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Misfits – Bruiser (If Looks Could Kill) Lyrics 16 years ago
From a music standpoint, it sounds like they took this song apart and used it for Descending Angel from Famous Monsters.

Faith No More – Be Aggressive Lyrics 18 years ago
Or course, Marilyn Manson had to rip this shit off like the true innovator he is.

Faith No More – The Real Thing Lyrics 18 years ago
Epic told you about it, The Real Thing describes it... but the meaning is still open for interpretation.

The entire album seemed to be connected, so I wouldn't be surprised if the songs were linked.

Faith No More – Anne's Song Lyrics 18 years ago
One of the weakest songs from the Introduce Yourself album seriously, but wasn't this included on the most recent Best Of FNM compilation? WTF?!

Faith No More – Ashes to Ashes Lyrics 18 years ago
Patton understands lyrics better than most, as in every song he's written, there's been a very blurred direction, open for interpretation relying on the listener to determine a meaning for themselves, so songs become personal - it's a beautiful talent. :)

Faith No More – Naked In Front Of The Computer Lyrics 18 years ago
It may just be as simple as relationships people have with their computers - be it, just a general comment on society rather than a personal experience - hence being naked while using it. It's a 'love' ' hate' relationship... eh, just a random comment fro me.

Anthrax – What Doesn't Die Lyrics 18 years ago
"A stream of consciousness flows into a river of blood
Stem this tide of violence
as it rises like a flood"

These lines would have me believe this song has something to with a mental condition causing random outbursts of anger that cannot be controlled.

I'm sure there's a great deal more to this song, though.

Anthrax – Safe Home Lyrics 18 years ago
I've found two possible meanings: One is perhaps the song is be about finding your perfect partner. This person completes you in so many ways and you wonder how you ever lived without them.

Also, it could be about moving on from the death of a loved one and the memory/spirit of them is stronger than the physical being.

Eh, either way, a great song. Crap video though, haha.

Megadeth – Mechanix Lyrics 18 years ago
I still don't know to this day how Mustaine manages to scream "Made my ball bearing melt from the heat" to the rhythm of the song, it's insane I tells ya'!

Mad Capsule Markets – Bit Crusherrrr Lyrics 18 years ago
A simplistic riff, a well produced song.

Amen – Everything Is Untrue Lyrics 18 years ago
I'm sure there's a line in this song that goes "and I just feed my gun/god to the starving"...

Downer – Last Time Lyrics 18 years ago
An amazing song.

The song is about suicide and the mentality behind it.

Guns N' Roses – Civil War Lyrics 18 years ago
"We got the wall of D.C. to remind us all
That you can't trust freedom
when it's not in your hands
When everybody's fightin'
for their promised land"

Everybody has their own vision of freedom/peace and because of this, there will always be part of the world or country that in someway disagrees with the "perfect vision".

Brand New – Guernica Lyrics 18 years ago
A great song - perhaps my favourite Brand New track. The thing I noticed about the whole Deja Entendu album was how every song could have so many different and clear interpretations depending on your emotional state.

The first time I heard this song, I thought it was about how he became emotionally distant from a girlfriend who he's known since childhood and how he only begins to realise what he's got when they're not around...

Megadeth – Holy Wars... The Punishment Due Lyrics 18 years ago
The very core of the song is about the negative impact religion has on the world. The lyrics make mention to terrorism and how insane the theory behind murder justified by religious beliefs, is.

Megadeth – Ashes In Your Mouth Lyrics 18 years ago
Defiantly one of the best songs from CTD.

"Melting down all metals, turning plows and shears to swords
Shun words of the Bible, we need implements of war
Chalklines and red puddles of those who have been slain
Destiny, that crooked schemer, says the dead shall rise again"

Certainly a message of anti-war. But I believe it's about government creating their own Judgement day, their own vision of Armageddon to free the world of evil, expecting their good to win... perhaps from a power crazed leader?

CKY – 96 Quite Bitter Beings Lyrics 18 years ago
I remember when I first heard this song, the first meaning that came to me was "outcasts of mainstream society, refusing to be brainwashed". Meh.

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