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Dispatch – Even Lyrics 15 years ago
To clarify, in reference to Lavish's memoirs, he was a Forward Observer in the artillery unit in WWII.

Dispatch – Even Lyrics 15 years ago
From the scene in Dispatch's "Under The Radar" DVD, Chad explains how his Grandfater, "Lavish McTavish", would often sit and listen to them practice and be extremely supportive. They were very close. When they were recording Even for this album, Chad got a call saying he had passed away, so to offset the bridge that "needed something more" as he said, he put in audio from his grandfather's large collection of memoirs that he had recorded on tape.

In the same interview Chad also mentions how this song is about a young boy hiding from the invading Nazis during WWII.

Wilco – The Thanks I Get Lyrics 16 years ago
I can't figure out if this is about a person who is fed up with being treated unfailry by his/her lover, or if it's about a couple who is in love, has had some rough spots, but is making anew and staying strong for each other.

[Initially, the narrator is frustrated with their significant other. Seems like they're just done with it.]

[But then faith seems to stay present]

"We can make it better
Put ourselves together
Start it again "
[It seems like they know their love is worth it, so they're willing to do what's necessary to keep it together.]

Dispatch – Gone Lyrics 18 years ago
I cant quite tell what this is about.

Maybe a guy who has a not-so-great life and accidentally gets hit by a train on the tracks when the lights didnt warn him. But he's being told not to worry because his possessions in this world were insignificant?

Actually, i just re-thought it, and that's probably not it, but i wanted to spur some thought on this song finally, haha

Dispatch – The General Lyrics 18 years ago
the guy above me is right

Dispatch – East The Police Lyrics 18 years ago
that site's gone...

listen to it here:

Dispatch – Flying Horses Lyrics 18 years ago
wow, that sounds really good too

Dispatch – Open Up Lyrics 18 years ago
Could, "I'll tell ya boy when I get back" mean that there are more of "his kind" where he came from [whoever that may be... rebels, immigrants, etc.] and they'll continue his cause even when he's dead?

btw.... very nice thought on the immigration idea^^^

Dispatch – Mission Lyrics 18 years ago
btw, it's not "Low" in the chorus, it's "Lo"

As in:lo "Lo" (l) interj.

1) Used to attract attention or to show surprise

So they're like "Lo! Everyone listen! We're not gonna be sold [?out?], cuz we're on a mission!"

Dispatch – Open Up Lyrics 18 years ago
oh, wow, idm, that sounds about right

State Radio – State Inspector Lyrics 18 years ago
I read in an article for a Harvard U. paper that this song is [directly] about the mistreatment of patients and the inhumane conditions in a New York asylum.

State Radio – Right Me Up Lyrics 18 years ago
If it's about Manny Ramirez, then what does this line mean??:

"Got him a chair in '73
It was his only option
So Manny agreed
Same chair he has today since they threw the cane away"
--1973? Manny Ramirez is not that old. Hell, he played for the minor league team in my city [Charlotte] in the early ninties! Plus the "cane" would imply he was injured but healed??--

oh, and what the hell is the "Jub Jub swing"????

State Radio – Man in the Hall Lyrics 18 years ago
My friend had a great hypothesis about this one:

He said that it's about that one person who always points out the folly of something that's going on/ happening, and how noone ever really listens to them. We thought that it's primarily pertaining to war and issues like that.

"One man standing up saying God save us all"
[This person's standing up to try to say to the people that it's dangerous to proceed this way,,, or something]

"She was telling me not to worry, that it's all, all in my head"
[The people doing the "bad" thing (?the government?) always try to tell the people that they're wrong and that the government's way is right]

"She was uptight thinking about the role of the side you on"
[Probably something reminiscent to President Bush's "You're either with us, or against us" shpeal, saying how the ppl doing the bad thing (?the gov.'t?...?war?) are always harshly criticizing THEIR critics in attempt to silence them.... or maybe something like that

State Radio – Heady Riser Lyrics 18 years ago
Chad explained this at a show one time.

