

Paramore – Hallelujah Lyrics 18 years ago
i think its about how you wait and wait for somethign great to happen and when ti does its even better then you thought it was gunna be dispite all of the hard work.

i love the song it sends chills up my spine

We Are the Fury – Better Off This Way Lyrics 18 years ago
im not sure what its bout, maybe how he wants to write what he feels but the world isnt gunna like it? i dunno

We Are the Fury – Nation, Forgive Us Lyrics 18 years ago
im thinking this about how a lot of adults are blaming everythign that goes wrogn these days on the teens and "youngsters" of the country, and how its not really our fault. cool song.

Cute Is What We Aim For – Hip-Hop at IHop Lyrics 18 years ago
p.s sorry for teh name mix up. i figued out the lyrics before i actully looked up the band for coll stuff like names.

Cute Is What We Aim For – Hip-Hop at IHop Lyrics 18 years ago
i love this song, its

Fall Out Boy – 7 Minutes in Heaven (Atavan Halen) Lyrics 18 years ago
ok i have the feeling that this song isnt guy girl junk like abunch of people think. i agree with LCainer and teh other popele who think that its boout the depressiaon med/sucide/thing. i think teh title seven minutes in hevan may refer to the time that pete passed out when he overdosed. i have afeeling that its not just a coincidence that this song comes directaly after "ive got a dark alley...." which is totaly about the sucide attempt. i dunno but thats just my two cents worth

Fall Out Boy – I've Got a Dark Alley and a Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song) Lyrics 18 years ago
this song makes the shit i;ve been listening to all my life seem even shitier. i get the song now. i never really got it before, but now its just amazing. im in love wiht it. it definatly seems like pete is singing the first bit. it has underlying desprate tone to it, wich makes it so much better.

Fall Out Boy – Snitches and Talkers Get Stitches and Walkers Lyrics 18 years ago
i love this song!! i love everything by fall out boy. i got goosebumps just reading the lyrics!! im so glad this was on teh limited edition of fuct!!!

Fall Out Boy – Short, Fast, and Loud Lyrics 18 years ago
i love this song. it makes me laugh. i love the "good god i wish i was tall" line. its amazing!!

Fall Out Boy – Dance, Dance (Demo) Lyrics 18 years ago
i like this verson better buy alot!! i think it has a different feeling in it. the extra verse definatly adds something amazing to the song!!

Fall Out Boy – Saturday Lyrics 18 years ago
i love this song!! i think the video is a little wack but...awesome none the less. i definatly agrees with MakeYourSelf101's theroy of how its about the wasted time of being with a girl...yada yada. i love this song!i was shopping yesterday and the store i was in was playing this song and teh girl in the changing room next to me was complaining about the loud srecemy ness of the song and i almost smacked her one clear between teh eyes....but i didnt cause i didnt want to be kicked out of teh store etc. anyway i love the song!!

Teddy Geiger – She's On My Mind f.Faction Lyrics 18 years ago
love the song!!it pretty much obvois what its about. his girlfriend left him and he missing her...alot. i love the guitar bit at the beginning!!

Paramore – Here We Go Again Lyrics 18 years ago
actully i think it may be about a really fast "vegas" wedding.

Paramore – Here We Go Again Lyrics 18 years ago
i love these guys!! the lead singer has an amazing voice!! htoses things we sworn we ment kinda sounds like wedding vows, but im pretty sure thats not what it means, but it is possible...

The Trews – Yearning Lyrics 18 years ago
i love this song! and i love the trews! im not exactly sure what the song is about but i think its something along the lines of...ok i ahve no idea what its about but i really like hten song. im not that surprised thta there arent any comments on the song seening as they arent that big and htey only cam from antigonish (i think), in Nova Scotia. but i love them and the song!!

Fall Out Boy – 7 Minutes in Heaven (Atavan Halen) Lyrics 18 years ago
wow..i never noticed that it wasnt patrick singing both part asn then i listened to it after reading that and i was like...woah!! i lovde fall out boy! they are amazing! pete is a genius( and i cant spell), all of the songs seem really sincere. and i love this song!!

The Fray – How To Save A Life Lyrics 18 years ago
i absolutly love this song! i pretty much melt everytime i hear it!!

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