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Pixies – The Holiday Song Lyrics 17 years ago
Anybody ever read The Sound and the Fury?

I'm almost positive there's a huge shitload of references to that book in this song.

Death from Above 1979 – Sexy Results Lyrics 18 years ago
This song is for real sex in music form.

Owen Pallett – This Lamb Sells Condos Lyrics 18 years ago
Does anyone know where I could find sheet music for this? I'd love to be able to play this on the piano.

Joshua Radin – Star Mile Lyrics 18 years ago
I agree. It could also be about not just a little crush, but an actual relationship. The guy means the world to her, and she tries her hardest to make it work, but he just doesn't see her efforts and doesn't try to see anyone except himself.

Or maybe I'm biased; because that's way too fucking like what's happening to me right now, ha.

Franz Ferdinand – Walk Away Lyrics 18 years ago
"I swapped my innocence for pride
Crushed the end within my stride
Said I'm strong, now I know that I'm a leaver"

^^In that part, it sounds like he's having some sort of confrontation with his girlfriend and those are the faults of his she's listing. At first he admits them, as seen above, but then he gets a little PO'd, and says:

"I love the sound of you walking away, you walking away
Mascara bleeds a blackened tear, oh
And I am cold, yes, I'm cold
But not as cold as you are
I love the sound of you walking away"

^^So here, he now basically thinks, "Who the hell is she to tell me it's my fault? She's worse than I am [the "not as cold as you are" part] so if she's so damn unhappy she can leave and I'll like it."

"Why don't you walk away? No buildings will fall down
Why don't you walk away? No quake will split the ground
Why don't you walk away? The sun won't swallow the sky
Why don't you walk away? Statues will not cry"

^^Going on with his anger now is that part, where he's not only thinking he'd like it if she left, he's now saying that outright to her and even challenging her to do it by trivializing the potential consequences. He's saying that none of that bad shit will happen if she leaves so it's not really as big of a deal, or in other words, "I don't need you so take that!"

"I cannot turn to see those eyes, as apologies may rise
I must be strong and stay an unbeliever
And love the sound of you walking away, you walking away
Mascara bleeds into my eye
Oh, and I'm not cold, I am old, at least as old as you are"

^^Here, he's finally said all of this to her, and now she's upset instead of him and she's crying; but he's still mad, so he's not going to look at her and let that soften him. Although he's starting to realize even now that he'll miss her ["I'm not cold, I am old"]. Even still, he doesn't relent and doesn't stop her from leaving, which she finally does.

"And as you walk away, my headstone crumbles down
As you walk away, the Hollywood winds will howl
As you walk away, the Kremlin's falling
Oh, as you walk away, Radio 4 is static"

^^Now it seems that his whole world has been turned upside-down because she left and now he realizes that he needed her. It's pretty basic.

"The stab of stilettos
On a silent night"

^^That seems to me to be the lone sound of someone actually walking away. Stilettos make noise and on a silent night it would be amplified. The "stab" also seems to say how her leaving him "stabbed" him because it was a shock. He didn't realize that he loved her as much as he did until she was gone.

"Stalin smiles and Hitler laughs
Churchill claps Mao Tse-Tung on the back"

^^Seems like more impossible things are happening, emphasizing again the disbelief he's in that she's actually gone. I also love how this references to WWII characters, so to speak. For you not-history buffs, obviously WWII was in the 40s, and if you've seen the video for this song there are parts in black-and-white that to me give off the essence of an old time 40s movie. I was also quite surprised with all this because when I first heard this song it gave me a nostalgic feeling, kind of like a "black-and-white" feeling (if you can get a feeling such as that) and then I saw the video and it pretty much summed up my first reaction... and with the historical 40s-era references it kind of makes me wonder if there isn't some deeper meaning to this song about maybe something that happened back then that we aren't seeing just yet...

That's my view on it. Beautiful song. One of the few out there that can stand on its own and sound good without the music to it. It's poetry. Great images and metaphors, too.

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