He said its about people rising to power under their own ego, rather than what people think.

Hence the term, "Heady" Riser

Dispatch – Flying Horses Lyrics 18 years ago
yeah, he probably is a little lovestruck...

good point

Dispatch – The General Lyrics 18 years ago

--Chad [the writer of this song] is GREATLY known for have a love of history, and writing songs about historical events- whether they're specific events, or just in the historical setting- and it just simply makes sense that this is another one of his songs that r like that.
-- Just look at 'Here We Go' [1920s prohibition era], 'Even' [A hiding Jew in WWII], and to a lesser extent 'Time Served' [max security prisons]...
PLUS look at all of the songs Chad's made for 'State Radio'! The song, 'Gunship Politico' [one of my faves] is an amazing example of historical songwriting!
-- In my opinion, [not anyone else's] from the first second i heard this song, it seemed like, simply, a story about a Civil War-time General, and he doesn't want his men to die young, etc...

-- If you're reading this, and you've ONLY have given "the General" a fighting chance out of ALL the Dispatch songs out there, PLEASE expand your horizons!! ALL their songs are like this one, as far as Amazing-ness goes!!
--And if you know someone who's like that, please help them give all the other songs a chance!!

Anyway... peace

Dispatch – Time Served Lyrics 18 years ago
Wow, it's just amazing to hear stuff like the post above me, by RoberSanborn....
-First, cuz they broke up like later on after Aug. of '02
-Second, cuz they already WERE big!! They had a following fanbase that MOST signed, and highly publicized bands, could only DREAM of!!
-Third, cuz they didn't really WANT to be all "Media-Viewed" like TONS of other bands that are out there... that's one of the reasons they didn't sign with a huge label, also because they wanted the freedom of having their own label.

But yeah, its a shame they broke up, but it was for the best [for them], and, because of all the things listed above, their fans will continue to love, and spread their music as though they never broke up!
Peace --Mark

Dispatch – Lightning Lyrics 18 years ago
Biscuits4, and Carpe_noctem, have it pretty right on, i think!

Good job... anyone else have any other speculation over any of this?

Dispatch – East The Police Lyrics 18 years ago
Just an FYI to everyone:
This is an unreleased song from '96 (?),

To actually HEAR the song, the one place i know of, currently, is... www.mysapce.fatolpig

Dispatch – Bang Bang Lyrics 18 years ago
--Hmm, i don't entirely refute that last reference to religion... i'm just not totally sure about this song in the first place.
--I think this is PRIMARILY about renouncing the complicated, material things of this world. And the "woman" is probably society telling him to find something having to do with materialism, etc... But he finds the old man, who is probably just someone who enlightened him about living simply, and not materialisticaly.
--But, IF it was about drugs, (and it may be possible) I think it's about Chad singing about sobriety, and getting off drugs. The "woman" is something/someone that's telling him to get more drugs/ keep doing drugs, and the old man shows him that he doesn't need drugs to have a simple, happy life...
--BUT.... why did the "man nearly flip to learn that he was free" mean? And free from what, again?
--And in response ot SKAnkin, saying that he "Knows" Dispatch smokes [pot], lemme just say: I smoke, but i HIGHLY, HIGHLY doubt Dispatch smokes. And it'd be really suprising, and a little disappointing, to find out that they did. But based on seeing them talk about things, and meeting all of them INDIVIDUALLY, i seriously doubt they do.


Dispatch – Whirlwind Lyrics 18 years ago
-Yeah, OpinionHead, you're right!
-The lyrics are kind of simple, and a BIT repetitive, but it's a very enjoyable song about him missing his girlfriend.... or something!
-IDK! That's my simple interpretation anyway!


Dispatch – What Do You Wanna Be Lyrics 18 years ago
-I think that this song is just as simple as it seems....
-I dont think it has a deeper meaning, it's just straight-forward lyrics!
-Yeah, it's repetitive, but it's done in a way that makes the song enjoyable to listen to! Instrumentally at-least!


