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Clannad – Robin (The Hooded Man) Lyrics 16 years ago
There was a parody of the song on a 1989 episode of the childrens' programme Maid Marian and Her Merry Men: Oooh oooh, the whitish knight..." One of those things I didn't understand at the time, but now find funny.

Clannad – In A Lifetime Lyrics 16 years ago
Yes, it was inspired by a storm, Maire wrote it in her autobiography. It is a beautifully layered song, and I agree, Bono's voice is surprisingly good.

Clannad – Sirius Lyrics 16 years ago
I heard that this song was about Sirius, the old Greenpeace ship.

Runrig – Hearts Of Olden Glory Lyrics 16 years ago
Minor correction, the lyrics are "Down the lens where the headland stands." It took me ages to figure out, he's looking at old photos. "Through the sepia showers ad the photoflood days..." I only realised that last month! I love this too, it is really breathtakingly beautiful. Really takes you there.

Runrig – Loch Lomond Lyrics 16 years ago
I think it means my beautiful maiden. He is longing after his beautiful maiden. I was lucky enough to see them at Loch Ness and in Cambridge this year. This song is an amazing encore. I am so glad the Children in Need single got to number 9.

Runrig – The Road and the River Lyrics 16 years ago

Queen – All God's People Lyrics 16 years ago
And, yeah, as you probably guessed, I believe Freddie is with God right now. Ok, for ages and ages I was telling myself I was making it up because I wanted it to be true, but I came to the point where I realised that was the only thing that could be. And I am moved to think how God cared to tell me that Freddie was with him, something I though he wouldn't have been interested in. But I guess he loves all his kids the same...

Queen – All God's People Lyrics 16 years ago
No, I don't believe he was religious, as in religion being rules and stuff, which doesn't really do anything. But I really feel he had a relationship with the living God, and was learning to receive his unconditional love and mercy and grace, which is what he really needed. Religion rules never do anyone any good, and would have screwed Freddie up more, but I feel so much that he was just letting God love him, which would have healed him and strengthened him so much. I feel that he was close to God in the end, and God was very close to him before he died.

Katie Melua – Belfast Lyrics 16 years ago
Now having lived in Belfast for a few months, I now know that "cats" comes from KAT: Kills all Tags, Tag being a contemptuous term for a Catholic.

Robbie Williams – Something Beautiful Lyrics 17 years ago
"You can't manufacture a miracle." Sheer poetry. This song is a symbol of hope. You can search high and low, for what seems like forever, yet however hurt and lost you are, something beautiful will come your way. It is abotu being lonely, and finding someone to love you after all hope has gone, but for me, the sweetest, most beautiful love is the love of God, and I think of all the tired, burnt out people who have received his sweet love even when all hope is lost.

Paul McCartney – Pipes Of Peace Lyrics 17 years ago
What, no posts? A lot of the time I think songs like this are twee, but this is just beautiful. One of Paul's best I really think.

Hayley Westenra – Mary Did You Know? Lyrics 17 years ago
I can sum this up in one word: Mindblowing.

Bob Carlisle – Butterfly Kisses Lyrics 17 years ago
My friend just introduced me ot this song. It is so lovely. There is nothing like love between a father and a daughter. I don't share love with my dad sadly. But I know my father in heaven loves me. I know that these words are about his love forme:

Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer.
Stickin' little white flowers all up in her hair.
"You know how much I love you daddy,
But if you dont mind,
I'm only going to kiss you on
the cheek this time."
With all that I've done wrong,
I must have done have something right.
To deserve her love every morning,
And butterfly kisses at night.

Queen – All God's People Lyrics 17 years ago
Sorry, this is bloody freaky too! I am bloody stunned! A few days ago my friends mum started talking about Freddie and then she said how she was glad he was with God because he is getting the love he needed. I was stunned because I hadn't said a word to her and she knew nothing (about what I put in the above post). ("Bloody freaky," as one of my friends said!) Twice in two weeks?! Coincidence or God-incidence?! I am soooo happy, I don't have to worry about him anymore! Oh, help, how does this tie into song meanings?! Err, yes, the meaning of this song is that Freddie must have been singing to God!

