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Nine Inch Nails – My Violent Heart Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is great. I wasn't expecting such a refined sound. The programming is fucking brilliant.

Before reading anything about the album or this song, I thought it sounded pretty political. Pretty direct lyrics if it does refer to any part of the War in Iraq. Specifically the first verse, mentioning bulletholes, violence and compassion, all of which are an obvious part of war. The first lines refer to two different types of people which could mean those who are devastated by this war and those which perhaps are just...objective and cannot understand. I have no clue. I am still getting my head around this. This is GREAT!

Fischerspooner – Fucker Lyrics 18 years ago

Puscifer – The Undertaker (Renholder Mix) Lyrics 18 years ago
By saying it's a scrap song off the first Underworld soundtrack, I didn't mean it was a bad song. It's a fantastic song and now that I think of it, it does have a pretty NIN feel to it.

As far as lyrics go, I guess it could be about... being unmerciful.

Nine Inch Nails – Gone, Still Lyrics 18 years ago
I have to agree with 'the prolonged feeling of losing hope', it definitely has that feeling to me with only the usage of music and obviously no lyrics.

You can get so easily captured into Nine Inch Nails' instrumental works, especially the piano based ones.

Nine Inch Nails – Adrift and at Peace Lyrics 18 years ago
This is truly a very, very beautiful song. The first time I heard it was lying in bed at a friends house, he'd fallen asleep and given me the Still album just that night. I knew that it was a rather 'calm' album in contrast to most of NIN's releases so I chucked it on, hopped into bed in hope of trailing off to sleep.

Then this song started to play and it struck me, it was so beautiful and calming. It's lovely, it's peaceful. It just brings you back to all those moments in your life where everything was okay and serene and you can see all the beauty that is really in life but hidden among all the troubles and struggles that we have to deal with.

This song would be a good one to play at a funeral, I'm considering it myself. :P It's just so... ohh. It reminds me of The Great Below, where you get this fantastic mind image of how calming the ocean is and how it can take away everything and just leave you at the center of the world, where everything is just fine. Except this song doesn't just give me an image of the ocean but of everything in this world that I find or found beautiful.

/End rant.

Tool – 10,000 Days (Wings Pt. 2) Lyrics 18 years ago
This is fantastic shit, who the fuck cares if this is a decoy album? Clearly this is about his mother, it's beautiful. It really is the most brilliant piece of music I have heard in yonks. It's amazingly written. Ohhh. Sorry for the pointless-ish post.

-Katie. xoxo.

Tool – Wings for Marie (Pt. 1) Lyrics 18 years ago
This is the most beautiful thing since Disposition. Definitely about his mother, obviously. Her faith, obviously. Ah, Wings For Marie Pt I and II are the most insanely beautiful and personal songs that I think Maynard has ever written.

-Katie. xoxo.

Nine Inch Nails – Into the Void Lyrics 18 years ago
Haha, Last comment made me chuckle. And I agree with the first comment with a mixture of all the others, minus Trevor's, of course.

-Katie. xoxo.

Nine Inch Nails – The Big Come Down Lyrics 18 years ago
The title automatically makes me think of drugs and I guess if you look it from a drug perspective, the song could easily be about drugs but the songs 'feel', to me, doesn't seem to be alluding to anything like drugs at all but just life in general. Trying to make shit work out but giving up and just ruining it all.

-Katie. xoxo.

Nine Inch Nails – I'm Looking Forward to Joining You, Finally Lyrics 18 years ago
I'd have to take a logical stab in the dark and say this song is about how vulnerable Trent was when his grandmother died. How he tried not be affected but alas it caught up with him. I really enjoy this song and the bass. It's not a powerful, in-your-face NIN song, it's just a simple, nice, catchy NIN song that perfectly fits the lyrics and vocals.

-Katie. xoxo.

Nine Inch Nails – Not So Pretty Now Lyrics 18 years ago
If you want Not So Pretty Now email me.

-Katie. xoxo.

Nine Inch Nails – Not So Pretty Now Lyrics 18 years ago

Massive Attack – Protection Lyrics 18 years ago
Beautiful song. Just about accepting when you someone may not want your help with something but you should always be there for them, for protection. You may not be able to change the way they think, cheer them up or whatever, but you can still be there for them when they want to talk, when they need your love and when they need protection.

-Katie. xoxo.

Massive Attack – Inertia Creeps Lyrics 18 years ago
This song is incredible. Thanks for the info, bocmaxima.

-Katie. xoxo.

Green Day – American Idiot Lyrics 18 years ago
Ledhed4ever, I think you actually meant aweful, not awful.

-Katie. xoxo.

Shihad – Home Again Lyrics 18 years ago
This reminds me of my niece. Seeing as I don't have children, my niece is the closest thing to a child that I have and when I'm away from her I'm all ahh and grr and sad and all that nonsense. And this song just reminds me of how much I love my niece, how much she loves me and yep...

-Katie. xoxo.

PS: Fuck, Shihad are good.