Dispatch – Cover This Lyrics 18 years ago
-qmfd..... You're AWESOME!
-You made this entire song so clear! THANK YOU!!!
-BUT, what does the middle verse that qmfd didn't understand mean?!?!?


Dispatch – Root Down (Beastie Boys cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
-Yeah, but i still wanna know what it all means!!!
-Though it's well known that The Beastie Boys often reference 80's-like cultural stuff in their lyrics!
-And if u look closely, there's a LOT of that in here!


Dispatch – Wide Right Turns Lyrics 18 years ago
-The "Wide Right Turns" part is in reference to their van, Wimpy!
-They have a "Wide Right Turns" sticker on the back of the van!
-WTF does the rest mean tho?

Dispatch – Questioned Apocalypse Lyrics 18 years ago
-Wow, Trippinbtm, i think you're RIGHT ON!
-BUT, what are his "earnings", in the "forrest"? Seriously!!


Dispatch – Past The Falls Lyrics 18 years ago
-I'm an Agnostic-Atheist, but.....
-This is clearly an abstract reference to Jesus/God!
-Even though i don't at all believe in religion, it's still a beautiful song!
-This song is just an AMAZING example of how if people are going to write about their religion, they should make the lyrical references indirect, and abstract.... while that won't alienate people that don't believe in it, it PRIMARILY actually makes the song much, much more beautiful and great!
-I LOVE this song!

Your resident Agnostic,

Dispatch – Passerby Lyrics 18 years ago
To a pretty big extent, 'thentherainscame' made a good point....
All the lyrics point to it being about a homeless person. Plus, the very 1st verse:
"I'm not crazy like my brother, but it's the way that i choose, I don't hang around with a six pence..."
-- I think it means his bro's "crazy" because he "just hangs around with a six pence" instead of giving it to someone who needs it.
OH, and BTW, i'm not completely sure what a "Cover" song is, but if a cover is a song that's just made to get people to like a band, then i'll have u know, Dispatch would never do that.... SAME reason they wouldn't sell out to a major label!
There's no such thing as a "bandwagon" dispatch fan! And people that have only heard one song to like [a la, "the general", is the common one!] I really just feel bad for them, i don't 'hate' them for "liking the 'popular' song to like"! I'm sure that EVERY person that's just heard one dispatch song, would LOVE practically all Dispatch songs if they heard more!
There, IDK!

Dispatch – Parade Speed Lyrics 18 years ago
This is basically just an excuse for Brad, Pete, & Chad to freakin Rock Out!!
Just like 'Dem Shoes'!!

Dispatch – Open Up Lyrics 18 years ago
"QUE LE VIA BIEN" MEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dispatch – Just Like Larry Lyrics 18 years ago
--Well, the "Larry" that they mention, may be Larry Perry, one of the many physically/mentally handicapped people that Chad, and the other dispatch guys often work with.
Plus they showed him in the "How's Your News?" trailer on the "Under The Radar" DVD.
Also, during one of the songs on the "UTR" DVD, (I think it was the jam-session in 'Bats') Chad picked up Larry from the audience and danced around stage with him, Larry was obviously having a hell of a time!
-- Also, (as i saw on Dispatch's Myspace profile!) "131-XHD" is the liscense plate number for their van, Wimpy! [Hence the 'cargo' that they got for it]
--They also must've put "in one fell swoop" in there in homage of their original band name "One Fell Swoop"

Dispatch – Here We Go Lyrics 18 years ago
HOLY SHIT!!! Holy shit! FuzzyPuppy, you have made this song more clear for me than i ever dreamed! THANK YOU!!!