Queen – All God's People Lyrics 18 years ago
It was originally called Africa at Night and was written by Freddie and Mike Moran for Barcelona. It fits well in with the mood of that album, so it is no surprise. The real question is why Freddie remembered it and had it put on Innuendo.

Well, I have to disagree with AmyMercury! For a long time I thought I was imagining things for years, but I have only just been able to believe the goodness of God. As soon as I believed him I really saw what he did for Freddie! Beautiful grace! I was wanting to tell people but I thought they would think I was a nutter! This is a condensed version, but I was wanting to tell my mum on Saturday but I couldn't because I thought she would think I was crazy. So I said to her I would e-mail it to her! Honestly! I was bursting to say something, but I was afraid to say it out loud incase I was called mad! Five minutes after I e-mailed her we were eating tea and she said, "I want to read you something." She was flicking though the Daily Mail Weekend magazine and there was an article in it. She read out this, the last paragraph:

"Let the last word come from another of Freddie's friends, Liza
Minnelli. "In the end," she says, "Freddie sounded like he was singing to God."

My jaw dropped and I just started crying! My mum had no idea what I had just wanted to say and e-mailed! Nobody in the world knew apart from me. All I know is the beautiful grace I saw and what happened on Saturday are completely inexplicable outside of God.

Christina Aguilera – Beautiful Lyrics 18 years ago
I had a really awful job last year, and I was taking complaint after complaint from customers, and my self esteem was at an all time low. One of my colleagues had let me play their G4 CD. I had it on, and their version of this came on and it gave me so much hope. I felt like God was speaking to me. What ever people may say to me over the phone, it can't change the fact that I am beautiful.

Sheila Walsh – Throne Of Grace Lyrics 18 years ago
Wow! I know I posted these lyrics, but Wow! I am only just beginning to comprehend the inconprehensible grace of God, (If that makes sense! Ha ha!) his never ending mercy and tender love. It is the most beautiful, precious thing. Just come... And if you can't come, he will come to you. Inexpressibly beautiful.

Queen – A Winter's Tale Lyrics 18 years ago
I know I have posted for this song a gazillion times, but I had to say I agree with what Miss Anie wrote. You can see something in his heart that wasn't there before. Something incredibly beautiful.

Máire Brennan – Perfect Time Lyrics 18 years ago
Simply beautiful! I hate it when I make typos!

Máire Brennan – Perfect Time Lyrics 18 years ago
I have loved this song for about 8 years now, when I first heard of Maire. It is so gentle and comforting. It has always been. Siply beautiful.

Hanson – I Will Come To You Lyrics 18 years ago
When i was a teenager, about 9 years ago I went through depression. I really felt like this song was God speaking to me. When I couldn't reach out myself, he did. It meant a lot to me. It is a beautiful song. Their best I think. I haven't heard anything from Hanson for yonks though. Simply ages. Perhaps they are only in America now.

Paul Simon – Father and Daughter Lyrics 18 years ago
Well, I love my Heavenly Father so much. I now have a Daddy for the first time! That is what this song means to me. Everything he has been telling me is here.

U2 – The First Time Lyrics 18 years ago
Well I have been in that place where I left my Father's kingdom and walked away. He ran after me and brough me home. The funny thing is, then I found the love that I had been looking for.
Persian Eyes, I looked up the story of The Teacher of Wisdom on the net and read it. It is beautiful!

Katie Melua – Spider's Web Lyrics 18 years ago
Katie is saying that racism is wrong. Yet if a balck man if racist to a white man, is it ok because of the way white people have treated black people during history. The song is about statements such as "war is wrong, racism is wrong." It is looking closely at generalisations like those and finding that nothing can be generalised. (ie murder is wrong, but what if you murdered someone like Hitler, Saddam or Robert Mugabe. Is that wrong or right?" The chorus is not really about black and white people, it is about the way of viewing issues, ie such and such sees everytihng in black and white. The reference to colours is that nothing is that simple.