Hilary Duff – The Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room Lyrics 18 years ago
Those are some pretty darn good lyrics, folks...

But seriously, I think Hilary Duff is a lovely young girl.

-Katie. xoxo.

Soulwax – Compute Lyrics 18 years ago
This song is so feel good. I can just sit around, blare this song, and feel sort of good while working or doing study or blah blah.

This song, for me, is about just having that day where you are just having a great time. Really enjoying yourself, the sun is shining, you have no work, everything is going fine with your partner but deep down theres just feeling like something is wrong. And this feeling becomes heavier and heavier.

And for some reason I associate the word 'compute' with like... calculators and computers. Like to compute is to use a calculator or computer to figure out something. Something that you can probably figure out for yourself but you just can't. And this thing in your life that is upsetting you can only be found with the help of another.


-Katie. xoxo.

Saul Williams – List of Demands (Reparations) Lyrics 18 years ago
This song reminds me of Ani DiFranco's "Self evident" For some reason I get the feeling that, in this song, Saul Williams is trying to say that the people talking and the people pretending to care about very significant and life changing events are just posers. Like, how Ani DiFranco talks about the reporters of the 9/11 tragedy, just reporting the event and not really caring about it. Genuinely caring about the event.

We've gotta live hand to mouth. If you wanna see changes, you make the changes. You don't stand about complaining and whining with the masses. Green Day's American Idiot springs to mind...

-Katie. xoxo.

Skinny Puppy – Pro Test Lyrics 18 years ago
I think it's a fabulous song. = )

-Katie. xoxo.

Saul Williams – Penny For A Thought Lyrics 18 years ago
I have to agree. This is art, my friends, this is art.

-Katie. xoxo.

Ani DiFranco – Self Evident Lyrics 18 years ago
This song is fucking incredible. The way she sings, her rhythm. It's insane. She's incredible. The words. The flows. This is an anthem.

-Katie. xoxo.

Face to Face – You Lied Lyrics 18 years ago
Trevor looks cooler.

-Katie. xoxo.

Green Day – American Idiot Lyrics 18 years ago
What are you on about, kid? I LOVE this song!!

-Katie. xoxo.

Bic Runga – Sway Lyrics 18 years ago
Go Bic Runga and go NZ music, I agree. Why this was used in American Pie is beyond me... Haha.

-Katie. xoxo.

Puscifer – The Undertaker (Renholder Mix) Lyrics 18 years ago
This is probably a scrap song left over from the original Underworld soundtrack. Don't go jumping ahead thinking they'll be a full length Puscifer album or anything. But I guess it's still a possibility...

Neat song. (If you want me to send it to you, three underscores by the way)

-Katie. xoxo.

Green Day – Jesus of Suburbia Lyrics 18 years ago
That was the worst comment. Ever.

-Katie. xoxo.

Green Day – American Idiot Lyrics 18 years ago
Bono has done alot for the world, Billie Joe just hasn't. Don't compare some bar chord kid to musicians like U2. The significant people Bono has brought together to support fabulous causes, the money and time Bono has spent on making the world a little bit more better than it is now and most certainly, Bono's charity, are evidence enough that for chrissake now, Green Day shouldn't be compared to U2.

Bono isn't some whiny ass kid following the Bush hating kids, Bono is doing something about the problem.

-Katie. xoxo.

Ani DiFranco – My I.Q. Lyrics 18 years ago
This is a truly well written song. Ani Difranco deserves double credit for this genius of a song. What a fabulous musician.

-Katie. xoxo.

Green Day – American Idiot Lyrics 18 years ago
TaytorTot, I guess your favorite band is Joy Division.

-Katie. xoxo.

Ani DiFranco – Callous Lyrics 18 years ago
I never really thought about it but yeah, it sort of sounds like the song is about her divorce.

"and by the time we'd come full circle
we knew exactly what to do
just keep looking at the triangle
instead of what it's pointing to"

Particularly good lyric. This is a very gorgeous song of hers.

-Katie. xoxo.

Failure – Enjoy the Silence (Depeche Mode cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
You're wrong.

-Katie. xoxo.

Failure – Saturday Saviour Lyrics 18 years ago
I sort of agree with the above comment. Theres a guy or a girl, I guess, and he just isn't what his partner percieves him to be.

He probably has the ability to change, just to be a better self, but he doesn't want to/doesn't think it will help/doesn't think he could do it.

"I'm never gonna long for life,
Quite like you do."

-Katie. xoxo.

Failure – Smoking Umbrellas Lyrics 18 years ago
What a scary dream. I guess this song could be a whole metaphor for being in a position where you can't do something to help a situation and you just keep getting back in the same position and you don't know how the fuck you got there AGAIN, let alone how to get yourself out of the situation.

-Katie. xoxo.

Failure – Pitiful Lyrics 18 years ago
I have to agree. Sounds like a whole drug fuelled song.

Eww caps.

-Katie. xoxo.

Failure – The Nurse Who Loved Me Lyrics 18 years ago
With a name like Parabola, I thought you might be another Maynard fan-boy/girl. But it seems your name is only reference to mathematics...

