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The Hold Steady – Magazines Lyrics 15 years ago
Chorus is fantastic. Love the pairing of magazines and daddy issues - seemingly unrelated but just seem flow together perfectly during this song.

Gillian Welch – Time (The Revelator) Lyrics 15 years ago
This song blows me away. It feels like it's one thousand years old.

Gillian and I are definitely getting married...just have to tell her about that.

Band of Horses – I Go to the Barn Because I Like the Lyrics 15 years ago
Thank you to Pomaceous for the song info!

I absolutely adore this song as well. The first three lines are beautiful and romantic. "Empty dress" is just a wonderful phrase.

Guigou - good question! I've often wondered about the title - if it's just non-sensical or ties in how somehow to song lyrics. Is he meeting a lover in the barn? Hard to say.

The Walkmen – Dónde Está la Playa Lyrics 16 years ago
"Back to the battle today" - what a wonderful line to open the album!

Frog Eyes – Reform The Countryside Lyrics 16 years ago
Bukharin would love this song!

Frog Eyes – Reform The Countryside Lyrics 16 years ago
Bukharin would love this song!

Wolf Parade – You Are A Runner And I Am My Father's Son Lyrics 18 years ago
The question for me is: who is he addressing in the song? When he says "I'll buiid a house inside of you" - is this the father? If it is the father, then yes, I'd agree with dbtheathen abou the father leaving the family - it would be obvious there.

The "you" he builds a house in is also obviously the "runner" in the title. Intially I thought there might be a third party here - someone else he is talking to, but now that I think it over it appears to be a dialogue just between he and his father.

Wolf Parade – Dear Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts Lyrics 18 years ago
Artblot - good looking on the CMG interview. I was actually going to post that. There's a nice sum-up on it here too:

I really like everyone's analysis here on the hungry ghosts. Consumerism run rampant , the cold war, the "me" generation, ie the world our parents are leaving us with.

One thing to add: "I got water and I got holes" has to be one of the saddest lines on the album. For me it ties back into the hungry ghost image - mouths the size of the point of a needle and stomachs the size of mountains - as if we're genetically defective from being born of hungry ghosts. There are holes in our hands, water passes right through us - there is no way of quenching this torturous thrist.

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