Queen – Mad The Swine Lyrics 18 years ago
I guess if he was an animal that would explain why he was so short. I was perplexed by that for ages!

Queen – Mad The Swine Lyrics 18 years ago
God only knows what this is about. I think Freddie wrote this one in 1973. It was released as a B Side to Headlong. I reckon he must have done some bad crack or something. Or he was reading too much C S Lewis. I think The Yipskee is right. It is about Jesus coming back as an animal (for animals maybe?). Maybe if he came back as an animal he would come back as a pig. He would come back as the animal nobody would expect. Like he hung out with weirdos and people the religious leaders considered unworthy, maybe he would come back as an unclean animal to identify with those animals. I dunno! It is weird! Maybe I'll just go back to sleep.

Queen – Mother Love Lyrics 18 years ago
Yes, it's Mercury/May. Freddie wrote the first three verses, Brian wrote the last verse and the music. Source: Queen decided to credit songs to Queen from The Miracle onwards, although they may have been written by one member.

As for the song, I find it so sad that I don't listen to it much. It is too sad to listen to. I wonder if Freddie was wishing he hadn't had so many one night stands. He sounds really messed up about it, as if he wished he hadn't looked so hard for love that way. ie he calls it lonely, and a game. You can never find love that way, just sex, and real, unconditional love from his mother was always there all along. It is so sad, yet I admire and am touched by his honesty in this song.

Queen – A Winter's Tale Lyrics 18 years ago
I agree. The song is so amazingly peaceful. I love this song so much. I feel it is decribing everything I ever wanted.

Queen – A Winter's Tale Lyrics 18 years ago
When I listen to this, each line paints a picture in my head. It is like having a mental canvas, each line adding more brushstrokes, until the final picture is complete. I love the line "Gentle rain beating on my face," which is something that I love. I love to walk in showers. It is one song I will never tire of. I was playing songs randomly on my PC yesterday, and this came on. I was so happy to hear it.

Dido – My Lover's Gone Lyrics 18 years ago
This song has a eerie queality. It makes me shiver inside, but it is beautiful all the same. I think the repetitiveness instills sadness into you. It reminds me of folk songs like Siul a Run, where a girl's lover went off to France to after the 1688 revolution.

Ronan Keating – The Long Goodbye Lyrics 18 years ago
Yes, the last line is "I guess I'm never coming back again," but at his concerts he sings: "I guess I'm coming back again." I like this song. Ronan sings it beautifully.

The Divine Comedy – Your Daddy's Car Lyrics 18 years ago
This song is so pretty and gentle, yet there is a feeling of despair to it. It is like an "eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die" feeling. It starts of as a story about a couple going to the beach, but there seems to be an unspoken sadness, and a feeling of "what is the point? " I get the feeling of the character wanting more from life but being content with a second rate love, and that he feels there is nothing more in life, so it doesn't matter what we do at all, and it didn't matter that they wrapped her Daddy's car round a tree. I also get the feeling that the good things in life are unfulfilling and not what they seem. (We didn't feel like driving any more, It was so good we got bored). There seems to be an underlying feeling of "there must be more to life than this."

The Divine Comedy – In Pursuit Of Happiness Lyrics 18 years ago
Well, I think of my friends' wedding, as they used this song for their recessional. Aahhh...

Hayley Westenra – Both Sides Now Lyrics 18 years ago
I love this song. Joni Mitchell wrote it, and I know another version by Moya Brennan and Paul Young. It's about the good and bad that comes with love and life, and I think how different events can affect people's hearts and attitudes. I love the cloud verse, very poetic! I prefer the Moya/Paul version really. It works better as a duet, but Hayley does it very well.