You're definitely right though, because:
I don't know why they'd leave something "on the back burner" [to hold off on something], but they'd take "it" to the "dry town"... Meaning, they'd take the alcohol to the town that's "dry" of alcohol!
Plus, the lines:
"Bottoms up boys that this is the last call
["Cheers" your drinks! Last call for booze!]
happy hour doesn't last too long
you know it never does"
[They can't serve it for a long period, lest they get arrested.]
"don't step out of line you'll get time
in the brig........."
[Don't step out of the safety of the pub with your drink, or they'll arrest you?]
Man, i always knew Chad like to write about historical stuff, but this is amazing! I've listened to this song for YEARS! [It was my first fav. Dispatch song!] But now when i listen to it, it'll take on a whole new meaning!

Dispatch – Hey, Hey Lyrics 18 years ago
--This is mainly my interpretation gathered from other people's speculation, and my own....
it's "primarily" a lust, not love, story, and it then turns into realization about oneself, etc... jpjunge, i think had it right-on!--

Hey, hey hey hey heyyeahyeahyea hey...
[Hey Hey!! He's always wanting to get this girl's attention that he thinks is cute.]
Well I'm moving kinda slow
[But he's nervous...]
Down that same old path
[That same sidewalk/path he always sees her everyday. Maybe on the way to work or something.]
Wastin time inside this hour glass
[He's so hesitant and shy that he spends every day admiring her and wanting to talk to her, but never does. A thing that many of us- especially shy people- can relate to!]

She's comin up ahead now and I feel
Yes I feel
My head turnin like a race car wheel
[Whenever they're walking toward eachother, he gets flustered- butterflies in his stomach, etc...]

Maybe I'll try to say hi another time
[He always ends up saying, "Uh, I'll talk to her tomorrow", because he's too shy.]
I gotta find a way to get inside your mind
[He wants to know what she's thinking... of him, to see if it's the same as his thougts of her.]
I'll talk smooth, walk one step closer,
Be real cool, real cool, real cool, real cool...
Dang, real cool
[He thinks to himself, "*deep breath* Ok, just be cool, don't look dumb, act smooth."

Say what you want,
Say what you mean,
[?He (you, everyone) should say what they're looking for, or what they're after, and what they mean to do. And they should see if it's truly the right thing?]
Question yourself, are you really what you seem
[He (everyone) needs to look inside himself and, unbiasedly, ask himself if what he's doing is really the right thing?]
Say who you are,
Say what you mean
Question yourself, are you really what you dream

Now here I come one more time...
[Another day of seeing her.]
But she slides on by
Not even a second look
[She walked past again, not even acknowledging him.]
She took the bait right off that hook
[Like the "fish that got away", she got by him again, no matter what he tries.]

I've got my blinders on tight
I pull my cap a little lower
[He's so shy that he's always being reserved and bashful around her so she never really CAN see him.]
I can't hide...hide...away...
[He knows he can't just keep doing this forever.]

--This is where he begins to realize the folly in what he's doing, and basing his infatuation/lust on looks (which is a mistake a lot of people make!).--

You might think this is easy for me
But there's a lot of things
You don't know
You don't care
You don't wanna see
[She doesn't consider the difficulty that he's going thru in this situation, while she just remains distant, not caring about him.]

A long while since I got myself across
[He hasn't really gotten his true self through to her.]
but maybe there's a reason for that
[But it's probably for a good reason, or because she wouldn't value his TRUE self anyway!]
Even if I caught you, I'd throw you back
[She's probably not worth it... He doesn't even know what she's truly like... he's not gonna try for something that's not worth it anymore.]


[1st "Hey" CHORUS]

Well I really don't want to fall, back
Cause you don't seem like you care
[?If (hypothetically) he got her, he knows he wouldn't want to "Fall back" on her, emotionally, because he knows she probably wouldn't care about his true self... It would just burden her and hold her back.?]
And if I would
Fall (back)... back...
You don't seem like you care

Fall down your back
Fall down your back
Fall down your back
(You don't seem like you care)
Fall down your back

I will not, I will not hold.....
Hold you back
(You don't seem like you care)
[He's not going to hold her back with his emotions (the things he knows his partner should care about), cuz he knows she's not worth it.]