Eww caps.

-Katie. xoxo.

Failure – The Nurse Who Loved Me Lyrics 18 years ago
I see this song is some sort of crazy relationship, yeah. More than a drug addiction. But heck, each to their own. Obviously, I heard the A Perfect Circle version before the original but I have to say that I sort of rather prefer the A Perfect Circle version. Maynard's vocals are alot more... emotional.

-Katie. xoxo.

The Westside Connection – Westward Ho Lyrics 18 years ago
Just listen to that bass... Neat for a rap song.

-Katie. xoxo.

The Westside Connection – Westward Ho Lyrics 18 years ago
I'm not a hip hop kid but Westside Connections are cool. And this song is pretty neat. Who knows what it means, though. Rap doesn't usually have meanings that are worthy of deep thought and interpretation...

-Katie. xoxo.

AFI – God Called In Sick Today Lyrics 18 years ago
And also, to the person who asked, I'm pretty sure Davey's parents were never murdered... His mother's still alive, right?, so clearly she wasn't murdered at any point of time.

-Katie. xoxo.

AFI – God Called In Sick Today Lyrics 18 years ago
my heart bleeds 4u:

i dont understand any of you..i dont get why people try to sit there for hours and analyze songs. songs were not made for you to uncover that persons every feeling..atleast i dont think so. all i think is important is for you to put it in your own meaning? who cares about what daveys meaning was??


i bet myheartbleeds isn't a fan of Tool.


But being on topic; I also, like an earlier comment posted, think this is about Jesus. Jesus' stuggle, Jesus' omnipotence and Jesus' general out-look on everything and yep.

-Katie. xoxo.

The Cure – The Hanging Garden Lyrics 18 years ago
I like NoSocialGroup's thoughts on this song more than Robert Smith's...

-Katie. xoxo.

AFI – The Hanging Garden (The Cure cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
AFI doesn't try and emulate Robert Smith which is kind of neat.

I think this song, and this is just a stab in the dark, may be about animals... Or humans...

-Katie. xoxo.

AFI – Strength Through Wounding Lyrics 18 years ago
This is a freaken sweet song. Unity, fo surezzz.

-Katie. xoxo.

AFI – My Michelle (Guns N Roses cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
Davey is a pretty good Axl emulater. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing special.

-Katie. xoxo.

AFI – Miseria Cantare: The Beginning Lyrics 18 years ago
It's a song, for me, about new beginnings. Starting over. Not being content with the mediocre. Making something out of nothing. You get the gist.

"Love your hate" translates, for me, to something along the times of "To embrace true happiness, you must first endure the lowest of lows. To embrace true love, you must first endure loss. To embrace success, you must first endure failure" That sort of stuff. Just to appreciate the bad stuff that happens.

Sing the Sorrow. Misery Will Sing. Appreciate your sadness. If you get hurt, you learn, and then you can fully embrace happiness when it rolls it's head around the corner.


-Katie. xoxo.

AFI – Ever And A Day Lyrics 18 years ago
I guess my interpretation of this gorgeous song is a little different from the others but heres my two cents:

I definitely agree with the fact this song is about losing someone. And then being fucked. Being put in a positition that you can't get out of and you can't change. Obviously, as stated in the freaken lyrics, Davey's lost everything and now he has nothing left to lose.

But then I think something else... Oohhh. Intrigueing.

I'm a modern day Judas!

I think that the questions that Davey is asking are rhetoric. He knows what he knows and he believes it. He's not asking if you'll be the one who'll help him out of this, he knows he can't get out. He's not asking if you can fuck his life anymore, because it's already been fucked to the point of no return.

With the line:
So I lie in this field bathed in the light that loves me, with nothing left to lose.
I think, well my interpretation is, that Davey is content with where things are at. Things can't get worse and he doesn't have it in him to try. He's happy, probably the wrong word, he's 'complacant' now. Forever and a day.

And um, yep.

-Katie. xoxo.

AFI – Head Like a Hole (Nine Inch Nails cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
Um, you can like, get it off Limewire and stuff. Or just add me to MSN. My screenname +

This is a pretty decent cover, I must say. I'm a fan of both bands. Moreso of NIN but heck... I have to agree with the first few decent comments made about this song being about inconsiderate people. I really don't see any other meaning. I guess it could be alot more deep... But anyhow.

Davey's voice is pretty sweet and all but Trent Reznor has the whole grungy/raw/not sweet and not flowing voice. His vocals are all... Oh, I don't know. But NIN's version is heavier with the vocals alone. And then theres all the heavier synth stuff happening. And AFI's is just sweet and nice and catchy whereas NIN's is an 'Industrial anthem' as someone above mentioned. That really biased Nine Inch Nails fan.

I sort of like the whole techno/drum break down part in AFI's version. They didn't slaughter this song. They did a pretty darn good job. Even if I do find the bass playing in their cover a little bit annoying...

Davey's a good vocalist. But Trent Reznor, now, he is just a plain legend...

-Katie. xoxo.

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