Hayley Westenra – Never Say Goodbye Lyrics 18 years ago
I was reading a book several months ago (true story), diaries written by a girl who lived a couple of hundred years ago. Her closest friend took his own life. I happened listen to the Pure album at the time I was reading this and the words reminded me of what I was reading.

“If I could take this moment forever
Turn the pages of my mind
To another place and time
We would never say goodbye.”

She would turn through the pages of her old diaries to look for recollections of happy moments that would never return, as if she was trying to freeze the past in her mind. This sad, beautiful song seemed to echo her emotions that I was reading. In a sense their story has stayed alive through her writing, like the line in the song.

Elvis Presley – If I Can Dream Lyrics 18 years ago
Just beautiful... All about searching and hoping for truth and beauty adn goodness and holding on in the darkest of times. Elvis sings it so beautifully. He puts his everytihng into it.

Elvis Presley – Don't Cry Daddy Lyrics 18 years ago
I wonder if Elvis chose to sing this song because his own mother died?

The Divine Comedy – The Booklovers Lyrics 18 years ago
I can picture Neil in his Dad's library, looking at names of authors and writing them down. "Aphra Benn, Cervantes..."

Jimmy Rankin – Butterfly Lyrics 18 years ago
I wonder if this song is about John Morris Rankin, Jimmy's brother who died. He was fiddler for the Rankin family and the second verse in particular makes me wonder if it is about him.

The Divine Comedy – A Drinking Song Lyrics 18 years ago
Raise your glasses high indeed! Pure fun! Why does nobody post for the Divine Comedy? Neil is a wonderful musician and lyricist.

The Divine Comedy – Comme Beaucoup De Monsieurs Lyrics 18 years ago
Well, I don't understand a lot of French, but I can tell the words aren't the same as "Alfie." Poor Neil, bumbling his way thrpough the French. I take my hat off to him.

The Divine Comedy – The Summerhouse Lyrics 18 years ago
This song is a real treat. The album this comes from is loosely the story of two distant cousins meeting up for the first time since childhood. This song is about their reminiscising about how things used to be. It conjures up idyllic pictures of a lost Enid Blyton type world.

Queen – Sweet Lady Lyrics 18 years ago
I thik I had a moment when I forgot I'd al ready posted for this!

Queen – Liar Lyrics 18 years ago
This is like having two different voices in you're head. I think the concept is Freddie having conflicting thoughts, he is wanting to confess his sins, but the shouting voice is saying "Liar" almost like a voice in his head accusing him. I think it is this voice that wins out over his own confession and asking for help, as you can see from the end of the song. It is a really aazing concept, I think it is supposed to be a similar concept to Eminem's "Guilty Conscience," with the two voices inside you arguing.

Queen – Bicycle Race Lyrics 18 years ago
Well at least someone stood up for their convictions at a time when the world was Star Wars mad.

Queen – One Vision Lyrics 18 years ago
Yes, Roger said this was originally about Martin Luther King, and then he says what Miss Anie quoted above. Being a vegetarian, I just feel sorry for the chicken.

Queen – Sweet Lady Lyrics 18 years ago
You call me sweet like I'm some kind of cheese?!?! Ha ha haaaaaaaaa! I always crack up in hysterics when I hear that! Brian did have a few strange moments.

Queen – All Dead, All Dead Lyrics 18 years ago
Her own sweet song is purring, isn't it?

Queen – Don't Try Suicide Lyrics 18 years ago
This song certainly isn't one of their best toput it mildly. The album it is off, The Game is pretty dire as well (except for a few singles). It is like they couldn't be bothered to write decent songs. Forget about Don't Try Suicide, it makes me want to commit suicide it is so bad...

Queen – All God's People Lyrics 18 years ago
All God's People was written with Mike Moran for the Barcelona album (which is a must listen). For some reason it was not put on the album, and ended up as a Queen track on Innuendo.

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