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Rise Against – Swing Life Away Lyrics 18 years ago
this song is SO different from other rise agaisnt stuff and its my favorite by far. the lyrics are so perfect. its jsut about enjoying life and taking it as it comes. not trying to make sense of it. sooo true bc if you try to make sens eof lif e it just gets too confusing.

Eagles – Life In The Fast Lane Lyrics 18 years ago
all yall are true. its about this couple partying and they keep going and going even though they know it wille ventually catch up with them and the cocaine drugs etc are in a weird what keesp them going while destryong them

Bonnie Mckee – Trouble Lyrics 18 years ago
whoa no ones ocmmented yet!
i love the beat to this song it totally matches the songs meaning and all. its about a girl who listened to this smooth talker and let him take her farther than she intended to go then she found out that he wasnt what she thought he was because he let her down. and she knows hes bad for her but everytime she sees him and they get together she forgets why she shoudlnt have him.

Ben Folds – Not The Same Lyrics 18 years ago
this song is so cool!
i kind of htink of it as a double meaning
ifd you listen to it in a christian mindset its about a kid that found jesus after going to a crazy party.
on the other hand its all about drugs and in a weird way, it compares christianity and jesus. but itmakes sense. for example......
You took the word and made it heard
And eased the people’s pain and for that
You were idolised, immortalised
And you were not the same after that

this can be about finding jesus and how he eass the pain or it can be abot the effect of the drugs
same with idolized and immortalized. both drugs and jesus are idolized.
then "you got one good trick and youre hanging on to it" his can be devotion to jesus or an addiction/dependency on the drug
in the end there really is no difference between a savior and drugs because they both take you to another place and make you forget all the pain in your life while your under their influence.
oh and one other thing. there was an accident a couple years ago where some kid on an acid trip drowned in the puddle at the bottom of a water slide while he was high. ("till someone died on the waterslide")
"look in your eyes" evangelical glee or red eye?
but i thought all the parallels were very interesting and its a very good comparision.
PS isnt robert sledge the bassist for ben folds 5?

Armor for Sleep – Dream To Make Believe Lyrics 18 years ago
i love this song so so true. prob one of their best

Rent – Today 4 U Lyrics 18 years ago
whoa jsut got that. thanks everyone above me! i lvoe this song any time it comes on when im listeining to the cd i HVAE to get up an dance. its funny i have the mental pic of angel in my head and all. this is definetely my happy song.

Rent – I Should Tell You Lyrics 18 years ago
i love this song its so true. everyone has baggage and if youre scared of getting hurt you're never going to learn or live. so you just have to trust that it will all be ok and just let go.

Wicked – As Long as You're Mine Lyrics 18 years ago
oh snao first person ever ever ever to comment on a wicked song. thats right. i love thsi song. definetley one of my fav songs in the play and in general. its so true too bc you never knwo what will happen in relationships so you should just cherish every momen until its over then smiel bc it happened.

Motion City Soundtrack – My Favorite Accident Lyrics 18 years ago
"you say we were an accident, with accidents you never know what could happen, so we were an accident, you'll always be my favorite one"
i love it becasue it can be about relationships and the guy that was all wrong but made you better or made you learn or it can be about mistakes. even the stupidest thigns you do can turn out alright because you learn form them.

The Spill Canvas – The Tide Lyrics 18 years ago
i abcoluitely love this song bc you can relate to all 3 kids
veronica is trying to fill the hole in her soul by tryign new experoences
vada is too scared of getting hurt like she saw her mother get hurt so she hides in ehr shell
and dade who even though he thinks he doesnt know anythign and is pondering life, he has more knowledge than anyone has or ever wil because he knows his father isnt comign back and accepts it
and i love the live for the moment part bc its sosososo true. hehe feeling dorkish but i can relate to this song sooooo mcuh and i love it!

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