Fall....... Back..... You.... Don't.....
Fall....... Back..... You.... Don't.....
Fall....... Back..... You.... Don't.....
Fall....... Back..... You.... Don't.....
Fall....... Back..... You.... Don't.....
Fall....... Back..... You.... Don't.....
Fall....... Back..... You.... Don't.....
Fall....... Back..... You.... Don't.....

[1st "Hey" CHORUS]

--That's what i think atleast.... what are your guys' thoughts??--

Dispatch – Flying Horses Lyrics 18 years ago
All u guys are right: --Literally, the song's based on the MerryGoRound, and the beach area --Metaphorically, it speaks of love, beauty, and loss
I love this song because once i hear the "badger, and the one-eyed toad" part, it always makes the song feel like a fairy tale like the books and stories we all heard when we were kids.... nostalgia, basically.
Also, this song's just a small example of how amazing Dispatch is at song-writing [plus ALL other things!] because this song just mixes so many aspects of what can be in a song's lyrics- like extensive literal, metaphorical meanings- together to make an amazing piece of art!
So it was very neat to read a recent interview with Chad [for 'State Radio'] where he said that "Flying Horses" was the first song he wrote that he actually truly liked, and was happy with the end-product.

Dispatch – Flying Horses Lyrics 18 years ago
All u guys are right: --Literally, the song's based on the MerryGoRound, and the beach area --Metaphorically, it speaks of love, beauty, and loss
I love this song because once i hear the "badger, and the one-eyed toad" part, it always makes the song feel like a fairy tale like the books and stories we all heard when we were kids.... nostalgia, basically.
Also, this song's just a small example of how amazing Dispatch is at song-writing [plus ALL other things!] because this song just mixes so many aspects of what can be in a song's lyrics- like extensive literal, metaphorical meanings- together to make an amazing piece of art!
So it was very neat to read a recent interview with Chad [for 'State Radio'] where he said that "Flying Horses" was the first song he wrote that he actually truly liked, and was happy with the end-product.

Dispatch – Fallin' Lyrics 18 years ago
Grrr... what does this song MEAN tho?!?!

Dispatch – Drive Lyrics 18 years ago
Yeah, the "i'm alright if you're alright" line is the part [as skibunnie said] that says, "I don't want you to worry about me when i'm doing all this stuff on my own now"... mm, yeah, i basically repeated what was already perfectly put!

Dispatch – Cut It Ya Match It Lyrics 18 years ago
idk, but i think the first part is primarily about governments that can sometimes force things upon their people [challenge your god= change your faith to ours/ renounce all of your faith]
And then the "special agent scum" and the "two officers" are probably the enforcers of the corrupt government that they speak of.
The river has some kind of significance that i can't quite put my finger on...
--BTW, why the hell was the middle verse [cause its the policy makers,......... you cant fool the whole town]
not in the 'GutTheVan' album? I'm assuming it was in ANOTHER live preformance they gave of it, but does anyone know where i could get a recording of it where they used that verse?--

Dispatch – Cut It Ya Match It Lyrics 18 years ago
idk, but i think the first part is primarily about governments that can sometimes force things upon their people [challenge your god= change your faith to ours/ renounce all of your faith]
And then the "special agent scum" and the "two officers" are probably the enforcers of the corrupt government that they speak of.
The river has some kind of significance that i can't quite put my finger on...
--BTW, why the hell was the middle verse [cause its the policy makers,......... you cant fool the whole town]
not in the 'GutTheVan' album? I'm assuming it was in ANOTHER live preformance they gave of it, but does anyone know where i could get a recording of it where they used that verse?--

Dispatch – Dem Shoes Lyrics 18 years ago
Which in this song, by theway, is one of the coolest, funkiest freakin jams they've done! KickAss!

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